10 Lessons the US should learn from Iraq defeat

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Abu Sina, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. phil white

    phil white Member Past Donor

    Feb 25, 2012
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    How do I determine you are anti-white?
    From your constant argument that whites don’t exist and are “voluntarily” breeding themselves out of existence.
    Further you state in post # 273 that less white’s would be a good thing because it would mean less ractist.
    (Here you pretty much get into the "there is not such thing as the white race, but the white race is.....volunatrily breeding itself out of existence" contradiction.)
    In post #286 you say I cant’ define or prove the existence of my race. The “there is no such thing as the white race.” That is a standard argument used by you anti-whites.
    It’s # 1 on the list of Bob Whitakers I previously posted here.
    Later you try to reverse course by saying you are ok with white’s continuing to exist in post #286.
    And of course there is the incessant reference to my arguments being “retarded”, I’m a “conspiracy theorist” or “racist” (i.e, eeeviillll) or comparing me to NAMBLA.(North American Man Boy Love Association)
    That I must say takes the cake. You call anyone trying to defend the continued existence of my race, the white race “racist” when you have already stated the end of my race is amusing to you and that it would be a good thing because it would mean fewer “racist”.

    Just who is the racist here?
    And you use the 5th standard argument of the anit-whites, the end of the white race is inevitable.

    But again, the plain as the nose on your face argument;

    It’s “Asia for Asians, Africa for Africans and white children’s countries for everyone.”

    It’s the main stream media hypocrisy folks.
  2. phil white

    phil white Member Past Donor

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Counter arguments dont apply. You use "my views are popular, therefore correct" 90% of the time, but ocasionally as in the "if slavery became popular" quote you revese engines and begin to agree with me that "popularity" doesn't make a position correct. I'm not making a counter argument, just pointing out you try to use "popularity" both ways.
    We pro-white dissidents are begining to make some head way in our arguments, but ours is not the dominant ideology yet.
    We are just saying we are right, and someday we expect to be the dominant ideology.
  3. phil white

    phil white Member Past Donor

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Have you ever turned on a TV the last 40 years???

    Have you looked in the mirror lately?? You agree with main stream media that the end of the white race will be good because is will mean fewer racist. So by implication to you the faster immgration goes the bettter.

    Oh, I almost forgot; the plain as the nose on your face argument; It's "Asia for Asians, Africa For Africans, Israel for Jews and white childrens countries for everyone."

    And for our listening audience:

    Category: White Genocide Project

  4. phil white

    phil white Member Past Donor

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Do you mind if I save these remarks of yours?

    I repeat, if someone influences 900 people into mass suicide it's proof the 900 were brain washed.

    How do you differentiate between my speech and Jim Jones? Easy, I'm not trying to convince anyone to commit suicide.

    You said whites blending themselves out of existence is a good thing. To me that seems like you are preaching racial suicde to my race. How do I differentiate berween you and Jim Jones?

    And you are asking who said Jim Jones is guilty? Well I for one think he's no bettert than a mass murder who uses bullets.
    I take it you are not sure in your heart that Jones was guilty of any thing.
    I think maybe you need a change of heart. Come to Jesus.

    Folks, don't accept the end of your race. DON'T DRINK THE COOL AID!! :frustrated:

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wrzPNhkl_Y&feature=fvwrel"]Jonestown: The Full Story - YouTube[/ame]
  5. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    which Iraq war, the Iraq\Iran war - why did we want to end that war again? so we could go to war against Iraq and then maybe later against Iran ourselves?
  6. phil white

    phil white Member Past Donor

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Heres a plotter for you.

  7. Sadistic-Savior

    Sadistic-Savior New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2004
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    Would it be accurate to say that this is true of lies as well? How are we to know that your story is the "truth"?

    Uh huh.

    Not only are you wrong, but Japan actually does not even track ethnic status of it's immigrants. They care LESS about it that we do! lol

    There is nothing stopping anyone of any ethnicity from becoming a Jap citizen. There is just a lot less demand for it. Everyone would rather come here, for obvious reasons.

    Oh, so now it is the "main stream media"...so you have finally decided to stop using the nebulous "they" or "everybody". I suppose that is progress.

    Now if you could just provide some specific quotes instead of projecting you broad assumption as if it were fact. What exactly have the "mainstream media" said that indicates they want white nations to be overrun? Can you give me any examples?

    So if I say Bigfoot doesnt exist, that makes me anti-bigfoot? LOL

    btw - It is not just me saying it. I posted the wiki quote about mainstream scientists sharing my view. If they are wrong, then you should have no problem providing us with a scientific definition of "white". I'll be sure to hold my breath.

    How does that make me anti-white? I didnt say I wanted less white people. I said I wanted less white racists. You do understand that the two terms do not mean the same thing, right?

    By claiming that there is no Bigfoot that does not mean I am anti-bigfoot.

    Yes, you seem to be quoting him quite a bit. He is very good at instructing you what to say. It's a good thing you can think for yourself. LOL

    The statements are not contradictory when taken at face value. You are projecting your own meaning onto them.

    I have never said you are retarded. I said your beliefs are retarded. Even if I really thought you personally were retarded, I would never say so, since personal insults are a bannable offense on this forum.

    Do you actually read what you are responding to?

    You are a conspiracy theorist. You make claims based only on your personal opinion or the personal opinions of other people promoting fringe beliefs. You have no mainstream evidence at all supporting your claims. You repeat mantras in virtually every post as if they are a replacement for actual evidence.

    I'm sorry you dont like the term, but that is exactly what conspiracy theorists do.

    Racists are usually evil. Not always, but it is common.

    Racism is a belief system. If you really think people are inherently different based on race (as you define it), then that is racism by definition. I didn't invent the term.

    Furthermore I dont know why you would even take offense to it. People call me a Neocon all the time intending it as an insult...and I dont care. By definition, I am a Neocon.

    In that context, the comparison was accurate. Like NAMBLA, you feel like an oppressed minority because the majority doesn't like you or your ideas. Like NAMBLA, you expect us to ignore mainstream sources in favor of your fringe sources, or no sources at all.

    There are a lot of parallels.

    By definition you are a racist. You apply traits to people based on race. That is racism.

    I said that the way the end of your race causes you to react is amusing.

    You really should pay attention to what is actually being said. It would eliminate a lot of your confusion.

    The person making distinctions between people based on race is the racist.
  8. Sadistic-Savior

    Sadistic-Savior New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2004
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    So, once again, you cannot define your source. It is something we are just expected to know.

    Well, if it is so obvious, then it should be really easy for you to provide a source. Right?

    Why does it matter? You dont need my permission.

    But if those same people were convinced to agree with your fringe ideas, that would not be Brainwashing. LOL

    So you believe brainwashing can only occur if someone is being told to commit suicide. I dont think most people would define it that way, but it is good to know for future reference what you mean when you say "brainwashing".

    I understand that is how it seems to you, due to your bias. But you are wrong.

    You still didnt answer my question.

    Either way it would just be my personal opinion...I am not a judge or a legal system.

    The only deaths Jim Jones was guilty of, IMO, were the ones he directly caused. If I hold a gun to your head and tell you to drink poison koolaid, I am causing your death. If I simply convince you, without coersion, that drinking poison koolaid would be a good idea, you are causing your own death.

    People are responsible for their own actions. You are not a robot programmed by the media.
  9. phil white

    phil white Member Past Donor

    Feb 25, 2012
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  10. phil white

    phil white Member Past Donor

    Feb 25, 2012
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    So there was your question. You literally asked "how do I distinguish between you and Jones?"

    My answer was Jones was talking people into killing themselves.
    I am trying to talk people into extending the life of their race.
    If you weren't satified you should have asked how you can distinguish between my argument methods and Jones.
    Not how you can distinguish between me and Jones.
    I'm not going to bother with that becasue I'm n ot familiar with Jones technique.

    Besides, anyone such as yourself that believes Jones manipulating people into suicide is O.K., really has a problem.

    I'm saying Jones manipulating people into mass suicide is not ok. Maybe some here can now see a moral difference between you and I.
    Next time you talk to a woman, tell her you are ok with what Jones did and see how she takes you.
    Personally I find that cavalier attitude appaling.
    And I also object when people try to manipulate my people into ending our race.
  11. phil white

    phil white Member Past Donor

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Sadistic Savior said:

    "The only deaths Jim Jones was guilty of, IMO, were the ones he directly caused. If I hold a gun to your head and tell you to drink poison koolaid, I am causing your death. If I simply convince you, without coersion, that drinking poison koolaid would be a good idea, you are causing your own death.

    People are responsible for their own actions. You are not a robot programmed by the media."

    This statment I find absolutely mind bogling.

    I'll say one thing for you, you scare me. I'm begining to wonder if the first part of your handle is something you have actuall life experience with.
  12. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    If only that were true. At least it would have been a decent reason to go to war. Obviously, you don't understand the U.S. and the Americans. We wouldn't do that even though it would make a lot of sense.
  13. phil white

    phil white Member Past Donor

    Feb 25, 2012
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    I suspect there were half a dozen reasons. The major one may have been to install a government that would give American oil companies sweet heart oil leases.
    A close second in my estimation would have been to take out a regime that was subsidizing suicide bombers against the Israelies and which was a strategic concern of the Israeli defense establishment. This Jewish interest through AIPAC may have even been more a motive than oil.
    My third rank suspect would be our military-idustrial complex which needs an occasional safe little war to justify defense spending.
    Next would have been repub politicians, mainly Shrub, who wanted to wrap themselves in the American flag and be war leaders, the better to garner repub hawk votes. (There is an element in this country that, if America were to bomb Mother Teresa would yell “Tune in Fox News! Get beer out of the fridge. Send out for pizza. Amurica is gonna whoop ass!”)
    Then you might have the Kissinger and Breznewenzki types in the bueracracies who realize America has been trending toward dirversity driven civil war for 30 years. Theses bureaucrats need foreign enemies to dsitract the disparate “American” population groups from going to war with each other. A series of “safe” little wars is a sign of an empire on the verge of collapsing in internal strife. You might call these block interest “The Gang of Five”.
  14. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    You do know that your distant ancestors were black Africans, don't you? Or is that something you'd prefer not to discuss...?
  15. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    Hitler had a similar philosophy to yours. Funny, that...
  16. phil white

    phil white Member Past Donor

    Feb 25, 2012
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    I suppose next your going to tell me my great 10 to the 8th granddady was a fish?
    That's ok. I like to eat my cousins once in a whilte. My favoirte is tuna.
  17. phil white

    phil white Member Past Donor

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Do you hate me?
    Funny thing, Hitler had a Jewish friend. So did I about twenty years back. Maybe we had other things in common other than being homo sapien males.
    I finally quite returning my litte Jew firends holiday cards. She was busy raising a family by then anyway.
    You are going to tell me what my philosophy is next?
  18. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    How does a white supremacist enjoy knowing his ancestors were black? And it's 'you're', not 'your'.
    How do you manage to make so many grammatical and spelling errors in one, three-line post?
  19. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    White supremacists aren't worth the effort of hatred. They're an irritating yet amusing irrelevance, nothing more. You had a Jewish friend; wow, how cosmopolitan!
  20. phil white

    phil white Member Past Donor

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Are you an egotist? My experience is there is a relatively high percentage of "You are so stupid (and I am so smart by comparison)" posters on these chat rooms.

    Oh, I forgot!

    "Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries."

    "The Netherlands and Belgium are more crowded than Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them."

    "Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to "assimilate," i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites."

    "What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?"

    "How long would it take anyone to realize I'm not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?"

    "And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn't object to this?"

    "But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews."

    "They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white."

    "Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white."

    Bob Whitaker

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  21. phil white

    phil white Member Past Donor

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Maybe cosmopolitan but not upper class. Hitlers Jewish buddy was a doctor.
    This girl may only just have finished college but only after I knew her. Doubtful.
    Google Adoph Hitler + oncologist.
  22. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    The only 'problem' with race is moronic idiots proclaiming their alleged superiority over another race. Oh, and Bob Whitaker is a (*)(*)(*)(*)ing idiot.
  23. phil white

    phil white Member Past Donor

    Feb 25, 2012
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    There is a theory that democraies are less war like than other governments.
    So one major justification for indvaing Iraq was that it was a war to spread democracy.
    Churchill how ever in his speech praising Rommel mentioned "The somber wars of modern democracy". I.E. they tended toward brutal total war.
    And as some wag ungraciously pointed out, the Great Democracy has gone to war against samll states several times since the end of the cold war.
  24. phil white

    phil white Member Past Donor

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Now you dun it!
    I know Bob Whitaker.
    Bob Whitaker is a friend of mine.
    He is a considerate and thought full man.
    You sir are no Bob Whitaker.

    Bob Whitaker is a Southern gentleman.
  25. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    He's an ignorant, throwback racist wanker. They say that we are known by the company we keep...
    I thank god that I'm 'no Bob Whitaker'. The world doesn't need ignorant slime like him wasting good oxygen, Phil-or is it Rhiannonwolf?

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