1 in 5 French are collaborating Nazi scum

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Heroclitus, Apr 24, 2012.

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  1. Heroclitus

    Heroclitus Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2009
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    18% of the people who voted in Sunday's French Presidential election voted Nazi.

    These people are scum. Every single one of them. They spit on the graves of those in France who fought the Nazis in the Resistance. They are moronic cretins, who have learned nothing and forgotten nothing. Their actions speak clearly to the rotten hypocrisy and denial that lies at the heart of French post-war history: the fabrication (by Rightists and conservatives) of a grand myth about a nation of resistance fighters and Free French soldiers. The reality was a nation steeped in racism, xenophobia and anti-semitism whose large majority collaborated actively and passively and sympathetically with the far Right government of Vichy and the Nazi occupiers and who surrendered within weeks in the face of a Nazi invasion. This was a nation whose collaboration with evil was true to its innermost character - the nation which spawned the Dreyfuss Affair and tolerated bigoted troglodytes within its body politic for far too long. This election shows it clearly has not come to terms with its role in helping to enable the evil of the Third Reich. Millions of French still yearn for the easy certainties that the moral abyss of fascism contains. They are scum. All of them.

    But what will you hear from the liberal left in France, or the "moderate" Right? You will hear excuses for these vermin. Their actions can be understood, it will be said. It is the fault of mainstream politicians, comes the whimper. This at least is true to the extent that French mainstream politicians have been lining up to appease these festering turds for the whole election, sometimes leaping over each other to express their Frenchy exceptionalism, xenophobia and inner racism.

    These are the facts. The founder of the FN, Jean Marie Le Pen is a racist anti-semite who has a long record of filthy slurs against Jews and immigrants. Even towards Sarkozy, he referred to him consistently as "the foreigner", a strong reference to Sarkozy's own Jewish-Hungarian background (disgracefully Sarko has courted the votes of racists and bigots almost as much as the fascists in the FN). He is on the record as an admirer of French anti-semites who openly called for the extermination of Jewish children. A strong supporter of the Vichy regime which sent thousands of Jews to their deaths he jokes about the names of Jewish politicians who oppose him, famously "joking" about the similarity of one opponent's name with the word "oven".

    Like the NSDAP, and other European neo-Nazi parties, the current leader, Le Pen's daughter, has pursued a policy of seeming moderation (just as Hitler did when he exterminated the Rhom faction). Nonetheless the Party still stands by its founder. It is a party which has rallied young thugs as paramilitary supporters just as all Nazi parties do. Its recruitment of blacks and Jews is a cynical trick and a manipulation of gullible fools to adapt its fascist ideology to a world where integrated "foreigners" are difficult to demonize. In the same way there were many Nazi sympathizers and activists who were uncomfortable with the racism against their Jewish neighbours but who shared in the vitriolic demonizaton of the jewish race as a whole. Nazis who thought Hitler went too far have no excuse. The same goes for supporters of the French Front National. This is a Nazi party which has been built on hatred of Jews and now finds it more convenient to vilify muslims as a new scapegoat and figure of hatred in its pursuit of its feudal, nationalist ideals.

    They are collaborators. It is a word that needs to be used more in France. On Sunday I stood in the Pere Lachaise cemetery in Paris at the memorials to the murdered Jews and resistance fighters at Ravensbruck, Auschwitz, Belsen Bergen and a whole host of camps. A group of French approached, one of them cursing the German nation for the Holocaust. I started a discussion with him and challenged his nonsensical view that German children were ignorant of the Holocaust (they are all taught about this at school and forced to visist concentration camps - quite rightly). His reply was strangely defensive, that there were thirteen monuments in this French cemetery to the victims of the Holocaust, as if this could exonerate France from some perceived sleight that had not been made (by me at least up to then). I suggested to him that it was a disgrace that millions of young French people - 26% according to polls) would vote Nazi and that this was the ignorance of youth that he should be thinking about. He folded. Racists and xenophobes have no argument when challenged. The votes on Sunday for French Nazis dishonoured the memory of those who died for France, who gave their lives so that we might have our freedom. Shame on France for tolerating such an evil in their own midst!

    Nazi voters in France lied to pollsters because they were ashamed to admit their filthy prejudice in reality. Only one group - the Front de Gauche - were unequivocal in their denunciation of French fascists. The rest of French politics now shows these vermin respect. Just as in the 1940s the assorted anti-semites and racial supremicists were shown respect by the French people. And France continues to deny its present shame, just as in the past De Gaulle fabricated a French resistance and Free French Army when everyone knows that France was liberated by the British and Americans and a very few, very brave Resistors as the rest of French skulked and cowered in the dark.

    These are the scum courted by the American Right. Back in the America First days in the 1930's, it was Father Coughlin and other isolationists who led the USA's massive anti-semitic forces to oppose Britain and appease Germany. Today Pat Buchanan, Glen Beck and others on the Right in the USA hail the new Nazis as friends because now fascists have changed the group that they demonize and scapegoat - as conveniently as one would change one's underpants - from Jews to muslims. Fascism is respectable again: in France and on America's feudal, reactionary, backward Right. Another blow against enlightenment has been struck by the forces of darkness this week.

    Voters for the FN: la honte de France. Scum. Vermin. Lice. Every last one of them. And all their American sympathizers to boot.


  2. DonGlock26

    DonGlock26 New Member Past Donor

    Oct 20, 2010
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  3. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    How do you equate far-right politics with progressives?
  4. Heroclitus

    Heroclitus Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2009
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    European neo-Nazis are the kissing cousins of the xenophobes on the Right in America today. Within hours of Brievik murdering children in Norway, Glenn Beck was decrying the victims as "Hitler youth". This has indeed been Brievik's defence. Beck is lowlife verminous scum. As are those who sympathize with him. They deserve our hatred as much as any islamic terrorist.
    Colonel K and (deleted member) like this.
  5. Til the Last Drop

    Til the Last Drop Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 14, 2010
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    Holy rant, Batman...
  6. ryanm34

    ryanm34 New Member

    Oct 14, 2009
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    Do you believe that a majority of those who voted for le Pen believe they are voting for a fascist party?
  7. Heroclitus

    Heroclitus Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2009
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    Ryan. Do you believe that the German nation is excused from its complicity in mass murder by the fact that it didn't realize Hitler was so bad in 1933?

    The FN is a fascist party. For anyone who cares to look its heritage and sympathies are obvious. The clear under-estimation of its support by pollsters shows that FN voters know exactly what they are doing: they are too ashamed to own up to pollsters that they are Nazi sympathizers and racists. The fact is that millions of French REFUSE to believe that the FN is fascist despite all the evidence. Just like they REFUSE to believe that France was a collaborationist nation par excellence in WW2 and INVENT a FANTASY that everyone was in the Resistance in WW2 and that De Gaulle's Free French single handedly liberated France from the Germans.

    Those who opposed Le Pen two elections ago in the final run off had the slogan "vote for the criminal (Chirac) not the fascist". The accusation could not be made clearer. The associations have been clearly drawn for all to see. The REFUSAL to acknowledge the NAZISM of the FN is a direct expression of the refusal of millions in France to acknowledge the complicity of Vichy in fascism. This is the explicit FN ideology - that Vichy was a form of resistance. It is a fascist lie. There is no excuse for grown adults being duped like this. They are willing dupes, happy and content to wallow in their own ignorance.
  8. Diuretic

    Diuretic Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2008
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  9. Til the Last Drop

    Til the Last Drop Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 14, 2010
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    Didn't the Nazis pull into Paris without a shot? To cheers in the streets? LOL. NEWSFLASH: Nazis haven't had any power for 75 years! The globalist/progressive ideology has not only had total control of the west, but is in bed with every major player of the east. The current collapse of every society in the west is YOUR baby. YOUR cross to bare. Screaming the Nazis are the problem makes the progressive ideology look retarded. Fix YOUR mess, before you drive all to ANYTHING, so long as it isn't YOU.
  10. Diuretic

    Diuretic Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2008
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    The current economic collapse is down to the neoliberals, the Friedmanites and other economic nutters.
  11. ryanm34

    ryanm34 New Member

    Oct 14, 2009
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    The German nation would be excused from culpability if they had risen up to get rid of him when they realised how bad he was it is not for electing him I fault them for but for continuing to support him.

    I know that the national front is fascist. I do not doubt that. I do believe however that they have done a great deal to soften their image and that the french public do not perceive them to be fascist.

    And Chirac won in a landslide.

    Your very hard on them. I am more inclined to blame a complicit media and the elite of the UMP that is terrified of alienating its own base.

    I think the only thing we disagree on is the degree to which the french people are culpable. From my, admittedly limited, following of french politics I do not believe that a strong case has been made against the national front in this or the previous election. They have been allowed to become normalised mainstream. And the public, any public have short memories.
  12. frodly

    frodly Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    The only problem I have with all this, is your usage of the word Nazi. They are not Nazis, they are fascists. There is a difference, even if it isn't that great a difference. You are correct that the evidence of their fascism is overwhelming, but that is not the same as them being Nazis. It is a small correction, but an important one for the sake of accuracy.
  13. frodly

    frodly Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Oh yes, the scary globalists!! How do you sleep at night knowing the Bilderbergs, Illuminati, and other globalists forces are out to get you?
  14. DonGlock26

    DonGlock26 New Member Past Donor

    Oct 20, 2010
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    Don't be obtuse. Most people will just mistake it for simply ignorance.

  15. DonGlock26

    DonGlock26 New Member Past Donor

    Oct 20, 2010
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    18% of the French electorate are Neo-Nazis in your little mentally constructed world?

  16. ryanm34

    ryanm34 New Member

    Oct 14, 2009
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    Nonsense! 18% of the French Electorate vote for neo Nazis.
  17. Til the Last Drop

    Til the Last Drop Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 14, 2010
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    Considering globalists have control, and nationalists are everything but barred from politics in every western society, how do you justify your ever lasting fear of nationalists? You do realize, if there is no such thing as globalists, than there is no such thing as nationalists, right?
  18. frodly

    frodly Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    No I don't, because the thing you just said is illogical and nonsensical.
  19. Til the Last Drop

    Til the Last Drop Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 14, 2010
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    Please. It makes perfect sense. I have just found the Achilles heal of the "globalists are a tinfoil conspiracy" rhetoric. For if there is no such thing as globalists, then there would be no need for nationalism, nor need to bash "nationalism" at every turn. If you don't want to admit it publicly, fine. I just hope you don't lie to yourself. That would be sad.
  20. Serfin' USA

    Serfin' USA Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Le Pen's party is pretty nuts, so I agree with the OP that this is a shameful moment for France.

    On the other hand, there are definitely internationalist types that are disturbing as well. The agenda of the EU in general seems to involve making smaller and poorer European nations dependent on the larger and wealthier ones.

    Over here in America, our problem isn't internationalists but, rather, our banking elites. But that's a discussion for another thread.
  21. ryanm34

    ryanm34 New Member

    Oct 14, 2009
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    The agenda of the EU is the creation of a common market, giving poorer regions larger markets to sell to and improving quality of life throughout the continent.
  22. Til the Last Drop

    Til the Last Drop Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 14, 2010
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    Well, considering without currency injections they would collapse as sure as America would, I'd say their goal has been a failure of epic proportions.

    I think they have their own central banker problems as well, Serfin'.
  23. frodly

    frodly Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Nationalists need not exist in dichotomy with globalists. Nationalism predates globalism, if it required globalists to exist, that couldn't be the case. Your attempt at logic has failed so miserably, that it makes your blathering about globalists seem reasonable. Nationalism came into being in contrast to loyalty to a Monarch, to a region, to a locality, to a tribe, to a religion, etc. It did not come into being in opposition to globalism. You are just speaking nonsense.
  24. ryanm34

    ryanm34 New Member

    Oct 14, 2009
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    The creation of a common currency was not a requirement of a common market, but it was seen as being a help to it. Common currency without common fiscal policy is a disaster. But it was a disaster that was wholeheartedly embraced by national democratically elected governments.

    Whether it will collapse or survive its first major crisis remains to be seen. When it collapses then it fails. ATM it continues to function as it was designed to do.
  25. Munqi

    Munqi New Member

    Jul 25, 2009
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    Reading this drivel makes it alot easier to understand the liberal insanity thats controlling Europe right now (thankfully, not for long though)

    The people of europe are turning their backs on the lunacy that you represent. And thats a very good thing because if the insane left gets its way it will destroy all of us (including the liberal ideals that you claim to support. What chance do you think they will have if they are (correctly) identified as the sole reason for the destruction of europe?)
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