Let the investigations play out.

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Nightmare515, Nov 9, 2020.

  1. Nightmare515

    Nightmare515 Ragin' Cajun Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2011
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    The best thing for the nation as a whole is to let the investigations and lawsuits play out and gain some finality to this whole ordeal. Both of these candidates received record voter support this go around with both receiving over 70 million votes. Whether you like it or not more people voted for the "other side" than at any other point in American history and that is A LOT of people. At the end of the day regardless of who wins the integrity of the election process in America is the most important and that means the actual integrity and the perceived integrity. You do not want literally half of the voters in this country to believe that our elections are fraudulent regardless of which side that half would be on.

    Allowing the lawsuits to play out is good for both Democrats and Republicans. It gives finality to this and says to those in doubt look we investigated these accusations and found X or Y. We didn't ignore the accusations...

    If unifying the country or even paying lip service to such is the actual goal then you can't have half of the nation believing that the President is illegitimate with an asterisk next to his name. If unifying the country is not the goal and you just want to laugh in the face of your "enemy" citizens then by all means just tell them to shut up and give them the finger.

    71 million is a lot of people....and no they aren't going to just magically vanish overnight and/or jump on board with the new train leaving the station. In order to unify a nation you just flat out cannot have half of it thinking that the other half cheated and got away with it whether they actually did or not. It's more important to show that nobody did cheat than it is to just expect that many people to take your word for it because they won't whether they should or not.

    We went through this with Trump for nearly his entire term with millions of folks genuinely believing that Russia interfered with our elections as an explanation as to how in hell Trump won the Presidency out of nowhere. It was investigated thoroughly and it turns out as crazy as it sounds the guy really did just win, that many people really did vote for Trump. So let's get this Biden "fraud" investigation out of the way up front so we don't have to deal with that for his entire term. Millions are sitting around the country right now saying there is no way in hell that many people voted for Joe Biden, maybe or maybe not, investigate the claims and it could very well turn out that yes in fact that many people really did vote for Joe Biden as crazy as it sounds and that's the end of it.

    Sure you'll still have plenty of folks out there who think it's all fraud if the investigations prove nothing out of the ordinary happened but there's nothing you can do about that. But for most folks allowing the investigations to take place and presenting an outcome will be good enough for them. They may not like the result, but they'll accept it and that's the most important thing going forward.
  2. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    They are very afraid to let it play out.
    ButterBalls likes this.
  3. Sleep Monster

    Sleep Monster Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 1, 2019
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    Who is?

    Frankly, they have nothing in the way of evidence in any of the states where they're trying to reverse the result through the courts. Let 'em sue.

    The people have spoken. As one guy's sign said a couple days ago, "We grabbed him by the ballot."
  4. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    Good then.
    ButterBalls likes this.
  5. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    I am not afraid to let it play out. I think it will help SOME people accept the numbers. However, I believe there will be others that will say that the recounts were rigged and will do everything to denounce President-Elect Biden over the course of his Administration. It's really sad that adults cannot find a way to come together and work for the common good of all its citizens.
    cd8ed, Sleep Monster and Quantum Nerd like this.
  6. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    I agree with the idea of an investigation into the election. If there's massive voter fraud then yes let's catch it. Unfortunately, I don't think the ballots and the voters are both identifiable to each other. So, there's just a stack of ballots that have been tainted, but there's no way to guess which ones are/are not tainted. So, the only two choices are to accept the ballots as they are or scrap the election and start over. There's no middle ground.
  7. Nightmare515

    Nightmare515 Ragin' Cajun Staff Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2011
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    It will help the rational accept the numbers. There will always be fanatics and conspiracy theorists in any category and they aren't the target audience here. The target audience is the average American who voted for Trump and has concerns about the legitimacy of this election, not the hardcore Trump supporter who spent thousands of dollars to paint their truck red and put a huge MAGA emblem on it who believes Trump is ordained by God to be President and will never accept any amount of evidence that he could have lost or something. I know the popular narrative is that ANYBODY on "the other side" regardless of which side that happens to be is certifiably insane or anti-American or whatever but the reality is that most people, regardless of who they vote for, are normal people who just happen to believe that their particular candidate of choice is a better option.

    Those folks are the target audience and they actually do outnumber the fanatics by quite a large number. If evidence is proven that there was no foul play then most people will accept that. Sure you'll have the radicals kicking and screaming for eternity but that's to be expected with any group of people regardless of what the "group" is. I mean lets get real, in the year 2020 there are still hundreds of thousands of people who honestly think the Earth is flat...you can't reason with everyone nor should you try.
  8. TCassa89

    TCassa89 Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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    To understand crystal clear what we are talking about here, in order to change the outcome of the election, there needs to be more than mere instances of voter fraud by individual voters, but tens of thousands of instances of voter fraud. At least 150k in Michigan, 45k in Pennsylvania, 36k in Nevada, 13k in Arizona, and 12k in Georgia. Realistically speaking, we aren't going to see that, but if Trump wants to spend his own money fighting that legal battle, let him.. however at some point between now and inauguration day, he does need to accept not only the results of the election, but accept the results of his legal battles, and if I am being completely honest with you, I do not expect him to accept either
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2020
    Badaboom, Pants and Sirius Black like this.
  9. Quantum Nerd

    Quantum Nerd Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2014
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    Exactly, no matter what the outcome, they'll blame leftist activist judges throwing out law suits, and the DOJ and the deep state conspiring against Trump, when it is actually Trump who openly tries to use the DOJ to swing the election in his favor.

    These people cannot be helped. They are too deeply invested into the RW conspiracy echo chamber. Once you go down that rabbit hole, facts stop mattering.
  10. LoneStarGal

    LoneStarGal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    I agree with the OP. The outcome is the outcome, but it is of critical importance to verify the integrity of the election process. If voting rules in any particular cities in question were bent or broken to give an advantage to either side, then that needs to be discovered and stopped so that any attempts at cheating don't become precedent.
    ButterBalls and James California like this.
  11. Thedimon

    Thedimon Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2018
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    The way I see it, primary cheating on Biden’s part didn’t even involve voter fraud.
    Censorship imposed by mass media and social media really does make one wonder - considering that Biden is barely winning, what would be the outcome if mass media didn’t take sides and investigated the laptop fiasco?
    Biden’s legitimacy as president can be questioned due to the fact that he received so much help. No amount of recounting can fix this problem. A very large group of voters was alienated when they were called racists and were imposed to outright hostility by the left. These voters don’t have that many places to go anymore where they can just discuss their ideas without being attacked.

    Im afraid the outcome of this election will be deadly to some. What happens when a large portion of population starts to believe that regardless of what they do politically, they won’t be allowed govern, and the entire establishment is rigged against them? I suspect we will see a rise of deadly mass shootings, like the ones we saw during Obama. Did you notice they stopped happening after Obama left? I suspect these things will come back. I’m also worried about what the far right will do. When you take away the ability to speak up from so many people, bad things tend to happen.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2020
    ButterBalls, Borat and LoneStarGal like this.
  12. Quantum Nerd

    Quantum Nerd Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2014
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    LOL! Yeah, the Las Vegas Shooting must have happened under Obama, the MSM just reporting it as fake news under Trump to make him look bad.

    Look, without Fox News and the RW media echo chamber, there would be no Trumpism. You can't have it both ways. Oh, and wake us up when Breitbart is stopping "censorship" and starts giving liberal authors a voice. Then, you can talk.
  13. StillBlue

    StillBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2016
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    There are investigations? All I've heard about are accusations without context nor proof and pretty much all the accusations have been already shot down as fantasies.
  14. Thedimon

    Thedimon Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2018
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    You are an immigrant, just like me. I don’t know how many years you lived in the US, but if you lived under Obama for all his term, you’d remember that absolute majority of recent mass shootings happened after Obama took over and they died down after Trump was elected. If you want the democracy to be respected, then everyone should have the right to an opinion and the right to openly voice it.
    Silencing dissent breeds terrorism. That’s just a fact.
    As for Braitbart giving space to liberal journalists - I’m glad you are placing CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and other mass media news sources on same level with Braitbart news. To me, Braitbart is primarily an opinion publication, a more or a magazine than a news source.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2020
    ButterBalls and LoneStarGal like this.
  15. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    To say that 'the other side got more votes than in history' is, as a notable fact, cancelled out because our side got even more votes, more than any time in history.

    So, the poignant fact is not that YOUR side, or MY side, got more votes, it is that MORE people voted, all around.

    What is also important is to create a way so that frivolous lawsuits by vexatious litigants are not allowed to diminish national security, as is what is currently happening, because Biden is not allowed access, where needed intel briefs, covid briefs, are not being allowed to Biden, nor the GSA opening the doors to biden ( the letter ) and thus funding for the transition team hasn't commenced, slowing down the transition, etc etc, all because Trump has a hair up his butt, and can't handle the fact that he lost
  16. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    Yes. That makes sense completely. However, I think one of the dyed-in-the-wool diehard fans that won't accept ANY result that Trump didn't win is Trump himself and that is going to fuel some of his supporters to not let it go.

    It's exactly the same thing he did regarding the virus. Notwithstanding the disinfectant comment, withholding information in the beginning, throwing out that he was taking a drug not approved for prevention or treatment of the virus, etc. he refused to wear a mask thereby setting an example for his supporters. It may have still spread but seeing that we just 10,000,000 cases, it's doubtful it would have cost so much in terms of lives and jobs lost, economic crisis and blatant uncertainty about our futures. And, for him to try to separate his presidency from his response to the virus is a huge part of why Biden got the votes.
    Quantum Nerd likes this.
  17. LoneStarGal

    LoneStarGal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    Media bias, extreme propaganda, and censorship are out of control, I would have to agree. The same media which dehumanized Trump ever day for four years could have just as easily put him on a pedestal and crowned him with a halo, and he'd have won re-election with 80% landslide. Yet, he still is getting 48% of the popular vote and will likely get 25 out of 50 states, so obviously many people see the psychological conditioning which is pervading MSM and what passes for "journalism" in general.

    This is a short-run issue though, in my mind. As Twitter becomes a Gestapo left-wing haven for the Woke Far Left wing, people are flocking to Parler. A couple of video hosting channels are picking up business as YouTube decides to demonetize particular accounts. Postcasters like Joe Rogan, Ben Shapiro and others are getting more views than mainstream media "news". A shift is happening. Most major media "journalists" grew up rich, went to the best and most expensive schools, and they have a rather obvious disdain, almost hatred, for the working class average ordinary Joe citizen. They are actually making themselves un-relateable to the public. Meanwhile people like Joe Rogan, who is himself a multi-millionaire, talks long-form to people and treats left, center, and right guests as respectable human beings. The lack of phony propaganda is causing a major shift in media, just like we're seeing a shifting demographics between the two parties right now. The wealthy comfortable shifted toward Biden, while Trump picked up a higher share of working-class voters who the wealthy deplore.

    At the end of the day, who will outnumber who: the wealthy elites or the working- and middle-class average person? Every single one of Biden's "mandates" is going to increase the cost of living, which won't harm the financially comfortable, but it will devastate those working paycheck to paycheck, and generally aggravate people who don't want to be taxed to death. Biden's administration will certainly increase the amount of media censorship and bias over four years, but I don't see that as a long-run issue. The people are smart enough to course-correct for poor political decisions.
    ButterBalls likes this.
  18. Sleep Monster

    Sleep Monster Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 1, 2019
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    Is he? Or is he using taxpayer money? Are all of his lawyers independent, or do some work for the goverment?
  19. Darthcervantes

    Darthcervantes Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 4, 2018
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    as long as justice is served, and every frauder is penalized under the law (by either side), then who cares? we are a nation of LAWS and democrats don't get to break LAWS whenever its convenient for them
    ButterBalls and LoneStarGal like this.
  20. Eretria

    Eretria Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2017
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  21. Pants

    Pants Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Like most, I have no problem at all with investigations. I truly believe that they will be fruitless, but it might provide piece of mind for those who believed Trump when he said, months before the elections, that there will be massive fraud.
  22. Sleep Monster

    Sleep Monster Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 1, 2019
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    Doesn't that apply to non-Democrats? Biased much?

    I guess we all need to expect at least a few months of this kind of partisan barking over the election results.
  23. Melb_muser

    Melb_muser Well-Known Member Donor

    Aug 13, 2020
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    Fine, but also penalise White House officials who stand up and say that their political opponents are willingly going along with mass fraud and stealing the election - without any evidence.. We really need to do something about that as well..
    Sleep Monster likes this.
  24. Eretria

    Eretria Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2017
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    We are imploding and there is a large swath of citizens that cannot see how damaging these silly exercises will be long term. I'm waiting for the participation trophies to be disseminated.
  25. Burzmali

    Burzmali Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 24, 2009
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    I'm not sure if I've seen anyone claim that any investigations shouldn't play out. A lot of us are just enjoying the show as the Trump campaign and his allies waste a lot of time and money with mostly absurd challenges in court. As I mentioned in another thread, though, by all means I hope they drag this out as much as possible. It will help distract them from burning stuff down on their way out.

    Investigate away! I somewhat disagree that it will be the "best thing for the nation," though. So many devout Trumpers are hardcore conspiracy nuts. When the investigations are over, and an insignificant bit of "fraud" has been discovered (i.e. a handful of people who voted twice, but not enough to make any kind of difference), they will continue to wail about how the election was stolen. Even some on this board won't shut up about it, ever. Having the investigations effectively come up empty will just be more proof to them that they're right.

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