Jesus was a Jew. Why do some Christians and Muslims hate Jews?

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Greatest I am, Jan 7, 2020.

  1. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    I assume that you're aware that millions of Jews under Nazi control were not incarcerated just as 150,000 Jews served in Hitler's military(1) and rose to the highest ranks while receiving Germany's highest military honors with the full knowledge and approval of Hitler & the Nazi High Command.

    I believe that Hitler was conflicted in his feeling about Jews.

    On one hand, he obviously hated the Communist Jews who threatened to take over Germany and whose machinations caused Germany so much misery (boycotts, their role in drawing up the Treaty of Versailles etc).

    On the other hand, he seemed fond of the individual Jews who fought loyally for Germany in WW 1 (2), his former Jewish commander, and his young Jewish friend, Rosa Nienau who shared his birthday(3).

    (1) “Hitler’s Jewish Army”

    EXCERPT “Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the German military with Adolf Hitler’s knowledge and approval.

    In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded(*)Germany’s highest military honor, the Knight’s Cross.

    Jews also served in the Nazi police and security forces as ghetto police(Ordnungdienst)(*)and concentration camp guards(*)(kapos).

    So what happens to the claim that Hitler sought to exterminate all Jews, when he allowed some of them to join in his struggle against Bolshevism and International finance capitalism?

    “If the Jews were permitted to serve in Hitler’s armed forces then there could not have been a Holocaust.”CONTINUED

    (2) "When Hitler Honored Jewish Soldiers"

    EXCERPT "The Nazi regime conferred honors on many of the 100,000 Jews who fought in the German army in the Great War, even on some who had already escaped to Palestine."CONTINUED

    (3). "Remarkable tale of Hitler's young Jewish friend"

    EXCERPT "According to the auction website, Rosa and her mother had joined the crowds outside Hitler's Alpine retreat Berghof in 1933 on his birthday.

    It is thought that when he discovered Rosa had the same birthday, he invited Rosa and her mother Karoline up to the house - where these photographs were taken.

    Not long afterwards, it was discovered that Karoline's mother had been Jewish, making Rosa Jewish in the eyes of the Nazi state.

    Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES

    Image captionHitler continued the friendship despite knowing her Jewish heritage

    But this did not dissuade Hitler from carrying on his friendship with girl, to whom he had sent a signed copy of the photograph.

    "The dear and [considerate?] Rosa Nienau Adolf Hitler Munich, the 16th June 1933," he wrote.

    Rosa, it appears, later added her own stamp to the photo, drawing flowers onto the black-and-white image.

    She would write to Hitler and his aide Wilhelm Bruckner on at least 17 occasions between 1935 and 1938, until she and her mother, a widow, were told to cut off contact by the Nazi leader's private secretary, Martin Bormann."CONTINUED
  2. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    Nazis imprisoned and murdered millions of Jews. As far those who served in the Nazi military, I've already addressed that. Hitler wasn't "conflicted" about his feelings regarding Jews. Read Mein Kampf. There is no such "conflicted" view when it came to his rabid racism.

    When they were murdering Jews, including children, they didn't stop to ask their views on economics.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2020
  3. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    The nazis kept extremely detailed records of every activity in the camp, including executions and the reason why they were executed just like we do here in the states, produce those records.
  4. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    There is absolutely no hard evidence to support the holocaust myth since fraudulent horror stories and piles of typhus ridden bodies do not prove a genocidal agenda.

    I, too have written extensively about this topic on a related thread:
    "About the Holocaust"

    I hope you'll understand that stating "I've already addressed that." is hardly a compelling rebuttal to an additional fact that makes the holocaust myth impossible.

    What I have noticed in your previous Posts is a misperception that most people believe the holocaust story while the reverse is actually true.
    Briefly put, far fewer people believe the standard holocaust narrative than reject it as the crass and overexploited conspiracy theory it is.


    EXCERPT “Only 54 percent of the world's population has heard of the Holocaust.

    This is the most staggering statistic in a new survey by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of more than 53,000 people in over 100 countries, conducted by First International Resources.

    Only a third of the world's population believe the genocide has been accurately described in historical accounts.

    Some said they thought the number of people who died has been exaggerated; others said they believe it's a myth.

    Thirty percent of respondents said it's probably true that "Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust."

    - Hindus were most likely to believe that the number of Holocaust deaths has been exaggerated.

    - people younger than 65 were much more likely to say they believe that facts about the Holocaust have been distorted”CONTINUED
  5. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    There is plenty of evidence. Meanwhile, polls about how many people have fallen for neo-Nazi propaganda having nothing to do with historical fact. The number of people who deny the Holocaust has nothing to do with whether or not it happened. The number of people who think the earth is flat has nothing to do with whether or not it is.

    Stop buying the BS and start thinking critically. Some people who were part Jewish serving the Nazis does not prove the Holocaust didn't happen any more than a swimming pool does.
  6. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    What about the millions murdered in the death camps run by the J-Ws?
    Ok then why cant you produce it? :smoking:
    Sure it does when the alleged holocaust 'facts' have been proven to be holohoax lies and more people every day are finding out about the truth.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2020
  7. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    you call this running away? LMAO

    I asked for construction plans. your opinion is not evidence yardmeat.

    You see intelligent well researched people, usually labeled holocaust deniers are trying to believe, they truly want to be believers! To become believers they need the construction plans and with the contruction plans it can be seen if there was anything diabolical going on.

    But as usual, you got nothing and you dont care that you have nothing because you think you can win peoples minds with a song and dance and incessant name calling!

    I hope they are smarter than that.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Deborah E Lipstadt

    Wed 9 Sep 2009 07.05 EDT
    First published on Wed 9 Sep 2009 07.05 EDT

    The Nazis' war against the Jews was founded on traditional antisemitism [WTF???] melded with the pseudoscientific concept of a centuries-old purebred "Aryan" race locked in a mortal battle with a diabolical Jewish "race". This was a war of survival. Because they constituted a biological threat, Jews could do nothing to render themselves "acceptable". [but you started the war J-W Deborah E Lipstadt]

    The Holocaust is the systematic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of approximately 6 million Jews by Nazi Germany between 1941 and 1945. [But Declaring war to starve Germany is just Jim Dandy with the J-W Deborah E Lipstadt] The Germans planned to murder every Jew – irrespective of nationality, age, gender or economic status – they could find.

    Thats what Im talkin bout!

    If the slave staate revolts and throws the J-W Masters in prison for

    declaing war on against the state its PERSECUTION, but when the Japs

    declare war against america and america threw them in prison its just

    jimmy ding dong dandy break out the champagne and lets celebrate!

    WTF is up with that peeps?

    Here they are still claiming the 6 million pretending that no where near 6 million J-Ws died, census proved that.

    J-Ws declare war on Germany then LABEL themselves PERSECUTED when hitler throws their asses in the clink!

    Hitler had more than 150,000 'Jewish' officers several of them high ranking and chosen by hitler personally in his army and you want people to believe hitler was a diabolical antisemetist racist?

    Explain how those contradictions work for us yardmeat
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2020
    The Wyrd of Gawd likes this.
  8. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    Has there been another exodus from Stormfront or something? Neo-nazi apologists are coming out of the woodwork.
  9. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    Whats stormfront?
    NM just looked it up.

    So please provide a list of Marxi-Zio-Commie sites that have the J-W's good housekeeping sanitized stamp of approval for slave consumption?
  10. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    If you'd like to discuss this topic further, I'd very much like to do so with civility and mutual respect. Every other time I have attempted to discuss the Holocaust, the other person who does believe the Holocaust myth has either been evasive and/or resorted to slander, flame bait etc. I'm sure we can do better than that.

    As I see it, refusing to believe the physically impossible standard holocaust narrative has nothing to do with pro Nazi or anti Jewish sentiment. It is simply an ability to look at this one of many mass tragedies with an objective and critical eye rather than blindly believing residual Allied propaganda and the outright lies promulgated by what Norman Finkelstein calls "The Holocaust Industry" and its complicit MSM.

    I'm about 70 years old and have live, studied and worked in Europe for years. Over the decades, I've known dozens of Holocaust survivors and WW 2 Veterans from both sides of the war in the European theater. Not one of these authentic survivors or former soldiers from either side has spoken of a genocidal agenda, homicidal gas chamber or deliberate attempted mass starvation. Very few of the former German camp inmates had direct contacts with the German guards & staff but they did complain about cruel Kapos, typhus and food & medicine shortages especially toward the end of the war.

    On the other hand, the temptation to lie for the sake of quick fame and easy money is too much for the many who serve as "eyewitnesses" who recite the myths fed to them by the Holocaust Industry - Lobby.

    For example:

    "Could there be anything more twisted than these Holocaust fantasists? How more and more people are making up memoirs about witnessing Nazi crimes"

    EXCERPT "Unfortunately, despite all these examples, publishers are still wilfully selling suspect memoirs based on the Holocaust and the war.

    No doubt there will be more books of this type. With publishers fighting it out to sell the latest tale of World War II derring-do, or Holocaust misery, it seems unlikely this is a genre that will die out.

    Anybody reading these books should stop and ask themselves whether what they hold in their hands is, in fact, true." CONTINUED

    So, you have eyewitnesses who lie and the ones who tell the truth have their stories repressed by the fraudulent Holocaust Industry - Lobby but it is the absence of hard evidence that proves the standard holocaust narrative is a lie.

    By "hard evidence", I mean a written order from Hitler calling for the extermination of Europe's Jews & other "undesirables", a genuine homicidal gas chamber or authentic ruin of one, intercepted German radio transmissions that document a genocide, an observation of genocide by an impartial observer like the Red Cross, a number of authentic mass graves that is commensurate with "millions executed", or some mention of a genocide in the post war books of Eisenhower, de Gaulle, or Churchill.
    None of these examples of hard evidence exist or ever existed.

    The only things that have duped people into believing the standard holocaust narrative have been fictitious stories, residual, WW 2 Allied propaganda and a glut of taxpayer funded, grisly Holocaust theme parks.

    There is absolutely no hard evidence to support the fictional holocaust narrative. Why?
  11. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    You can't claim to want a civil discussion while also throwing out "Allied propaganda" and "the fraudulent Holocaust Industry." If you'd like hard evidence, you can find it in the RationalWiki article I posted on Holocaust Denial.

    Of particular note is an audio recording of Himmler wherein he flatly admits to the genocidal agenda. It also has quotes from Hitler admitting to his plans for genocide before rising to power.

    You can also read Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers by Jean-Claude Pressac. Pressac was a Holocaust denier who decided to do a forensic investigation of Auschwitz. He came away no longer a denier. This book explains why.

    My grandfather suffered greatly in a Nazi prison camp as an enemy soldier. I see no civility in Holocaust denial.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2020
  12. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    stop making **** up

    Appeal to Pity :fart:

    ad misericordiam

    The attempt to distract from the truth of the conclusion by the use of pity.

    any claim you make without evidence is not true
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2020
  13. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    So let me get this straight then, Expert American and british Military Forensic Pathologists go in and cant find so much as ONE gazzed J-W out of thousands of autopsies, and you are calling them all LIARS?

    Seriously? We go in to save the J-Ws from the alleged ebol one and then conspire against the very people we lost thousands of our boys to save? Thats cold man!

    Allied Forensic Autopsies Confirm Disease, Not Gas

    Medical Doctors who entered camps affirm; No-one was deliberately murdered by Germans – Death was from disease and starvation only

    When American and British forces overran western and central Germany in the spring of 1945, they were followed by troops charged with discovering and securing any evidence of German war crimes.

    Among them was Dr. Charles Larson, one of America’s leading forensic pathologists, who was assigned to the US Army’s Judge Advocate General’s Department. As part of a US War Crimes Investigation Team, Dr. Larson performed autopsies at Dachau and some twenty other German camps, examining on some days more than 100 corpses. After his grim work at Dachau, he was questioned for three days by US Army prosecutors.

    Dr. Larson’s findings? In a 1980 newspaper interview he said: “What we’ve heard is that six million Jews were exterminated. Part of that is a hoax. And what part was the hoax?

    Dr. Larson, who told his biographer that to his knowledge he “was the only forensic pathologist on duty in the entire European Theatre” of Allied military operations, confirmed that “never was a case of poison gas uncovered.”

    Typhus, Not Poison Gas

    If not by gassing, how did the unfortunate victims at Dachau, Buchenwald and Bergen-Belsen perish? Were they tortured to death or deliberately starved? The answers to these questions are known as well.

    As Dr. Larson and other Allied medical men discovered, the chief cause of death at Dachau, Belsen and the other camps was DISEASE, above all TYPHUS, an old and terrible scourge of mankind that until recently flourished in places where populations were crowded together in circumstances where public health measures were unknown or had broken down. Such was the case in the overcrowded internment camps in Germany at wars end, where, despite such measures as systematic delousing, quarantine of the sick and cremation of the dead, the virtual collapse of Germany’s food, transport, and public health systems led to catastrophe, due to Allied military assault. source

    Why do you continue to post such nonsense?

    Hope this enlarged crayola helps.

    Tell us about this pathologist conspiracy you are claiming....

    Why would they want to do such a thing?

    Why would anyone even waste their their time considering pressacs 'hypotheses' and we have factual hard material evidence from the autopsies of the actual bodies claimed to have been gassed and the was no gazzed J-Ws? :roll: (I read and analyzed all that pressac **** years ago and it was a complete waste of time and energy)

    Last edited: Feb 17, 2020
  14. XploreR

    XploreR Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    I agree. :)
  15. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    So while you are ignoring all the facts, here are some more facts for you to ignore!


    This March 1941 book—written by a New Jersey Jewish-German émigré—caused a storm in Germany and America with its open advocacy of the 'physical' extermination of all Germans and Germany itself.

    This was to be achieved through a process of mass sterilization, and the physical dismemberment of that country. Arguing that Nazism was in fact just another expression of militant Germanism, the author said that the Germans would never change and the only way to end the ongoing struggle was to end Germany and the German people.

    Because of Kaufman’s claimed links to the policy advisors of the American president, Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels used the book to help encourage Germans to fight to the last. Ironically, significant sections of Kaufman’s book, despite being dismissed as the work of a loner, came true. At least 12 million Germans were expelled from their land following the end of the war, and their deportation became the single largest transfer of any population in modern European history, and one-third of German territory was ethnically cleansed of Germans and permanently seized. Although the sterilization plan was never implemented, the collapse in the German birth rate, predicted by the author, has occurred, and even this part of the plan seems set to become reality. As the author wrote:

    “Of course, after complete sterilization, there will cease to be a birth rate in Germany. At the normal death rate of 2 per cent per annum, German life will diminish at the rate of 1,500,000 yearly. Accordingly in the span of two generations that which cost millions of lives and centuries of useless effort, namely, the elimination of Germanism and its carriers, will have been an accomplished fact.”

    A SENSATIONAL IDEA!Time Magazine


    Civilized, Im sure yardmeat would think that is 'civilized'!
    This is an exact reproduction of the 1941 original, digitally reprocessed to the highest standards.

    Whats up with that yardmeat?

    Your J-W pals declared they wanted to exterminate all Germans, and there is is black font on white paper.

    I bet that just happened to slip the minds of your gubmint sponsored primer school to teach you the facts.

    Why do we have your Marxi-Zionist-Commie J-W pals calling for genocidal anihilation of all germans?
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2020
  16. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    The truth that the history deniers are still trying desperately to hide:

    "I also want to mention a very difficult subject before you here, completely openly.

    It should be discussed amongst us, and yet, nevertheless, we will never speak about it in public.

    Just as we did not hesitate on June 30 to carry out our duty, as ordered, and stand comrades who had failed against the wall and shoot them.

    About which we have never spoken, and never will speak.

    That was, thank God, a kind of tact natural to us, a foregone conclusion of that tact, that we have never conversed about it amongst ourselves, never spoken about it, everyone shuddered, and everyone was clear that the next time, he would do the same thing again, if it were commanded and necessary.

    I am talking about the 'Jewish evacuation': the extermination of the Jewish people.

    And then along they all come, all the 80 million upright Germans, and each one has his decent Jew. They say: all the others are swine, but here is a first-class Jew.

    And none of them has seen it, has endured it. Most of you will know what it means when 100 bodies lie together, when there are 500, or when there are 1000. And to have seen this through, and — with the exception of human weaknesses — to have remained decent, has made us hard and is a page of glory never mentioned and never to be mentioned.

    Because we know how difficult things would be, if today in every city during the bomb attacks, the burdens of war and the privations, we still had Jews as secret saboteurs, agitators and instigators. We would probably be at the same stage as 1916-17, if the Jews still resided in the body of the German people.

    We have taken away the riches that they had, and I have given a strict order, which Obergruppenführer Pohl has carried out, we have delivered these riches completely to the Reich, to the State. We have taken nothing from them for ourselves. A few, who have offended against this, will be [judged] in accordance with an order, that I gave at the beginning: He who takes even one Mark of this is a dead man.

    A number of SS men have offended against this order. There are not very many, and they will be dead men — WITHOUT MERCY! We have the moral right, we had the duty to our people to do it, to kill this people who wanted to kill us. But we do not have the right to enrich ourselves with even one fur, with one Mark, with one cigarette, with one watch, with anything. That we do not have. Because at the end of this, we don't want, because we exterminated the bacillus, to become sick and die from the same bacillus.

    I will never see it happen, that even one bit of putrefaction comes in contact with us, or takes root in us. On the contrary, where it might try to take root, we will burn it out together. But altogether we can say: We have carried out this most difficult task for the love of our people. And we have taken on no defect within us, in our soul, or in our character.

    . . .

    We came to the question: what to do with the women and children? I decided to find a clear solution here as well. I did not consider myself justified to exterminate the men — that is, to kill them or have them killed — and allow the avengers of our sons and grandsons in the form of their children to grow up. The difficult decision had to be taken to make this people disappear from the earth. For the organisation which had to execute this task, it was the most difficult which we had ever had. But it was accomplished, and without — I believe I can say — our men and their leaders suffering any mental or spiritual damage."

    Heinrich Himmler, 1943
  17. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    theres a 99.9% chance you have no clue what so ever what he is talking about!

    Care to tell us......

    Dem dar germans cant do nuttin right!



    So whats all that about yardmeat? Got any clues yet?
  18. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    What a bunch of healthy looking kids.
  19. Pisa

    Pisa Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2016
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    Google found the 22 February 1991 edition of the Jewish Press magazine, but couldn't find the newspaper from the previous day, only supposed screenshots of the front page on Holocaust deniers' sites. The heading of the alleged 21 February edition is different though, resembling the heading of the newspaper as it is today, not as it was in 1991.

    This is the 22 February newspaper:

    This is the alleged 21 February newspaper:

    This is how the newspaper looks today:

    Well...turns out the Jewish Press was a weekly magazine until 2001. There couldn't have been a 21th February issue and a 22th February issue. Since the heading used for the alleged 21th issue is obviously wrong, the supposed article about Iraqi gas chambers never existed. It's all a fake, a meme created to discredit Jews.
    yardmeat likes this.
  20. Pisa

    Pisa Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2016
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    It's not there indeed. The data for 1949 is not from the Almanac. Holocaust deniers assembled an ungodly puzzle whose pieces don't really fit together, but if it seems to validate their blind hatred, who cares.
    yardmeat likes this.
  21. Thingamabob

    Thingamabob Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 12, 2017
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    I care. That is why if there is a claim that Jews were not sent to the gas chambers then I want proof of it before I accept it.

    People who are confused should watch "Shoah"

    Last edited: Feb 18, 2020
  22. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    false cause fallacy, gotta do better than that.
  23. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    Did you lose your glasses too?

    Allied Forensic Autopsies Confirm Disease, Not Gas

    Medical Doctors who entered camps affirm; No-one was deliberately murdered by Germans – Death was from disease and starvation only

    Dr. Larson, who told his biographer that to his knowledge he “was the only forensic pathologist on duty in the entire European Theatre” of Allied military operations, confirmed that never was a case of poison gas uncovered.

    --Dr. Charles Larson, Forensic Pathologist

    and there are a few more, Barton is also a Forensic pathologist that was there and examined alleged gassed J-Ws and found none.

    I didnt know they would put them in gas chambers to starve or contract diseases? How does that work?

    Then again maybe you were there and are about to claim that the US criminal Forensic pathologists who were sent there specifically to find gassed Jews and could not did not know how to do their job, most likely you simply believe antigerman lies and rhetoric put out here by Marxist-Zio-Commie J-Ws?

    Are you like most people where you see a pile of dead bodies and believe any cover story some half-wit attaches to it?

    Real 'Jews' tell the truth about gas chambers.

    Last edited: Feb 18, 2020
  24. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    J-W propaganda:
    - Children were murdered immediately upon getting off the trains - PROVEN FALSE

    J-W propaganda:
    - Swimming pool for Germans Only - PROVEN FALSE

    J-W propaganda:
    - Swimming pool was a cistern - PROVEN FALSE

    J-W propaganda:
    - Systematic Genocidal Against J-Ws - PROVEN FALSE

    J-W propaganda:
    - 6 million J-Ws died - PROVEN FALSE

    J-W propaganda:
    - Homicidal gas chambers - PROVEN FALSE

    J-W propaganda:
    - Gassing of J-Ws - PROVEN FALSE
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2020
    The Wyrd of Gawd likes this.
  25. Thingamabob

    Thingamabob Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 12, 2017
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    You're as funny as a bottle of Carona Light in China. I'll pit the thousands of eye-witnesses against your what's-his-name ..... Charley Larson? Isn't he the guy who says there wasn't a single loss of an American life due to the attack on Pearl Harbour? The truth is that two a and half thousand American servicemen deserted on that day and their offspring can be found still today on the island of Tramtária.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2020

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