Part 38 of Post Your Tough Questions Regarding Christianity

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Mitt Ryan, Mar 30, 2017.

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  1. Jolly Penguin

    Jolly Penguin Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Has it never occurred to you that since the Bible is the "word of God", you are only getting one self interested side of the story? And that even with that one sided story, Stan's big crime is to stand against God, and God does many many horrible things (including global genocide, torturing Job, getting people to kill their neighbours, holding the sins of the father against the child, pushing vicarious redemption where the guilty get out of taking responsibility through the torture and death of an innocent (God's "son" even)).

    Unless your concept of "good/righteous" is obedience to power, and that might makes right, and unless you completely abandon your own sense of ethics and morality and farm it out to people who founded and push this religion, it isn't so easy to see God as "good" and Satan as "bad".

    Note how God does and tells people to do that many times in your Bible, and Satan doesn't.

    And you'd be A-ok with it, and even doing it yourself, if God told you to.

    The Devil can not win because God is defined as all powerful and the Devil isn't. And it isn't the rebelling that makes it good. It is the rebelling against tyranny that is good.

    Doubly so. That he can't win and STILL stands up to the tyrant is very brave and good.

    I'm not involved. These are fictional characters.

    Has he though?

    I don't have such impressive self delusion powers. I don't choose what to believe. I believe what is believable. Can you make yourself believe you are an elephant? Really truly believe it? I don't think you can.

    And that brings us back to the question you always dodge; Why doesn't God make us all actually know and understand what he wants? Only then could an informed decision be made, and judgment on it make any sense.

    And other question you are afraid to answer; Is there anything you would not do if God asked it of you? Would you fly a plane into a building? Kill your children?
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2021
  2. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Just as the LDS is a cult - the Fundamentalist Evengelicals and Pentecostals have the same cult qualities - and is regarded by orthodox Christianity to be a cults- in part for the heretical practice of "Speaking in Tongues"

    As we read in Scripture - Not all those who call "Lord Lord" get through the pearly gates .. specially not those Speaking with forked tongue in the name of the Holy Spirit .. claiming to have a free pass through the pearly gates..

    Wo - down the dark path these zealots have wandered - no light at the end of that tunnel.

    Just as you say Mitt - these cults -hold views that are spurious and unorthodox - Some don't drink - some don't dance - want levitical law -when it suits them - not all levitical law of course just the rules they like in their hypocritical bliss.
    Cosmo likes this.
  3. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    In your delusional illogical mind it's pretty obvious that you will see the evil guy as the good guy, and the good guy as the evil guy . The question is why would you think like that? Well it's pretty obvious to me and every other sane person is that you have a delusional illogical mind that's why you would think like that. satan/devil has infiltrated your mind, he has devoured you and others who think like you because you folks failed to stay alert!

    We Read in Scripture:

    8 Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8 NLT

    Almighty God The Creator had every right to punish those people during the real life historical event we refer to as the Great Flood of Noah. You should read the Bible, it tells you why God punished them. Now if those people weren't evil as the Bible says they were then it would have been evil for Almighty God The Creator to punish them. It would be out of His character to do that, I mean Almighty God doesn't punish people for being good, He punished them for being evil/bad. Are you understanding the logic here?...probably not...because again I repeat, you are in possession of an delusional illogical mind that defies all logical sense.

    If someone were to do something evil to you or to a loved one of yours, wouldn't you want that person to be punished for their crime?...a non-delusional logical mind would say of course they would want that person to be punished for their crime.

    If someone were to do something good to you or to a loved one of yours, would you want that person to be punished for that good deed/act they have done to you or to a loved one of yours?...a non-delusional logical mind would say of course not, they wouldn't want to punish someone who had done good but if on the other hand someone would want that person to be punished for doing something good then that person has an delusional illogical other words they would be insane!

    The followers/believers of Almighty God The Creator are sane people, the followers or the ones who think satan/devil is a hero, a good guy are insane people!...why? Well it's because satan/devil has devored them and so consequently they are in possession of having a delusional illogical other words INSANE!

    But there is always hope, I mean the insane person can if they try hard enough come into the realm of sanity, the clock is ticking, eventually it will run out then it will be too late for the ones who stayed on the course of hanging on to their delusional illogical minds.

    We Read in Scripture:

    The Narrow Gate

    Our Lord Savior Jesus Christ said, 13 "You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. 14 But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it." Matthew 7:13-14 NLT
  4. Jolly Penguin

    Jolly Penguin Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2020
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    I will take that long-winded response as a yes then. You call God good and give no explanation why except that he says so. You say he did genocide because the people deserved it because they were "evil", again with no statement or why and merely because he said so. Might does indeed make right in your mindset? God cant do wrong because he says so? Nothing he does, no matter what it is, can be bad, because his victims must have deserved it?
    Cosmo likes this.
  5. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Mitt - you really need to stop projecting your flaws onto others . Obviously the "Evil Guy" is the xenophobic flip flopping genocidal maniac with the most petty and nasty of human characteristics.. aka YHWH ..

    You then post some nonsense posing as scripture .. from a liar pretending his writing is from Peter.
    Cosmo likes this.
  6. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Well to be more specific let me point out the two most common teachings of Christian cults. One of them is that Our Lord Savior Jesus Christ was not God and the other is that salvation is not by faith alone.

    These cults deny the deity of Our Lord Savior Jesus Christ, consequently this results in the view that Our Lord Savior Jesus Christ's death was insufficient to pay for our sins. And the denial of salvation by faith alone results in the teaching that salvation is achieved by our own works.

    The Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses are the two most well known examples of cults that we have today. They both deny the deity of Our Lord Savior Jesus Christ and salvation by faith alone. Let me also point out that though these two groups believe many things that are in agreement with what the Bible teaches but the fact remains because they deny the deity of Our Lord Savior Jesus Christ and preach a salvation by works qualifies them as being a Christian cult.

    Again let me repeat what Christians define a cult of being, a cult is a religious group that denies one or more of the fundamentals of biblical truth. A cult holds views that are spurious and unorthodox. It claims to be part of a religion yet denies essential truths of that religion.

    We Read in Scripture:

    Our Lord Savior Jesus Christ said,

    30 “The Father and I are one.” John 10:30 NLT
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2021
  7. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Obviously it's clear your statement is hyperbolic in nature or you're not quite understanding what Christians have been saying to you. I would be more prone to believe that Christians are telling unbelievers that it would be in their best interest to become Christians. Otherwise according to Scripture you will go to hell for punishment of your sins, so they are not telling you "Go to hell" but rather they are giving you could advice in order for you to "Not go to hell". So basically Christians are trying to help unbelievers save their godless souls by their preaching/spreading the belief in Almighty God The Creator! The Creator who created everything that you can see and not see that exists. A powerful Almighty Creator that created all living beings, all non-living matter...just everything that exists! Christians preach/spread the Good News of salvation that Almighty God The Creator has promised to us who believe in Him, who love Him, who have asked Him for forgiveness of their sins, who worship Him!

    It is foolish to believe everything in existence just came about by some miraculous accident...poof!...everything just appeared one day for no apparent reason, nothing created all this existence, it just happened on its own...I personally because I have a mind that thinks logically find this "nothing created everything belief" ridiculous and illogical in other words absurd!

    Lastly, I must admit your last statement regarding that other religion who we Christians regard as a false religion is pretty darn accurate, all the more reason to become Christians, the one true religion above all others.

    We Read in Scripture:

    Our Lord Savior Jesus Christ said,

    16 "For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 NLT

    The Narrow Gate

    13 "You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. 14 But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it." Matthew 7:13-14 NLT
  8. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    So be it, nobody is going to force the two of you to believe, certainly for sure not I. Besides how could anyone force another person who doesn't believe to believe?...not possible, belief has to be voluntary on an individual's own accord.

    But anyway, both of you have expressed your free will decision on not believing. Almighty God The Creator doesn't force anyone to believe in Him, He has given all of us the free will to choose to believe or not to believe.

    Go on believing the fairy tale that nothing created all this existence that surrounds us. Go on keep imagining that everything just accidentally came into existence...a cosmic miraculous magical feat occurred for no apparent reason...poof!...and everything came! that is some crazy magic.

    But yes, AboveAlpha and tecoyah, sorry but I know you tecoyah said that you don't like being told but maybe you do otherwise you wouldn't come to a Christian's thread but according to Scripture all unbelievers when they die their physical deaths here on earth will go to hell for punishment of their sins. It is written in the Scriptures of the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible which is the Word of God!

    So the day you unbelievers find yourselves dwelling in hell just remember who put you there, yes that's right, you yourselves put you there and so you have no one to blame but yourselves.

    We Read in Scripture:

    God’s Anger at Sin

    18 But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness. 19 They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them. 20 For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.

    21 Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused. 22 Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools. 23 And instead of worshiping the glorious, ever-living God, they worshiped idols made to look like mere people and birds and animals and reptiles. Romans 1:18-23 NLT

    The Narrow Gate

    Our Lord Savior Jesus Christ said, 13 "You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. 14 But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it." Matthew 7:13-14 NLT
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2021
  9. Jolly Penguin

    Jolly Penguin Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2020
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    They are saying we deserve to go to hell unless we think as they do. There is no "do your thing and we will do ours and we can all be in peace forever". No. Instead it's "join us or you deserve to suffer eternally".
    Cosmo likes this.
  10. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    Never forget, the Bible says that people shouldn't believe Jewish fairy tales.
  11. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    Yet, that is exactly what you are doing. Replace accident with God and explain your "Logic"
    Cosmo likes this.
  12. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Logic...did you mention logic?...Yes you did mention logic. Ok let's bring some simple logic into the conversation, if there ever was a time where there was just nothing, then there still would be nothing because from nothing, nothing comes. You cannot have nothing then accidentally something comes into being like the universe and its planets, stars, etc. and all the different life forms and all other non-living matter that we see all around us. It is logically impossible because again from nothing, nothing comes.

    Did the explosion (Big Bang) happened from out of nowhere?...from nothing? That doesn't appear logical because everyone knows that something does not come from nothing. So, if God is a "something," then He must have a cause, right?

    The question is tricky because it sneaks in the false assumption that God came from somewhere and then asks where that might be. The answer is that the question does not even make sense. It is like asking, “What does blue smell like?” Blue is not in the category of things that have a smell, so the question itself is flawed. In the same way, God is not in the category of things that are created or caused. God is uncaused and uncreated—He simply exists.

    How do we know this? We know that from nothing, nothing comes. So, if there were ever a time when there was absolutely nothing in existence, then nothing would have ever come into existence. But things do exist. Therefore, since there could never have been absolutely nothing, something had to have always been in existence. That ever-existing thing is what we call God. God is the uncaused Being that caused everything else to come into existence. God is the uncreated Creator who created the universe and everything in it. God has no beginning, has no ending, God is eternal. God is responsible for all creation.

    There are things which come into existence. Everything which comes into existence is caused to exist by something else. There cannot be an infinite series of past causes. Therefore, there exists a first cause which did not come into existence. In other words, the first cause always existed...which we call God.

    It is obvious that nothing can cause itself to come into existence. Anything that causes itself to come into existence has to exist before it exists. This is impossible. Perhaps something can come into existence from nothing without any cause whatsoever. Can a thing just pop into existence with absolutely no cause? This also does not seem reasonable.

    "There cannot be an infinite series of past causes." Is the series of past causes infinite? Can the universe have an infinite past? The answer is that it cannot. First, there are philosophical reasons to think the past cannot be infinite. Second, there are scientific reasons which support this view.

    If one asks "How can I know there is a God? you can answer them by saying there is the Bible, there is nature, there is man, and there is logic. These point to the Creator. None are possible by happenstance. None could have been produced by accident.

    We read in Scripture:

    "They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them. For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God."---Romans 1:19-20 NLT
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2021
  13. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Wow! I can't believe you mocked Almighty God The Creator...oh wait, actually I can believe it because you're one of the unsaved. But there is always hope, you can ask Him to forgive you for your stupidity in mocking Him, then become a born again Christian. If you can't do that then all I can say is that I feel sorry for you and of course others like you who are on the same path as you...the unsaved.

    Even though we have the ability to mock God, we need to be aware that it will have eternal repercussions.

    We Read in Scripture:

    "Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap." Galatians 6:7 ESV

    We may be able to mock God now, but we will reap the consequences later. We shouldn't mock God, and we should stay away from those who do.
    God has given us the incredible opportunity to have a personal relationship with Him through His Son, Our Lord Savior Jesus Christ. When we choose to enter into this loving relationship with our Creator, we will not have a desire in our hearts to mock Him.

    We Read in Scripture:

    "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night." Psalm 1:1-2 ESV

    Nonsense? That verse from 1 Peter 5:8 comes from the writing of Peter. Get yourself a Holy Bible because it's obvious you don't have one, which is not surprising because you're one of those unbelievers, better yet just verify it on the net. You'll see that you have spewed something out of your nonsensical mouth again. Seems to be a habit of yours, it's because you are unaware of a lot things regarding the Holy Bible. That's typical for unbelievers so I'm not surprised by your lack of knowledge here. Try to come into the light, it's better than being in the darkness all the time, I mean this with all sincerity!
  14. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    I didn't mock the almighty God .. nor did I Mock YHWH - son of the Almighty .. Psalm 82 - as shown you previously. You are the one that continually mocks God - by putting words in God's mouth - "the abomination of desolation/ awfull horror" which, since you brought up stupidity - is one of the most stupid things a person can do IMO.

    So do not project your failings onto me por favor - mocker of God you are.. bigtime.

    It is you who doesn't know the Bible - running from scripture that does not jive with extremist fundamentalist belief - then projecting your lack of Bible understanding onto others.

    Do you not have anything other than false accusations and forked tongue Mitt .. ?

    It is not a secret that the NT epistle "1 Peter" is not thought to have written by Peter .. having a date of 80 -100 AD .. long after Peter's death.
    and for a host of other reasons ..

    Regardless - what does any of this have to do with your continued mocking of God ? - putting words in God's mouth is the way of the deceiver who comes in sheeps clothing, but with wicked intent.
  15. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Thought to revisit this one- as such a good example of self deception and projection. Through our many conversations it is clear that my knowledge of sripture is far superior to yours .. and you know this .. but now running around crying " Unbeliever .. Unbeliever - you have no knowledge - get yourself a Bible"

    This is called "Demonization of the messenger" - a trained response from those who are members of destructive cults - and in this case a mind bending act of self deception.

    You get so caught up in your rant - and false claim that it is I who have mocked the Almighty - that you fail to address my post - nothing but a name calling session - desperate to make the bad thought go away.

    Those of us who have studied the Bible and Religious thought - as opposed to one such as yourself who gets all information from funamentalist website dogma - and within what ever group you hail from - know how scripture depicts YHWH.

    YHWH is who you claim is your God - "The Almighty" - It is not my fault that the holy book in which you believe depicts this God as a xenophobic genocidal maniac - a flip flopping irrational God with the most petty and nasty of human characteristics.

    It is you who claims to believe these things about the Almighty - not me .. this is "Your Story" - what you believe about the Almighty - not mine.

    Why are you trying to blame me - for what you do ? - you are the one who believes in the above depiction of "the Almighty" - a depiction which you claim mocks the Almighty

    Trying to blame me for the mockery that you are engaged is twisted mind bending deception .:alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic:. as one would expect from a pupil of the deciever ..:crossbones::crossbones::crossbones: :cynic::cynic::cynic:
  16. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    What you were quoted of saying below is certainly not complimenting Almighty God The Creator but it is most certainly mocking Him. Even a 3rd grader would able to distinguish the difference between making a complimentary statement from a mocking statement. Now tell us you didn't spew out that quote below being one who has no shame in speaking with a forked

  17. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    I am just telling you what the story says - why you trying to shoot the messenger .. saying that it was Me mocking God. This the fork in your tongue .. that you are trying to project on me. the depiction of YHWH that you claim is "God's word" .... it is you who claims that the depiction I read to you is "God's Word" .. not me. You are the "Mocker of the Almighty" that you accuse me of being.

    You cry out "Go read the Bible" - but clearly it is you who does not know the story in the Bible - not just in this instence but in many of our exchanges where you regularly get it handed to you .. in last post you said "Go read the Bible' - as if you had no recollection of your previous failure .. This is disingenuous deciet .. who taught you this ?? Satan's minions perhaps ?

    A 3rd grader knows the difference between the message and the messenger .. well maybe not .. but .. a 5th grader for sure .. why have you not progressed past this point ?
  18. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    The story is not implying that Almighty God The Creator is an evil guy, a xenophobic flip flopping genocidal maniac with the most petty and nasty of human characteristics. That is so ludicrous!

    Those are your words, your misinterpretation. So obviously once again you are misinterpreting what the story's true message is for the reader to come away with. Let me remind you that Almighty God The Creator is perfectly holy meaning He is sinless.

    Are we suppose to believe now that He told us the story of the Great Flood of Noah for us to come away with that crazy, ridiculous interpretation that you presented? wow!...such ludicrousness!

    If that was His message then that would make Him sinful, not perfectly Holy. You called Him a genocidal maniac, that doesn't sound Holy to me but unholy, sinful.

    Yes, like I have said many many times in the past...the Holy Bible is not for the interpretation impaired...meaning people like you gift...because you're a typical unbeliever who misinterprets Scripture, what you are doing is discrediting Almighty God The Creator by presenting your misinterpretation, essentially mocking Him.

    So yes, bottom line you are mocking Almighty God The Creator! Again let me present Scripture that warns us about mocking Almighty God The Creator!

    We Read in Scripture:

    "Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap." Galatians 6:7 ESV

    "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night." Psalm 1:1-2 ESV
  19. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Nope...forked tongue is in your tongue! Ok it was nice chatting with you, but I have to move on...I dealt with your nonsense long
  20. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Sorry mate - but the Israelites were absolute Xenophobes .. to the max -- on YHWH's command they were not to intermarry .. They meet the definition 5 times - They were "The Chosen People"

    Genocidal maniac is a given - how many instances of Genocide would you like - at YHWH's command.

    Flip Flopping / Irrational - Makes a law stating Children not to be killed for the sins of Parents .. then commands the killing of "Israeli" Chiildren for the Sins of Their Parents.

    The most petty and nasty of human emotions - Jealousy Vanity, vendictiveness

    Sorry mate - I didn't write the story - but I do know the story - Just do not believe these are attributes of the most high - like you do. Do you not believe what the Bible says about YHWH ? or is it that you can not handle what the Bible actually says - and prefer the made up nonsense narrative from those snake charmer websites "gotquestions"

    I had not mentioned the Great Flood nor was I referring to it as we are talking YHWH - and the Flood was not YHWH's doing - The Most High is given credit for that one.

    First off .. we are talking YHWH here - the Creation saga is a different story. In the Story we are talking about - after the exodus - YHWH is the God of the Israelites - and is depicted as a xenophobic genocidal maniac an irrational flip flopping God with the most petty and nasty of human characteristics.

    It is you that believes this story - the story that you claim mocks God. What is "ludicrousness" is that you don't seem to know the story that you claim to believe in ?

    Did you not know that YHWH commanded the killing of children, babies, fetuses ? on many occasions .. mostly against "the bad guys" and we refer to this as "Genocide" - where you kill everyone trying to wipe out a race of people..

    but on some occasions .. this violation of the first law "Children not to be killed for sins of parents" - is contradicted another law from this maniacle irrational God - that children are indeed to be killed for the sins of their parents .. by Law Israelite Children.

    Did you miss that part Mitt ? funny as I have mentioned it to you 3 or 4 times previously .. yet now acting as if this is our first time chatting ?

    tecoyah likes this.
  21. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    I highly recommend you try to understand quantum mechanics before going even one step further in this...purposeful ignorance of proven and established reality are not an excuse for creation belief and you seem to be simply replacing what you call nothing with a God which to me is less than nothing because its long dead fictional "Belief".
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2021
  22. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    The call of one whose nonsence claims have been crucified - You bin the one engating in ad hom and other fallacy desperate to demonize "The Other" - The Messenger - this whole time mate.

    Now you run from the playground - to stick head deep in the sanbox of denial - running to those fundamentalist snake charmer "got questions" websites for comfort .. desperate to not let the bad thoughts in - name calling as you go.

    Are you not able to deal with the fact that YHWH ordered the killing of Israelite Children - for the sins of the parents . heck .. didn't even have to be the parents .. could be the sins of other folks too.

    And what was that sin ? Worshiping other Gods .. YHWH so jealous he orders everyone in the town slaughered if a few were to do such a thing. .. how is this not irrational - petty human stuff - killing the Children and babies .. expecially after commanding in another place that Children are not to be killed for sins of parents.

    Crazy stuff mate - This is not the God of Jesus.
  23. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Your statement is true that Almighty God knows the paths and outcome before they ever happen. IMO you have presented a very astute question. The word "regret" actually means "to sigh" in the Hebrew root for the word "regret".

    Since we know that Almighty God does not make mistakes, the idea of sighing is a more descriptive term for the kind of regret Almighty God experiences. In the verse where it states He regretted making man, this does not mean that He felt that He made a mistake in creating us human beings but that His heart was sorrowful as He witnessed the direction His created humans were going. Since God knows everything beforehand, He already knew that sin would bring consequences, so He was not surprised by it. Instead, this view into God’s character shows us that, even though He already knows we will sin, it still grieves Him when we choose it.

    We Read in Scripture:

    4 Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. Ephesians 1:4 NLT

    9 Remember the things I have done in the past. For I alone am God! I am God, and there is none like me. 10 Only I can tell you the future before it even happens. Everything I plan will come to pass, for I do whatever I wish. 11 I will call a swift bird of prey from the east—a leader from a distant land to come and do my bidding. I have said what I would do, and I will do it. Isaiah 46:9-11 NLT

    30 And do not bring sorrow to God’s Holy Spirit by the way you live. Remember, he has identified you as his own, guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption. Ephesians 4:30 NLT
  24. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Sorry you sly But the fact remains, no one can prove/disprove anything regarding Almighty God, to which you have already acknowledged and furthermore no one can prove the Holy Bible which is the Word of God is a work of fiction.

    But yeah I understand you have your theories, assumptions, opinions, guess work, biases, ..etc...etc. But those my boy are not factual. All you can do is just say you are in disbelief of it all based on your theories, assumptions, opinions, guess work, biases,...etc...etc. You need facts which are no where to be found.

    Easy to prove...huh! I seriously doubt that!
  25. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    The Noah story is about complete obedience and total loyalty to the Boss. Noah was given an assignment to do and he had no clue as to how to do it. It seemed to be an impossible task far beyond his ability. But Noah didn't whine, he got busy and got it done despite all of the hardships. And, when it was over, he got falling down drunk and had a giant barbecue. Noah is the only major character in the biblical fairy tale that did exactly as he was told to do without whining and crying. Even the Jesus character whined. That is what the story is all about.
    gabmux likes this.
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