Rick Perry will be next President

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Dware, Aug 13, 2011.

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  1. signcutter

    signcutter New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Why would it make a difference? They all serve at the whim of corporations and lobbyists.
  2. My Fing ID

    My Fing ID Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 26, 2009
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    Compromise what? The only things that change are a few social issues. Either way we go in the same general direction. Why not vote for someone you actually believe in rather than for one of two people that are in all likelihood going to do very similar things?
  3. NoPartyAffiliation

    NoPartyAffiliation New Member

    Jun 25, 2011
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    Not by much but yup. I don't buy into the RINO thing. I think it's more the AWDWMV thing. (Anyone Who Disagrees With Me)

    I believe we have very valuable government and social programs - just as I believe a lot of them are a colossal waste. As opposed to those who use the RINO acronym, I think our single biggest waste is in defense.
  4. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    It isn't what a candidate and I might have in common political beliefs but instead what a candidate and I don't have in common that determines my vote. From my perspective both Republicans and Democrats are for a more authoritarian government that sacrifices the liberty and rights of the People and they are virtually identical in this regard. It's like being in prison and having to decide who's going to rape you. Sorry, I can vote for neither and would rather fight against the status quo that both Democrats and Republicans represent.

    One thing that truly annoys me is when a person is elected to be president they always claim a mandate from the People even if they barely win a plurality of the vote. We, those that vote for candidates other than Republicans or Democrats make our voice heard. If 50 million Americans vote in a general election and the "winner" receives less than 25 million votes they cannot claim a mandate from the People. As third parties, such as the Libertarian Party, secure more votes it both argues against "the people's mandate" and encourages others to vote for third party candidates.

    Eventually we hope to cast enough votes to secure enough Electorial College members to prevent the direct election of the president from the Electorial College because neither of the two primary candidates secure enough to be elected. Yes, America will still get screwed if the issue goes to the House but we're screwed either way. Eventually we will secure enough votes to actually elect a president that is for the country and the Constitution as opposed to a candidate that is all about themself.

    With Perry, Bachmann, or even Romney there will be no fundamental change in government when compared to Obama. Government will continue to grow larger and more intrusive and move further and further away from our Constitution. The American People will still get screwed in the end and I will not support that.
  5. Bryan

    Bryan New Member

    Jul 13, 2011
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    I am an Independent-Libertarian and will vote for which ever candidate I feel is best suited for the elected position of President. At this point in time I choose RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT. He is a Constitutionalist and since he has come to Congress he has voted for Liberty. He does not use spin-talk. His political views have mirrored the Tea Party long b4 the Tea Party was founded.
  6. Bryan

    Bryan New Member

    Jul 13, 2011
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    We will be lucky if we can pay off the debt in the next 100 yrs. Everything obama has touched he has corrupted. His admin favors the large corps and the unions as seen in the bailouts. Ok, bin Laden is no more. Why are we still in Iraq?? Why are we still in Afghanistan??? Why are we still the police of the world??? Bush was a moron and he gave the nails to obama who has since started banging the nails into the coffin. Obamacare is going to kill small businesses. It should be repealed and replaced by a mandate: If the ins companies want to do business in the USA then they must accept ALL pre-existing conditions at no extra premiums!
  7. Bryan

    Bryan New Member

    Jul 13, 2011
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    it is still not too late to avoid a depression, since main street has yet to come out of the recession.

    One, alter the corporate tax structure so that small business as defined by any company whose gross is under $5 million. If a corporation can hire at LEAST 85% of its' work-force from American Citizens will only pay 7% in taxes with NO DEDUCTIONS, SUBSIDIES, CREDITS, ETC. While all others would pay up to and including 35% with the same lack of tax breaks. Forget about the moutains of paper work and man-power needed each year to pay taxes.

    Two, MANUIFACTURE AND INSTALL in ALL trucks and buses (beginning with the military) either or both the HYDROGEN FUEL CELL(s) or the HYDROGEN ENGINE. In ALL other vehicles MANUFACTURE AND INSTALL the NATURAL GAS ENGINE. Via the Dept of Trans and the Dept of Energy small tax breaks could be established. This would revitalize our manufacturing base!!! Great Britain is INSTALLING the WAVE GENERATOR along its small coast and in another 7 yrs it will become energy independent. We have over 3000 miles of coastland. During the Carter administration I developed what I call the TIDAL GENERATOR, which CANNOT be seen from land and will not effect ocean life. These ideas could decrease our reliance of energy from those who hate us down to a manageable level as well AND unemployment down to under 5% instead of the 9.2% the govt admits to.

    As long as the American Citizen votes for these do nothing lawyers who think they know what is best for the economy we will have the situation known as SNAFU!!!

    I graduated 1st in my class in macro AND micro economics. I do not aspire to any official office or for any compensation, i would just like to see the GREATEST NATION IN THE WORLD stay in that catagory.

    Since Reagan's TRICKLE-DOWN or VOODOO economic policy...elected govt officials have been spouting how great it is to tax the rich as little as possible and more jobs will be created. HOGWASH!!! Since the bush tax-cuts went into effect job growth has declined. Where is the incentive to hire the American Citizen??? Our trade treaties are backwards! Why would you hire someone for $10 (example only) an hour, plus benefits; when u can get the same production from one who receives $1.25 or less an hour and NO BENEFITS??? China owns the USA!!!

    What happens if no one purchases anymore of our debt? What happens if those who do own our notes of debt want their money NOW???

    The USA MUST bring home ALL the troops from Japan, Europe, South Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Libya NOW!!! Not just talk about it! We can no longer afford to be the police of the world. If these people want to stay in the federal govt then place them along our porous borders, as inspectors at our ports, or assist law enforcement in the communities that are over-run with crime cartels via drugs and smuggling! They would then spend their pay in the USA and not propping up the economies of other nations. The war mongers call this isolationism. What is wrong with thinking of the American people b4 others???

    We must detach ourselves from freddie/fannie and let the chips fall as they may. No more bailouts or Foreign Aid. Why should we borrow money to give to another nation? This is STUPIDITY! We must also end the Dept of Education and allow the states to handle educating their own! We must end the Dept of Homeland Security and allow the FBI to do its' job! Do you know that President bush jr gave the the highest civilian medal to the man who was in charge of the FBI just after 911 for his lack of performance, and then created a whole other dept along with the FBI? SMH! We must detach our selves from the FRS which is a corporation, not a govt agency, and which has NEVER paid any taxes!!! Tax it from its inception at 35% componded yearly up to this point!

    When those in Congress say they will not touch defense or alter the tax structure they are not serious about lowering the debt. Obama is a great orator, but as a leader of the free world...he sucks! Clinton, Palin, and Bachmann are war mongers and should have no place in govt. Did you know that Clinton said she did not have time to read the intelligence report on IRAQ b4 she voted for war? There is no constitutional or justifiable reason to begin another war with libya!! The federeal govt under either major party swore to uphold the Constitution of the USA! Yet they (republicans or Democrats) only enforce the provisions they feel act in their bests interests which may not be in the best interests of America. America has lost its' moral and ethical base!

    Are u aware that there is a MONETARY cap on social security creating a class distinction between the rich and not so rich? If a person earns $174,000 (?) he/she pays 6.85%. If a person earns $500,000 only the 1st $174,000 is taxed at 6.85% and the rest is not! So to be fair, why not eliminate the cap?

    I believe i have covered many ways to save our nation from its' debt woes, decreased unemployment, made our govt more efficient by the ideas i have put forth above. There are few elected officals in govt who would go along with these solutions. These policies are not radical. They are sane policies for anyone to follow if they REALLY LOVED THE USA.

    RON PAUL SHOULD BE ON THE INDEPENDENT TICKET and i feel he would garner the independent vote along with 15% of the democratic and republican constituents as well, thus becoming the FIRST CONSTITUTIONAL President in many many decades!
  8. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    The SS income cap for 2011 is $106,800.


    You are correct, income earned above that amount is not subject to the effective 12.4% tax.

    The tax is also not levied up most investment income (exempting trust fund babies, hedge fund managers, and other living off investment income).
  9. Dware

    Dware New Member

    Feb 26, 2010
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    I understand what you're saying man, but Ron Paul just doesnt have a shot at all, zero, ziltch, nadda.

    If you were honest with yourself you would admit it. So you really have two viable choices..Obama or (Perry/Romney)

    Obama has had 3 years to destroy everything he touched, its time for someone else.
  10. Slyhunter

    Slyhunter New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2010
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    view points like the above libertarian ones is why I think we need to change the voting procedure to voting for the looser. Whoever gets the most votes losses and you keep voting until there is only one left. That way one doesn't win simply because some jackass leached votes from the one who should've one vs the one who shouldn't of won if there weren't a third party candidate in there stealing the votes.
  11. signcutter

    signcutter New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Yep the 2 party strangle hold has worked well so far... lets make it airtight.
  12. Slyhunter

    Slyhunter New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2010
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    How does voting for the looser keep the 2 party strangle hold? The way it is now, your way, a Democrat can win the election simply because the conservatives split the vote among several candidates and that is simply unfair. By voting for the looser we make it so the majority has a say in at least who looses and while their first choice might not win, at least a split vote won't steal the election for someone who the majority didn't want to win at all.
  13. NoPartyAffiliation

    NoPartyAffiliation New Member

    Jun 25, 2011
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    I disagree. Although I wouldn't vote for Paul, I respect the views of those wanting to make a statement. To let the major parties make you believe you only have two choices is to give them control and let them take away your voice.
  14. Slyhunter

    Slyhunter New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2010
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    And if Paul got 30% Perry got 30% and the Democrats walked away with 40% what would you say then?
    [edit]or 35% 25% and the democrats still win with 40%[/edit]

    At minimum there should be a runoff election, between the top two contenders, anytime the winner has less than 51% of the vote.
  15. NetworkCitizen

    NetworkCitizen New Member

    Mar 5, 2011
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    The more pseudo-tea-partiers, the better. Now we need more neo-cons/RINOs to take the Romney votes. Ron Paul fans have no doubt in who they want to choose, because they know exactly how different he is from the establishment sellouts.
  16. NoPartyAffiliation

    NoPartyAffiliation New Member

    Jun 25, 2011
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    And I completely respect them for that. Basically, it comes down to defining the counter to Liberalism. Who are the Liberals going to vote for? The answer is obvious.
    The contention is the new definition of Conservatism. Personally, I prefer Paul over any of the GOP hopefuls. His biggest asset is also his biggest problem: He is so incredibly honest, he blows people away. While Obama, Romney, Perry and Whackmann may and probably are lying about whether they think it would be a good idea to legalize pot, Paul doesn't hesitate to verbalize it - knowing that will cost him votes.
    So Conservatives have to decide whether or not they want to talk the same old hypocritical bullsh1t about "less government", while sticking their noses into every social issue they can manage and continuing bullsh1t wars etc... or they want to put someone in who will actually champion the Less Government they give lip service to.
    If that means it cost them an election or two, so be it. I admire their conviction and willingness to do what is right, in the face of incredible odds.
  17. signcutter

    signcutter New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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  18. NoPartyAffiliation

    NoPartyAffiliation New Member

    Jun 25, 2011
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    Ya know, I think that's worth reposting as a thread...
  19. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    That can't happen. Paul and Perry are both Republicans and so only one will be on the ballot for president in the general election.

    That is not where the problem is. The problem is in the presidential debates where the Democrats and Republicans, with the cooperation of the news media, exclude candidates from the discussion. If a presidential candidate is on the ballot in enough states to be elected based upon Electorial College votes then they should be a part of the national debate.

    Primary elections are not a concern for anyone except "party" members and even though the Republican party is excluding many candidates such as Gary Johnson who could be a viable candidate against Obama, because of "poll" numbers that is merely a political party issue.
  20. birddog

    birddog New Member

    Apr 12, 2011
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    You surely are going to irritate the Ds since that list describes them much better than the Rs! I'm waiting for them to show their disdain for being exposed.
  21. ptif219

    ptif219 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2011
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    Neither does Obama. Sounds like more talking points with no basis in reality
  22. ptif219

    ptif219 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2011
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    We have that in the White House now only much worse than Bush
  23. ptif219

    ptif219 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2011
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    Who does Obama have? Even the Black Caucus is mad at Obama. Obama has democrats that will vote democrat no matter what and unions. He has made everyone else mad
  24. ptif219

    ptif219 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2011
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    Obama who is bankrupting this country is the lesser of 2 evils? That would be funny if not so wrong for this country
  25. ptif219

    ptif219 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2011
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    Does not matter who runs Obama will not be re-elected he will be just like Carter
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