U.S. Secret Service Agent Writes Stinging Article Doubting Obama's Credentials

Discussion in 'Conspiracy Theories' started by Patriotic Informer, Nov 25, 2011.

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  1. Dispondent

    Dispondent Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 5, 2009
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    I think you misunderstand my point. I care nothing of the birther issue, just the fact you think the State wouldn't lie. The state is just as likely to lie about matters as any other entity. Whether or not they lied about this is irrelevant.
  2. washingtonamerica.com

    washingtonamerica.com Banned

    May 29, 2010
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    it says right in the thread title..
  3. washingtonamerica.com

    washingtonamerica.com Banned

    May 29, 2010
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    the liberals have turned from question authority to blind faith, love obama.

    your government loves you.
  4. Jstar

    Jstar New Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    But 'you' are basing your beliefs on the so called 'fact' that the state, and even the US government would not lie. Do you think they could not cover up anything they wanted without getting into trouble? Do you think anyone could do anything about it if it 'did' come out they were all lying except to get angry?

    No other president has ever had this sort of issue come up..and the reason for that is that:

    1. All documents requested were handed over immediately, with no fanfare..not sealed up.

    2. No slip ups were made during speeches that had questions raised...by the POTUS and the First Lady....and the Ambassador of Kenya.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Se5zvGF6u9g"]Obama ADMITS Born in Kenya!!! - YouTube[/ame] {you always joke about the truth to throw the lie off}

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M7Rp_Ghv6k"]Michelle Obama Admits Kenya is Barack Hussein Obama's Home Country - YouTube[/ame]

    Not good enough of a confession from Michelle?
    How about this one?:

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xx3-MGHFXkc"]Michelle Obama - Barack Is A Kenyan - YouTube[/ame]

    {about 2:00 mins into video}
    ""What it reminded me of was our trip to Africa, two years ago, and the level of excitement that we felt in that country - the hope that people saw just in the sheer presence of somebody like Barack Obama - a Kenyan, a black man, a man of great statesmanship who they believe could change the fate of the world.""

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skV3D9PS2Hg&feature=related"]Obama was born in Kenya longer version - YouTube[/ame]

    How about a judge....

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8h0EdpvZ23s&feature=related"]Court Orders Obama To Resign In 90 Days - YouTube[/ame]

    This is not the whole scope of my personal research...nor will I post everything here I have...... it's just a few tidbits that show others they 'should' be questioning....it's your 'right' to question those who are in power.
  5. Jstar

    Jstar New Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    Oops, one more....info you can look up/research yourself on the laws of Indonesia, adoptions, passports, etc. etc..

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kfn--fIBJh0"]PROOF OBAMA WAS BORN IN KENYA! - YouTube[/ame]

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    I am rather curious as to this then.

    What do you judge any statement by any person by?

    If you assume that any person or entity is just as likely to lie as any other how do you judge the veracity of anything? Indeed, how would you ever be able to believe anyone is who they say they are?

    I have never said that any State or person is above lieing. But just as we have government offices to record deeds, so we can be sure who owns property, we have government offices to record birth records and death records. In the absence of evidence of government duplicty, the records have to be assumed to be correct, or frankly there is no point to having government records. And frankly there would be no way of verifying 'anything.

    "Whether or not they lied about this is irrelevant"

    It is relevant to this thread. Frankly if it isn't relevant to this thread it is little more than an irrelevant opinion on a completely different matter.

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    So if I start a thread that says "Barack Obama is our legitimate President "you will stop pretending he isn't legitimate? Why didn't you tell me that before?
  8. raymondo

    raymondo Banned

    Nov 14, 2011
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    If he was born in Hawaii , it matters not a jot where he went to school .

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    You have raised two very different issues, so I will address them seperately.

    You are wrong. I am not basing my beliefs on so-called facts- I am basing my beliefs on actual legal evidence- let me review them for you:
    a) The Certification of Live Birth- a legal Hawaiian Birth certificate.
    b) The Certificate of LIve Birth- the photocopy of the original birth certificate, certified as a true and original copy.
    c) The Statements of the Republican governor of Hawaii, the Republican Director of Health of Hawaii, the Democratic governor of Hawaii and the Democratic Director of Health of Hawaii- and the civil servant Registrar of Records.
    d) The Birth Index data information that has been publicly available for years in Hawaii.
    e) The two contemporary birth announcements that announced the birth of Barack Obama.

    This is a body of evidence- but legally the only one necessary to legally establish that Barack Obama was born in the United States was the Certification of Live Birth.

    Government officials have been caught lieing- and prosecuted- there are some Governors and Congressman who can confirm that for you. But you are more willing to believe Youtube speculation and rumors, then you are that anyone in the State of Hawaii is honest.

    Luckily for the United States.....your opinion is really irrelevant. The voters and all relevant parties spoke in 2008 and they will have another opportunity to do so next year.
  10. Dispondent

    Dispondent Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 5, 2009
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    With all respect, and there is much, it is not a matter of us judging, it is about what we judge. In my opinion the State cannot be trusted, as they make and enforce the laws, they are the least likely to be trustworthy.

    On this issue, well, I don't care, but to simply believe the State is trustworthy, simply because they are a State, seems incredibly naive... You fail to accept the notion that billions of dollars are involved and there is a very real reason for the state to lie or otherwise confound the truth to the citizens... Nobody has actually done the work to see how much HI has gotten out of this deal...
  11. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Exactly when did this happen previously?
    What President ever handed over ‘all documents immediately’?
    Please name one. [/B

    Because frankly I will say I think this is an untrue statement. I am not saying you are lying- perhaps you are just passing on what you read on Birther propaganda sites. But prove me wrong- show me the President who 'handed over all the documents immediately".

    But I do know that none of them have ever shown us their Birth Certificates- until Barack Obama.

    But you believed them- even though you assume government officials might be lying. Isn’t that odd? You have believed every other President when he said he was born in the U.S.- without anything other than his word- but you not only don’t believe Barack Obama- you don’t believe any of his documents, or the State officials who confirmed he was born here.

    Some people would call that rather hypocritical.

    But you can redeem yourself- show me how the other Presidential candidates have proven that they are eligible. Because I am sure you would hold them up to the same rigorous standards as you do Barack Obama.
  12. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    2. No slip ups were made during speeches that had questions raised...by the POTUS and the First Lady....and the Ambassador of Kenya

    Okay now lets get to the speculation and innuendo section of your post.
    Video #1 is titled “Obama admits born in Kenya”- this is Lie #1
    But Obama doesn’t say that at all does he? Nowhere in that clip does he say “I was born in Kenya- he doesn’t even mention Kenya.
    So the person who posted that video originally just lied. Why do Birthers feel it necessary to lie when they try to convince people.

    Video #2 is titled “Michelle Obama Admits Kenya is….”
    What? Michelle Obama is talking about HIV testing in Africa and says that “they went to Barack Obama’s home country in Kenya”- does she say Barack Obama was born in Kenya? When John F. Kennedy said(or tried to say) “I am a Berliner”- did you think he meant he lived in Berlin?

    This is just another desperate Birther effort to find some speculation or innuendo to label Barack Obama as other. Because the one thing this video does not say anywhere on it is that Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

    #3 Labeled “Michelle Obama- Barack is a Kenyan…
    Now this is an interesting video- clearly heavily edited, but Michelle might actually have said in the sheer presence of somebody like Barack Obama - a Kenyan, a black man, a man of great statesmanship who they believe could change the fate of the world. But what didn’t Michelle say? She didn’t say that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. Nor would Michelle have any particular first hand knowledge of whether he was.
    Now to most American’s, Michelle Obama’s remarks just seem like perhaps an odd way of referring to his Kenyan heritage. Most of us have had our friends refer in similar matters to their Italian or Irish or Mexican roots.
    But you know who spoke directly on the matter- and didn’t just make a casual and non-specific remark- Dr. Fukino- the Republican Director of Health of Hawaii, who said that she had checked the Birth records and that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.
    Isn’t it odd that you would prefer to think that Michelle Obama was so stupid that she would tell an audience that her husband was secretly Kenyan- and that the State Government of Hawaii is lying- rather than believe the more likely answer?

    #4 is Obama was born in Kenya- the longer version.
    Ah the Ambassador clip. That ambassador actually say the same thing in any other circumstances, other than being ambushed by shock jocks? Of course not. But I would take this one to court if I were you. Certainly it is much stronger evidence than mere birth certificates or those lieing Hawaiians.

    #5- Court orders Obama to resign in 90 days
    Do you just take any crap off of Youtube- or do you know who Manning is, and what “Court” he refers to?
    Do you believe and support what Manning says?

    Let me just put it succinctly- this video is pure batguano crazy. Claiming that any Court ordered anything on this video is either a lie- or just pure batguano crazy.

    But I do hope you post this video often- and support it vigorously. Nothing brings more ‘crazy’ to the Birther movement than Manning and his crazy.

    Anyway I have spent way too much time on this speculation and innuendo. You claim to have done research, but if your research is listening to Manning's Youtube video's, it is going to be that much more speculation, innuendo and Birther lies.
  13. Jstar

    Jstar New Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    Ya know, I had a long post here, but decided its not worth it...you have again brought up the 'official' documents given to you by none other than the 'oh so truthful' government as total proof...again, so that tells me even if I put every bit of evidence I have here on this forum, you would still attempt to blow holes in it...simply because you are so infatuated with the Obammy factor.

    As far as the youtube videos..yep, there are some squirrely ones out there...but those who are 'awake' tend to dig thru all the mush and find tidbits of info to put together to get the 'whole' picture...

    While those among us who are still snoozing prefer to latch onto that trance inducing, one eyed monster, {aka government controlled MSM} and watch what they 'tell you/allow you' to watch...

    Thats ok..you keep sleeping.. ;)
  14. toddwv

    toddwv Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 18, 2009
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    Yes, Jeff. That's a good summation. The birthers take unsubstantiated foreign documents as unimpeachable evidence while completely discounting officially maintained US documents.
  15. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    While the Obamabots refuse to believe Obama could be capable of any wrongdoing... because he's black.

    Gotta love how libs trust the govt so passionately when Dem's are in office... yet despise and distrust when Rep's are in the oval office.

    Hypocrisy (and blind faith) at it's best.
  16. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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  17. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    I am infatuated with the truth and despise Birther speculation, innuendo and lies.

    And unlike Konspiracy theorists, yes I am more willing to believe official sources than Youtube video's.

    The fact you posted Manning's shows how far down the rabbit hole you have gone.
  18. Jstar

    Jstar New Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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  19. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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  20. Jstar

    Jstar New Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    I don't need to prove anything..Im not the one refusing to have an open mind about anything...I do my research, you do yours...or don't..why? Because all you will do is come back as you have done in every response and say "Oh, you got that off some birther propaganda website"

    If you want to keep drinkin' the koolaide, go right ahead
  21. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Of course you don't need to prove anything you say, or prove that you haven't made it all up.

    You don't need to prove your 'research' by naming anything.

    Pretty much the mantra of Birthers- "we don't need to prove anything"

    Because all you have is speculation, innuendo and Birther propaganda.
  22. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Do you want to know the funniest thing about all of this to me?

    I could not care less where he was born. Africa, Hawaii, in the middle of the freaking ocean. This does not matter to me for one simple reason:

    His mother at the time of his birth was a US citizen.

    And when he ran for president, Mitt Romney's father George Romney also had some controversey, since he was born in Mexico.

    And of course, John McCain was born in Panama.

    I find the entire "birther" nonsense to be just that, nonsense. Because I consider the nationality to be that of the mother at the time of birth, not where the birth actually happened.
  23. CoolWalker

    CoolWalker New Member

    Jun 9, 2010
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    If anyone believes that George Soros doesn't have enough money to have bought false credentials, then they are looney-toons. Anyone...anyone who hides all papers about himself has something in his background to hide (obviously). What it is has yet to come out, but my gut tells me he has deep, dark secrets that would have prevented him from being elected, and if brought forward now, would invite impeachment.
  24. rahl

    rahl Banned

    May 31, 2010
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    what has obama "hidden" exactly? he is the only president or presidential candidate in US history, who has ever provided ANY evidence that he is eligible. The evidence he provided, is his birth certificate. NO OTHER president or candidate in US history, has ever done so.
  25. misterveritis

    misterveritis Banned

    Jun 30, 2011
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    Too late. Vote for Romney. Work to elect conservative republicans to the House and especially the Senate. The one term Marxist, flexible with our enemies, president Barack Hussein Obama can be moved onto the ash heap of history, where he belongs.

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