Ostap Bender
Last Activity:
May 5, 2022
Aug 13, 2008
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Ostap Bender

Well-Known Member, from Alabama

Ostap Bender was last seen:
May 5, 2022
    1. Ostap Bender
      Ostap Bender
      I thank you my friends for your concern!
      I'm here now, God bless you!

      Your old friend Ostap!:-)
    2. daisydotell
      OSTAP, so glad you are coming back..I was worried about you...Don't do that to us anymore...let us hear from you.
    3. flounder
      Geeez, we prayed long enough, what took ya?...HAHAHAHAHAHAH
    4. Falena
      I was praying you were alright. I'm glad your back. Missed you and the Russia section is not the same without you!
    5. Jiyuu-Freedom
      Welcome back Ostap. I missed you:)

    6. Frogger
      Ostap, come back and start posting again my friend. We miss you.
    7. changed
      Helloooooooooo?????????????????????????????????????? Hellooooooooooo? hello, hey, hi.
      hell....come on Ostap!!!!
    8. HillBilly
      Ostap , come on back , ok ??
    9. REDRUM
    10. HillBilly
      Ostap , are you back on PF yet ??? Say something...[IMG]
    11. changed
      Today’s Thought


      Justice is the art of the good and the fair!

      Ephesians 2:8,9

      (Submitted by Domingo Villarreal)

      Humble Police Department
      Humble Texas
    12. HillBilly
      Ostap , with all respect , it's gonna take more than the idealistic posts of a high schooler not yet dry behind the ears to sway me , one way or the other...

      Ronald Reagan may have been the ' great communicator ' ,,, but he was also responsible for breaking the Union... and I am a Union man , been an Officer and Steward for many years , so I have little respect for Ronald Reagan...

      Ostap , I am a Blue Dog Democrat..... that's a term that labels conservative Democrats...

      All Democrats ain't Liberals in the USA , Ostap , ok ??

      I am a Conservative Democrat....

      there are many on PF that will try and decieve you into believing that the Republican Party are conservative , but if you look at their voting record under POTUS Bush , they are not conservatives , and never have been....

      What they actually are , Ostap , are opportunistic and self-seeking buearucrats that have made a ton of money by talking out of both sides of their mouths... and I'll have no part of that , and with all respect to your opinions and our friendship . Ostap , that's what POTUS Reagan did...

      so , NO , I can't join your group.... sorry.... but I DO appreciate the invite..[IMG]
    13. Rapunzel
      Hey Bender...been off an on lately...had some (*)(*)(*)(*) computer viruses...those fake ones that what to scan your computer...been working on that most of the day...I tell ya, if I ever get my hands on anyone that does this crap...hold me back...that's all I can say...

      Gotta look at those sites you sent...gotta rep you too...LOL...you are to kind my friend.
    14. JP5
      Ostap---I do believe in all those things. But I prefer not to belong to a Social Group. I have plenty to do in my volunteer job as a Moderator to participate. But thanks for the invite anyway. Good luck to all of you.....JP5
    15. Jiyuu-Freedom
      I joined Ostap. I will try to be as active as possible. I am very overwhelmed here at the moment. Thank you. I think I will send him a friend request! Blessings.

    16. D3VILD0G301
      You're welcome. Start inviting more if you can, please. If we truly want a Conservative Victory in 2010, we need to bring Conservatives, and the Republican Party, back to these principles.
    17. Rapunzel
      And to you Dear Ostap!!!
      Glad you are my friend!!!
      God bless you too!!!
    18. Rapunzel
      You are correct and one of these days many will realize it.
    19. Rapunzel
      ITA and I hope they can too, but sometimes it seems we live in a Godless society and the atheists want God out of everything and have been very successful at it. I'm afraid a Christian Conservative party would be attacked by everyone from the atheists and the leftists. We can hope!!!
    20. Rapunzel
      Thank you for posting what you post...I agree totally!!!
      I have done a lot of reading and studying on Muslim and Islam.
    21. HillBilly
      Ostap , I can't rep anymore for 24 hours , but I'll get you tomorrow night.. that is , if you can make a post I can complement you on.. Haw Haw Haw ... : )
    22. Jiyuu-Freedom
      I was told to leave and so I did. The enemy is working hard in Brians life and his daughter against me. Now he regrets that I moved. I signed a year lease at an apt. I want to get closer to God and I moved back to my hometown by my Church. Please just hold me up in your prayers. I will barely make it on my income but I can do it because the Lord always provides:)

      I will p.m. you later with what has been going on, okay?

      Love you brother,

    23. Jiyuu-Freedom
      I was offline for a week. I am back. I will write more later but wanted to see how you are doing? I hope all is well for you. I have been through some trials. I now live alone with my dog. Thank you for the rep.

    24. Doc Dred
    25. Makedde
      Thank you Ostap! I think it is lovely, too! :)
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