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Jun 14, 2009
Aug 11, 2008
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Inferno was last seen:
Jun 14, 2009
    1. Makedde
      I sent him a visiter message
    2. Makedde
      I will ask him
    3. Makedde
      Are there any Mods online right now.
    4. Makedde
      Maybe we should ask a Mod to fill us in
    5. Makedde
      I found the thread but she didnt post in it much. I dont know why she would have been banned. Only thing I can think of is she and Martel were fighting.
    6. Makedde
      Okay I will see if I can find where that one is.
    7. Makedde
      Okay me know what you find out
    8. Makedde
      I bet they were fighting with each other! Which thread was this in do you know?
    9. Makedde
      I want to know why Martel was banned too but nothing has been said about it yet. I am okay today, I feel faint a lot though, have for weeks ever since that really bad attack. I dont kmow when it will come good.
    10. Davocrat
      Thanks for saying good stuff!
    11. presluc
      That is my point there is no differance between a woman marrrying a woman or a a man marrying a woman that used to be a man.

      The point is love and marriage should be based on individual choice not public chance.

      I think "speaking as a hetrosexual" is that's what the hetrosexuals are missing from the gay/lesbian rigts movement, I think they want to see more individuality.
      Something differant, a new approach to an old problem.
      What that would be I do not know but I have a feeling thats what the people want.
    12. presluc
      Well I see your point a lot of hetrosexuals are the same way they talk a lot about individual fredom but when pressed about other peoples individual freedom it becomes a differant type of individualaty.

      I know this may be a bit personal but since you are a friend and a lesbian I always wanted to ask the gay/ lesbian movement a couple of questions.
      Don't have to answer if you don't want to.

      Why isn't there more gay rights debates based on individual rights.
      Like if the government can tell a woman not to marry a woman, why not tell a skinny guy not to marry a fat woman or a rich guy not to marry an average girl.
      Or a white girl not to marry a black guy.
      Or a healthy person not to marry a person with a handicap like deaf or crippled?
      Then there's the "man must marry woman" clause.
      Ok suppose a guy meets a woman that's had a sex change and used to be a man they meet fall in love get married is the marriage to be annuled or is it legal?
      After all on her drivers licence it says Female right?
      So what the differance??
      Then there's the married guys that likes to wear womens clothes.
      Well he's married he would have to be a bit feminine to put on women's clothes?
      So is two women get married one would like to dress like a female woudn't they?
      So it's ok to marry a 3rd cousin in America but not ok to marry same sex??
      I don't see too much of this kind of stuff being brought up at any gay/lesbian rights debate or rally.
    13. presluc
      I have no doubt that you have crossed lines to reach out to hetrosexuals and talked to them about issues that was impotant to them while trying to get support from them.
      However any group with difreances has it's good the ones that work for eqal rights,and it's bad the ones that want to be differant and that's all.
      On the hetrosexual side you have the rednecks right wing, and some religion, on the gay lesbian side you have the flames that only seek the spotlight in any given situation who lives by the code you don't like me step off or I live my life for me.
      I mean let's face facts not every hetrosexual is going to be converted to be gay.
      Not any redneck is ever going to like a gay lifestyle.
      However if gays/lesbian come together with one agenda eqality, rights and freedom to live how they choose to love and marry who they choose
      Well isn't that what all Americans want gay or straight?
    14. presluc
      I am far from the best just average maybe somewhere on the boderline between average and nonintellectual.

      However as I have said the gay/ lesbians need support from the average and even the below average.
      Because no matter what the politicians tell you that's the true majority of people living in America today.
      If a church can manipilate people to the point of saying G.W. Bush is the only one that can protect America. WELL??
      The gay/ lesbian movement must talk to straight average people on their on level and it's always the same average Americans have two very strong beleifs.
      1 they don't like nobody pushing them around
      2 they love three words individuality, equality, and freedom
      Those words are the key to any change in American politics or people.
    15. Makedde
      Fell better then. I am not feeling so good myself tonight. Think I'll have a rest and see how I feel later on.
    16. Makedde
      Is there anything they can do to repair the nerve damage?
    17. Makedde
      I know what pills are like, I used to take them and they wouldn't work for long. I'd take too many and would have been in danger of overdosing, but you just need the pain to stop. How about a long hot bath? It might relax those muscles. I hope it goes away, I feel for you.
      Yes it is that thread it has been renamed as my update thread kinda like Treshas.
    18. Makedde
      It is in my update thread what the doc said. I still need to see my boss about it though. Are you feeling any better?
    19. presluc
      This may come as a shock but my oldest sister hasn't spoken to me in 11 years I tried to call her my nephew said she did not want to talk to me and I was no long considered her brother.
      Because of my beleifs in politics, religion and the gay rights issue
      However I have two other sisters that I call every weekend.

      The point is straight people have family not speaking to them either.
      The fact that religous people give the gays a hard time is not news some religous people give straights a hard time as well, hell straight people have been critisised for not voting for Bush.

      I'm sure you recall stonewall when gays fought back.

      To get support from straight people gays should present the gay rigts issue as a human rights issue.
      They should respect the lifestyles and beleifs of average straight people whenever possible
      They should critisise and condem any act of gay intrusion on children or any other lifestyle.
      Any sexual act if not consenual is considered rape or statutary rape.

      The price of freedom is never cheap.
      The cost is often high.
    20. presluc
      That is my point the past should be forgotten.
      The few friends that stayed your friend is a start.

      Look at the aids outreach program, the farm aid outreach program.
      Remember Comic releif outreach to help the homeless most of the money and support was from working poor and lower middle class.
      As for farm aid half the support they got from people that had never been on a farm.
      Half the people that supported aids outreach didn't even know exactly how aids works.
      These people that supported these outreach programs didn't care about homeless people, or farmers or people with aids they only knew that the way they were being treated was wrong their support was to try to make things right.

      Change in government comes from the average and below average pressure not the top.

      Think of the 60's some people that had never been to D.C. never even seen the White House helped changed the law.
    21. presluc
      In my opinion I think the gay community needs to work on an outrech program.
      Oh I know this may sound a little far fetched but instead of debatuing lifestyles respecting lifestyles.

      A good example of how this works wiould be te religious community.
      In truth it's a bit of a mess like take me for instance I have known and been in a cathoic church , a synogogue
      a babtist, methodist,luthern church even whatched a voo doo getogether, and have been friends with atheist

      I do not beleive in any of those, and some I disagree with, my faith in GOD still remains.but if I should meet one of these I would not ask what religion they was or wasn't I would find out what kind of human being they were.
      Respect is the key you give it a majority of the time you will get it back no matter what your lifestyle or what you beleive in.
    22. presluc
      That is true but the worse thing is if a gay person makes friends with a srtaight person and they're just hanging out, but after the straight person finds out the person he was hanging out with is gay the straight person changes and starts avoiding the gay person.
      Even if he still sees the gay person the straight person isn't quite the same it like they're walking on eggshells.

      I'm doing ok just still in the thick of things over at the socialist
    23. presluc
      The greatest enemy gay rights has is not religion .
      The greatest enemy of gay rights is homophobia and peer presure.
      Eliminate the fear of gays from straight people.
      In my opinion that's how to get the rights gays ask for, then move on the D.C..
    24. Makedde
      How are you? What did the doctor say? Sorry I wasn't online, I had my own doctor appointment! I hope you are well.
    25. tresha

      we're surely trying, surely trying.
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