Discrimination Against Beauty

Discussion in 'Women's Rights' started by ibshambat, Dec 24, 2015.

  1. ibshambat

    ibshambat Banned

    Jul 2, 2015
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    There are people who see beauty - or love of beauty - as being incompatible with spiritality or intelligence. Quite simply, these people have not seen enough good art. True art - Michelangelo, Gaughing, Renoir, any number of others - is both beautiful and spiritual. And Russian women are both beautiful and intelligent.

    What we see in these cases is this: Discrimination against beauty. What is very much a positive is treated as a negative, and men of goodwill, in the name either of feminism or of spirituality, are steered away from the beautiful women, leaving them nowhere to go to except jerks. In this both feminism and spirituality are profaned. Neither is meant to militate against beauty. The first is meant to empower women, and the second is meant to impart wisdom. In neither case is discrimination against beauty a part of the intended outcome.

    Discrimination against beauty is just as wrong as discrimination based on race. One can be beautiful and spiritual, or beautiful and intelligent, or all of the preceding, at once. All of the above are virtues and should be cultivated in people, resulting in people being in every way the best that they can be.

    One does not have to be homely in order to be spiritual or intelligent. The women I've loved were all beautiful and spiritual at once. In the country I come from, women are both smart and beautiful; so I am not vulnerable to brainwashing that teaches people in America that attractive women are stupid and that only unattractive women can be smart.

    If the argument is that an unattractive person can be smart or spiritual, then that is correct. If the argument is that an attractive person cannot be smart or spiritual, then that is completely bogus. Spirituality is not meant to discriminate period; and that means, not discriminate against beauty as much as it means not discriminating on race.

    So whenever we see someone attack beauty or love of beauty in the name of spirituality, we know that we are seeing someone abusing their spirituality. And whenever we see someone claiming that beautiful women cannot be smart, we know that we are seeing someone speaking from the position of ignorance. Beautiful women can be just as spiritual and intelligent as the unattractive women. And a person truly possessing of spirituality or intelligence will recognize that and act accordingly.
  2. windy owl

    windy owl Banned

    Jan 4, 2016
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    I think people use and develop items that help them go further. Pretty women get in shape, study modeling, enter beauty contests, go into acting, etc. One of the primary goals of both sexes is to attract a mate. Good looking women use their looks to attract a mate and get what they want. You probably don't have time to develop everything, so a babe might just go into some bimbo field, such as journalism. She might take up dance and become a cheerleader. She uses her brain less in these endeavors.

    A woman who is not viewed as attractive will have to develop other means to secure a mate and her future. She develops her brain. She studies math or science. She is more scholarly.

    I think some of this is at the heart of feminism. Women intensely compete with one another. They are protective of their men. They are jealous. The Latin woman wearing sexy clothes was not fired from Citi for her outfits. She was fired because the chubby women were jealous of her. This is why feminists hate beauty contests, bikinis, NFL cheerleaders, and all the rest.

    Obviously, none of this is hard and fast. Also, Russian women are thinner than American women and a lot of them are smarter. Latin women are not afraid to show off their sexiness in the workplace. A lot of them are in touch with their womanhood, much more than other Western women. Many women from Asian countries are thin and intelligent.
  3. LiveUninhibited

    LiveUninhibited Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2008
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    Having or loving beauty has little to do with intelligence. Spirituality and intelligence on the other hand, likely to be a negative correlation there but not sure I get the term...People always talk about it like it's something you should have to be healthy, but how is it different from being religious really? Is it like religious but not into organized religion?

    A quick search brought up: "Spirituality begins with a reverence for the ordinary that can lead us to insights and experiences that are anything but ordinary."... that just sounds like not being jaded to me. So spiritual means you appreciate everyday things?... Not the sense I get from people who say they're spiritual.

    I think the only thing I have against beauty is it distracts me. The department was interviewing this beautiful woman today, and she was obviously brilliant, but I kept wondering how I could even think when talking to her. Thankfully I'm not involved in the decision regarding her.
  4. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    ... Uncle Ferd says ya ain't never gonna see...

    ... him discriminatin' against good-lookin' womens.
  5. Anon00001

    Anon00001 Banned

    Feb 14, 2016
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    As a very handsome (I am told) white male homosexual who is very intelligent & spiritual—I can tell you that I have experienced a full range of discrimination, because I come from abuse & I am a Native American shaman (something I learned recently).

    All my life I've encountered people flirting with me, seducing me, and betraying me; they treated me like a prostitute. But I came from severe abuse & body-dysmorphia, so I didn't know. Coming to grips with the realization that my looks were something positive, but a detriment was pretty hard to handle—and the truth even more difficult to face.

    I find that people who appreciate beauty do tend to be the worst kinds of people; they are commonly superficial, judgmental, presumptuous, charming, and attention-seeking. They will judge intelligent people & spiritual people at the drop of a dime and turn into little accusing devils, self-justifying every abuse under the sun—pushing their counterparts away and blaming them for it. They lack that spiritual depth, which knows the beauty of sorrow, questioning, but also rage, real triumphant power, sheer boredom, but also love, forgiveness, & passion—and the way that fire builds—and the way that joy isn't something fragile, but a saving grace. They don't like to question things … Not really. They don't know how to weave gold out of straw.

    But you can be beautiful on the outside and on the inside, and also in your brain. It makes sense what the poster above me said; people naturally fluctuate to the easier path for themselves in life. If they're very good looking (especially from childhood), they are—most of the time—charmers who think their triumphs & sorrows are the biggest & most terrible, precious, and profound things ever in the universe; they worship the melodrama & despise true inner beauty.

    It's the evolution of the power of outward beauty that does it; people spend so much time captivated at seeing goodness on the outside, that those who are physically beautiful & don't endure abuse learn—through the years of thousands of years of evolution of the tyranny of the concepts of physical beauty that permeate the culture—that they don't have to try so hard. Thus, they expect everyone to trust them from 0 to infinity in the drop of a dime, and they don't understand the value of earning trust & love; they are used to people getting giddy & friendly with them because of the distraction of the vanity of the physical wall—and they grow, throughout life, to become accustomed to this buffer. They resent people who force them to control themselves & prove themselves—and become vindictive, if not always behind the mask of charm; they see others' triumphs as weaknesses unless it is candy-coated & hidden—except for their own.

    Thus, they don't see the need to have strong morals or convictions—or powerful resistance & rebellion at times with a rigid dance. They tend to see things very black and white. "I am beautiful, you can trust me—even though I am not conscientious but I like that word and it gets me places and people let me use it because they're hypnotized by my appearance so I'll say I'm conscientious too and good people are bad, tyrannical, and annoying." They enter careers, relationships, etc. half-hearted; things that require the rewards of appearances like waitressing, bar tending, porn, and acting—indeed … Even journalism. They learn through the hypnotism of their appearance to vanely assume themselves most trustworthy & carved of the inner sense above others. These people tend not to learn how to fall to pieces and pick yourself back up a hundreds times in a day, like those victimized by superficial bigotry do. They believe life is intended to be an easy, inner flow from one scene to the next, and if it is difficult—they call it "ruined" and dramatically change their scenery to try again.

    Thus, they become acquainted with supremacy and seduction, and alluring—so often fornication prostitution which they claim is monogamy (sex for resources & amusement called "dating") and other things that reward them and keep the illusion that life is all about "being happy & blessed and worshipped". They lash out and use their fans to punish anyone who bothers them. They frequently decide with others, "you're too different from me" and shut the blinds—lock the doors & change the locks—and tell you you're crazy, and did something to deserve it. Inwardly, they are lazy—and they do not understand.

    They do not understand that life is about dying—and being reborn each day. They believe that the sun rises & sets on their beauty—which will only fade. And therefore, anything like "cheerleading" and narrow beauty stereotypes do divide the world, and it is a very, very, very confusing & sad place for it. But rest assured, physical beauty doesn't always mean a bad person—but it most certainly tends to indicate otherwise.
  6. rickysdisciple

    rickysdisciple New Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    There are two reasons for the bimbo narrative of beautiful women, both of which are true:

    1. Beautiful women probably have to do the least amount of work to acquire resources and social attention from others. Human beings love attention more than just about anything else, and these women get it as much as they want, whenever they want it. For most people, especially females, if there are multiple activities to choose from, the one most will choose will be one in which the person receives positive attention from others. Why the hell would a beautiful person spend the time that it takes to develop their genetic potential, intellectually speaking? Beautiful women, as long as they don't totally implode mentally, are guaranteed to have a pretty nice life, if they want it. They simply don't have to work to develop themselves. Most beautiful women I know have no real hobbies, don't read non-fiction, and don't care about heady stuff. They spend the vast majority of their time socializing and getting attention.

    2. The likelihood of someone being both exceptionally beautiful and exceptionally intelligent, both because of environmental and biological reasons, is exceedingly rare. This is just a pure problem of math.
  7. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    So you're saying I'm ugly lmao

  8. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Look sorry I'm rolling my eyes at this thread because people discriminate against many things and honestly if you're beautiful and are discriminated against you should just suck it up, there are many things that are much worse that can happen to you
  9. rickysdisciple

    rickysdisciple New Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    I'm saying it is very often true. I wish they'd study this stuff in universities instead of the nonsense that passes for social science now, but everything I said makes sense, and I think most people have observed this pattern. A person who spends most of their time trying to get attention simply doesn't have the time to develop their intelligence (the environmental variable).

    If you are smart and hot that's awesome! Just don't try to pretend that beautiful people are just as likely to win Nobel prizes. There's a reason for the nerdy stereotype. The least attractive people at any given university will tend to be concentrated in the harder majors, while the bimbo women invariably end up in the college of education, liberal arts, or communication (this is a big one).
  10. rickysdisciple

    rickysdisciple New Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    Check this poor woman out. Apparently, she was so hot when she was young that the parents were nervous around her as a kid and it "repressed her" sexually.

  11. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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  12. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Maybe it's all you see, the women prepared to take their clothes off and flash their boobs get all the attention, but a beautiful women not flashing the goods are not paid as much attention... perhaps the problem is the observer

  13. rickysdisciple

    rickysdisciple New Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    It's not possible to develop one's intelligence without investment. Contrary to popular belief, intelligence requires cultivation, even the seemingly non-verbal. You have to use your brain to make it sharp. I would love the opportunity to test my theory because I know it's right. A beautiful woman can be covered in dirt, minding her own business, and hold the attention of an entire room, even without trying. I think you underestimate the amount of power that hot women have over men. Did you know that men genuinely have trouble staying focused when talking to hot women? It causes serious physiological responses and affects our ability to think clearly. I have watched hot women, and know some, who will go out and have five men all doing her bidding and paying for everything. In fact, when women try to get stuff out of me, it takes an active effort to deny them, and I usually only reject them out of pure ego, not because I don't want to. Men literally want to do what hot women tell them to do.
  14. scarlet witch

    scarlet witch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2016
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    You don't have to tell me the power a woman can hold over a man, I'm not beyond using thigh hi's, low cut tops and sexy lingerie when it suits me. However I do believe most men will see tits and ass and completely miss an even more beautiful woman standing right next to her, simply because she screams sex and availability.

    No doubt a beautiful intelligent woman will not feel the need to flash T&A because she knows she's so much more than that, whereas another who's been brought up to believe she's nothing more than her looks will turn out to be exactly that, her entire self esteem buried in the amount of attention she gets from men.

  15. rickysdisciple

    rickysdisciple New Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    I'm saying this is what usually happens. I'm not saying attractive women don't accomplish anything, but you rarely find fiercely intelligent people among their ranks. I usually feel like I'm talking to a stump but, then again, I usually feel that way when I talk to people ;-)

    Beautiful women also don't have to work as hard to accomplish the same objectives. Any time men are in a position to help beautiful women, they will pick the hotties over the less attractive ones, subconsciously hoping they can leverage it into sex.
  16. Anon00001

    Anon00001 Banned

    Feb 14, 2016
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    This is why society is overrun by democratic flattery & prostitute celebrities parading as "good, sane, honest, beautiful, hard-working, talented beacons of light".

    True beauty is within, and it is not the ego to reject a woman for her flattery.

    Proverbs 6:13 A worthless person, a wicked man, Is the one who walks with a perverse mouth, Who winks with his eyes, who signals with his feet, Who points with his fingers; Who with perversity in his heart continually devises evil, Who spreads strife. Therefore his calamity will come suddenly; Instantly he will be broken and there will be no healing.

    Proverbs 5:3 That you may observe discretion And your lips may reserve knowledge. For the lips of an adulteress drip honey And smoother than oil is her speech; But in the end she is bitter as wormwood, Sharp as a two-edged sword.

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