Is Systemic or Institutional Racism still a thing?

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by edna kawabata, Dec 5, 2021.


Is it a thing?

  1. yes I trend right

  2. yes I trend left

  3. no I trend right

  4. no I trend left

  5. got me?

  1. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    And oddly enough the same house in a decent neighborhood with low crime rates valued at 200,000 would be valued at much less in a neighborhood with high crime rates regardless of what color of skin the people who happen to be live there.

    But our liberal friends like to ignore that little part real estate being all about location location
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2021
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  2. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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  3. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    And who in their right mind would buy the same house for the same money in a neighborhood where your family will feel much less secure, the schools and stores and everything else are not up to the same standards.....

    It's not institutional racism that makes it that way it's the people that live there that make the other people feel less secure.

    But we're not supposed to point that out because don't you know that's "racist".

    I'm looking to buy property for the first time myself, I'm actually looking for property in the hood because it's in my price range and I'm not an easily intimidated individual and I have no children to raise. And I have no problem defending what's mine

    I guess that's just the racist in me and the cheapskate.

    I wonder how many of our liberal friends here would ever consider buying property in the ghetto?

    My guess is all of about zero of them.
    They refuse to put their money where their mouth is.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2021
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  4. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I've heard gentrification isn't popular in black neighborhoods. I wonder if that be reflected in home prices? Hmmm...
    crank and FatBack like this.
  5. Le Chef

    Le Chef Banned at members request Donor

    May 31, 2015
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  6. Mircea

    Mircea Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2015
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    That only occurred in select geographical areas. With respect to redlining, that is not inherently racist.

    That's part and parcel of the Liberal mentality.

    To suggest that the refusal to loan money to people who have proven demonstrated track-records of refusing to pay their just debts is "racist" is nothing short of absurd.

    There is nothing racist about the credit-scoring system.

    There were two guys: Isaacs and Fair. One was an actuarial scientist and the other an economist and statistician. Each had their own company which they merged to become Fair, Isaacs, and Company, or FICO.

    They developed a mathematical algorithm used to determine the likelihood that a business would repay its loans, and after gathering reams of data slightly modified it to apply to people.

    The mathematical algorithm is neither patented or copy-righted, rather is is proprietary and you must sign a nondisclosure agreement to work with it. If you don't see FICO with the trademark symbol, then that is not a true FICO score, rather it is someone's differently twisted vision of what they think the FICO algorithm might be.

    A FICO score is not a group thing. It is purely individual and only the individual can create the circumstances to have a good/bad score based on their actions or lack of actions.
  7. Mircea

    Mircea Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2015
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    But they aren't racially biased in spite of your many protestations.

    Worse still, any racial bias that might exist is self-inflicted.


    Since being under academic distress commission since 2010, the plan evaluates the districts literacy, graduation credits, diploma seals, expansion of career-technical education and testing.

    "The plan will succeed because some of the targets are too low," said Jackie Adaire, school board member. "I mean, who couldn't hit a target like that? All you have to have is 33% of your kids proficient in math."

    That is an example of racial bias by Blacks inflicted on Blacks and then blamed on Whites.

    10 years from now, when those 66% of Blacks are languishing in low paying dead end jobs because they lack proficiency in math and English and science, you'll pompously strut about proclaiming, "It surely is a White Man's world!" and telling us all how it must be racism, when in fact, it has nothing to do with racism.

    The issue is not and has not been racism.

    The issue is that American Black Culture is toxic. Period. End of Story.

    I say "American Black Culture" because it is readily distinguishable from Canadian Black Culture, British Black Culture, French Black Culture, German Black Culture, etc, etc, etc.

    It is also readily distinguishable from Jamaican, Haitian and African Black Cultures.

    2018 Median Income (source: US Census Bureau):

    American Blacks: $43,862
    Cape Verde: $47.281
    All Americans: $52,145
    Moroccan: $52,436
    Haiti: $57,141

    If -- as you falsely claim -- America is racist, then that cannot be true. It wouldn't be possible for other Black ethnic groups to excel and be successful, in many instances, far more successful than American Blacks.

    So, what do you call it when Haitians and Jamaicans are superior to American Blacks?

    They've had equal access since Brown v Board of Education.

    The sad thing is all-Black schools were superior to the desegregated schools of today.

    Why? Attitude.

    When you are the new kid on the block, you need to do it bigger and better than everybody else and that was exactly the attitude of the poor all-Black schools.

    The path to equality was proving that Blacks were equal to or superior than their White counter-parts and the poor all-Black schools made sure their students were well-educated to put them on the right path.

    I'm well-acquainted with many an older Black who were the product of all-Black schools in the 1940s and 1950s. True, they're all veterans, but that's beside the point. They're all literate, well-read, proficient in math and knowledgeable in sciences, and that's why they were successful.

    They had the education, they just needed to have the bars removed from the doors to employment.

    But that is not true now. Now we have poorly educated people demanding to be treated special solely on the basis of race.

    Now we have people screaming math is racist; science is a White-thing; getting educated is "acting White"; and not hiring people who speak only Ebonics is cultural genocide.

    Nobody wants to live in a crime-infested neighborhood.
    Lil Mike likes this.
  8. Mircea

    Mircea Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2015
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    That fails as a matter of reality and economics.

    The federal poverty level is a contrived concoction that is irrelevant and meaningless, but used for propaganda purposes.

    It is calculated by taking the weighted average of the poverty levels of the 48 lower States (Hawai'i and Alaska are omitted as statistical outliers due to the extremely high Cost-of-Living.)

    The poverty levels in the 48 lower States for a single person range from $14,000 to $56,600 annual income.

    For example, HUD will disqualify a person from Section 8 Housing because $14,001/year is too much money in some areas of the US, while a person with an income of $55,952/year gets to have tax-payers subsidize their housing in other parts of the US.

    If we were to express that as an hourly wage, then on a wage of $6.73/hour a single person can afford their own apartment, but in other areas of US $26.90/hour is not enough money for a single person to afford their own apartment.

    The point being the federal government needs to butt out.
  9. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    None of them. They are the least able to live amongst the darkies. You've not seen true awkwardness and discomfort until you see a Progressive in a room full of brown people. It's ****ing hilarious.

    Meantime, congratulations on the home purchase. Very smart move, and will secure a much more easeful retirement for you.
    FatBack likes this.
  10. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    Where I live, it's working and poverty class whites (and underemployed urban hipsters .. who naturally think that they're entitled to live in the most expensive locations) who decry gentrification. Our brown migrants love it when values increase!
    Lil Mike likes this.
  11. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    No it doesn't.
    Not an option in the current climate.
  12. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    That does not seem to be the case in the States, although I don't really know enough about gentrification to know why. Yes, if you own a home, you should welcome it, but I think it's more a case in the US of owners versus renters. If you own a home in a gentrified neighborhood, you benefit from the increased home prices, but if you are renter, you face increased rents and being squeezed out of neighborhoods due to rent increases directly related to the property values increasing.
    CKW and crank like this.
  13. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    The eternal war between renters and owners - a very silly war. Imagine being such a dim bulb, that you blame landlords for your decision to avoid the work of saving a downpayment and/or moving somewhere you can afford to do that. It's positively toddleresque.

    Unfortunately here, we see the same argument from urban hipsters who want to buy. They hold the belief that people should be given mates rates on things (ie expensive real estate) they haven't earned, just because they want them. They see increases in property prices as an insult against that premise. Of course if it actually happened, they would be horrified if a new batch of toddlers came along and insisted that their property should be sold cheap to the next generation of hipsters. We're not talking about Mensa members here. Not even sure toddlers are this stupid, now that I think about it.
  14. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    It's a silly war all right. I've a relative who lives in California who is constantly posting "eat the landlords" type of posts, even though his rent is subsidized. I could explain it to him a thousand times why I own a home and he doesn't but at this point, he's not going to get it. Nor do I think the OP is going to get it.
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  15. edna kawabata

    edna kawabata Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2018
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    Gee, I have a lot to answer for...I'll get to them as time allows.
  16. edna kawabata

    edna kawabata Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2018
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    It seems your catch phrase is "fake news". Mine will be "Ay, adios mio!".

    Ay, adios mio. You called the librarian lady a racist. I pointed out a racist thought that she regretted and was embarrassed by is no different than thoughts everyone on the planet has had, but only racists are not embarrassed by them.

    Ay, adios mio. Hyperbole on steroids, the "wave of racist filth is being poured out on this the left". You can't be taken seriously with fringe comments like that.

    Ay, adios mio. Maybe you know the difference between they and you, I said "they" generally blame the culture, in my experience, on what's holding back Blacks, not "you" least you haven't said it yet. Then you go on to make my point that the right lacks empathy. and any evidence of systemic racism is denied or rationalized.
    Here is another study on hiring discrimination you can rationalize or deny.
    Ay, adios mio...I said since Emancipation "an entire group of people who had rights taken away, were prevented from accumulating wealth through no fault of their own", which is true.

    You said "many blacks with more wealth than most whites". The poverty rate of blacks in 1960 was 55%, before civil rights legislation, currently it is double the white poverty rate.
    My parents bought their first house in '55 about the same time black vets were trying to get a home loan and they had to settle for less and had less to pass on to the next generation.
    Answered in post #23
  17. Hey Now

    Hey Now Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    I'd have to say "yes" it's still a thing.
  18. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    She is a racist. Her own words condemn her. She judges some humans as desirable, and others undesirable based on nothing more than their skin color.
    You seem to think adding the word "systemic" relieves you of the burden of proof, it doesn't. Here with the magic word removed:
    Fake news. I promptly called out racism in the Librarian. I neither denied it nor rationalized it, though looking through your post, I'm not certain that you aren't guilty of both.
    Those responsible for that should be held culpable. If they managed to die prior to being held to account, then they escaped human justice as humans have no means of holding a person accountable who has passed from this life, other than going after their estate, and where that is possible, by all means, have at it.
  19. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    And responded to in post #24
  20. yabberefugee

    yabberefugee Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 23, 2017
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    The only way to end racism or even "systematic racism" is to see people as people. I haven't seen that happen on the left since MLK. The right has done a much better job. Note the increasing inclusion in both politics and business.
  21. yabberefugee

    yabberefugee Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 23, 2017
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    Any racial disparity that exists begins to disappear as minorities begin to improve their lot. This is evident. Why are advertisers using a majority of minority members in their ads? It sells. Stop beating the race card drum. We are just people that bleed red. The poor you will have with you always. Give them a future to attain to. They are not to see themselves as victims.
    crank likes this.
  22. edna kawabata

    edna kawabata Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2018
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    You are known to bring your own "facts" to the table. How in your mind is the statement "With respect to redlining, that is not inherently racist." not racist bilge?

    With the New Deal the government encouraged home buying by whites. The FHA refused to insure mortgages in Black neighborhoods. It was national and called redlining. FHA was also subsidizing builders who were mass-producing entire subdivisions for whites — with the requirement that none of the homes be sold to African-Americans.

    The current algorithm includes the undervalued properties in predominantly black neighborhoods from the redlining era, thus the same home is priced differently in whether it is in a white or black neighborhood.

    You apparently missed the part where I said the right likes to blame "Black Culture" for their problems. Blacks need to clean up their own mess and the dominant society is innocent and bears no responsibility in fixing their problems. Somehow right-wingers forget three centuries of slavery and one century segregation and discrimination under the dominate society has shaped their culture and the dominate society bears some responsibility in helping it recover. But then, I also said the right has a complete lack of empathy.

    Now bring your own "facts" to the table like: Black segregated schools were superior to the desegregated schools of today? Proof and not confirmation biased anecdotes?

    Yes, nobody wants to live in a crime infested neighborhood but to suggest a black neighborhood and a crime infested neighborhood are one and the same is racist.
  23. edna kawabata

    edna kawabata Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2018
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    If you have never had a racist thought that you regretted, then you are perhaps the only non-racist in the world by your definition or just a regular racist. Silly.

    You are having trouble with "systemic". It means spread throughout and affecting a group, something like racially biased hiring.
  24. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Does it concern you that all you have is evidence free slanders and thought crimes?
    I'm untroubled by it. I simply noticed that for you it serves as a substitute for evidence, I figured that you were unaware of that, so I kindly pointed it out to you. You're welcome.
    US law forbids discrimination in any aspect of employment, including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, fringe benefits, and any other term or condition of employment. If you have any evidence of it occurring, anywhere in the US, click here:
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2021
    Jolly Penguin likes this.
  25. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    It's that sense of entitlement. It overrides central processing. The sinister b@stards with an agenda have been able to convince them that they have a god-given right to live wherever they want - just 'cause. When it doesn't come easy, as promised, they get angry. Their bluster is primarily about that private anger, despite the ubiquitous attempts to frame it as egalitarian compassion.
    Lil Mike likes this.

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