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Sep 6, 2024 at 7:07 PM
Sep 26, 2008
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Sacramento, CA

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Well-Known Member, from Sacramento, CA

LiveUninhibited was last seen:
Sep 6, 2024 at 7:07 PM
    1. KSigMason
      Good post for "On Death", I'm about to get on my plane, but when I'm back home I'll reply.
    2. Skinny.
      Yeah, this site has very few trolls. I mean, sure, it's fun to be able to say what ever you want, but it's near impossible to get through a discussion.
    3. Skinny.
      So where you been at?
    4. Skinny.

      Welcome back, my friend.
    5. katiegrrl0
      yes by way of poland. i had to come to Israel for work and my wife wanted to come as well because she has Jewish roots and we decided to make this our home. it is not a happy place at the moment but it is nice here. my career takes me everywhere so it will be home for ? who knows how long. i am glad you accepted thank you.
    6. katiegrrl0
      thank you for the rep. it was kind of you. i was trying to own him. i am glad you thought so.
    7. Rusticus
      Thank you for the rep!! Rusticus
    8. Odin
      do you think i t is good if United nations become part of thiis processen.everytiime i say the UN should b e make strong people criticise m e but i beleive for this.i think the only way there can b e peace between Palestinian and Israel is with the UN accord. perhaps with Barack Obama the presiident of US this will lead to peace in the world.
    9. Odin
      d o you agree there i s no right or wrong but only strong gouvernement like in militarie.
    10. catawba
      I agree whole-heartedly! May we have a more peaceful new year and new era!
    11. catawba
      Hey Liv, just stopping by to say hi, I really liked your post I commented on earlier.
    12. XVZ
      Enjoy your two hundred, nine.
    13. Odin
      this forum i s not fun place to b e anymore
    14. Skinny.
      No idea, you would have to ask a mod.
    15. Skinny.
      The gist of the system, is that you can't rep one or two people consecutively - there must be some reppies inbetween. If you rep a few people, you can then rep me again (and I, you).

      Gnome sayin?
    16. Skinny.
      "You must spread some reputation around before giving it to LiveUninhibited again."

    17. jedimiller
      hey man, You make some very good points in some of your threads! good work!
    18. Ostap Bender
      Ostap Bender
      I wish you very marry Christmas and Happy New Year. God bless you and your Family!
    19. Skinny.
      Quit pwning everyone ;)
    20. tresha
      Thanks! It was a blend of sarcasm and sincerity, but I'm glad someone caught on. :giggle:
    21. Chesby05
      He has been very threatening in some of his visitor messages and so forth. That's what I mean by scare people. I know he is on several other forums so `poking his tongue out' at Sue is probably putting it lightly. But why the need? It's clear he is unable to move on. He can continue to reincarnate himself, it's neither here nor there to us. But it's just a bit pathetic. But hey, he can spend his time doing whatever he wants. It's a free country.
    22. Chesby05
      Agna is unfortunately just trying to scare people, which isn't really working. He has only himself to blame for his ban, and while it's a shame, what he's doing now is actually showing how unstable he really is. He would like it to be a battle of wills, I'm sure, but that's ok. He can continue to do what he's doing - the fact that he's escalated his attacks shows how desperate he is getting. We'll just keep on banning him and he can get his harmless kicks and I guess that's the way it will be for some time. Poor fella - I actually do feel sorry for him. And I'm not just saying that to be condescending. I really, really do feel sorry for him.
    23. Mercurio
      I'll still be around in my various guises...because I'll never regard ABoyNamedSpew's bans as valid. ;)
    24. Ivan
      It's slowpoke and bellsprout...not that I know anything about pokemon either.
    25. tresha
      Heya. Been meaning to ask and keep forgetting, Where in the world did Doug say that in your sig line?
      "That kitten. He hated freedom." It tickles me every time I see it. :giggle:
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