A Comprehensive Study: Everything You Need To Know About Occupy Wall Street!

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Lex Naturalis, Nov 25, 2011.

  1. Lex Naturalis

    Lex Naturalis New Member

    May 30, 2011
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    A Comprehensive Study: Everything You Need To Know About Occupy Wall Street!

    David Horowitz's Discover the Networks website has long been the go to place for understanding the radical left. From ideological origin, ties, funding, activities, founders, contributing individuals, and biographies, Discover the Networks has almost everything on nearly all leftist organizations and individuals. Constantly updating his website, OWS is the latest leftist mob to make the list, continuously being updated as we speak. For those of you who want to know everything about OWS I would encourage you to go HERE where you will find a Comprehensive Study of Occupy Wall Street. No stone is left unturned and everything is referenced; so despite the leftists here that will no doubt attempt to discredit Horowitz by pointing to his current ideological preference (a man that formerly was a Marxist, raised by communist parents, and certainly knows the left better than the liberals in this forum), they cannot refute the information. Enjoy this shining jewel of knowledge!

    Click Here >>> A Comprehensive Study of Occupy Wall Street

    What can we conclude from this comprehensive study? Just another Marxist/Socialist/Communist/Lenninist/ Maoist/Radical Leftist movement in search of fellow travelers and useful idiots.

  2. peoplevsmedia

    peoplevsmedia Banned

    Apr 28, 2011
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    Nope, there's MORE: www.pvsi.net
  3. Lex Naturalis

    Lex Naturalis New Member

    May 30, 2011
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  4. Lex Naturalis

    Lex Naturalis New Member

    May 30, 2011
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  5. Lex Naturalis

    Lex Naturalis New Member

    May 30, 2011
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    Is this you? Yeah, this confirms what I was thinking. NUTZ!
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYjdejvaAoo"]People versus special interests - pvsi.net - YouTube[/ame]
  6. nlytend

    nlytend Banned

    Mar 7, 2008
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    Look Lex, I don't want to call you a liar, so lets just agree you are sharing what I know to be a misrepresentation of the movement. Unfortunately, sad to disappoint ya. OWS considers the democrats to be wolves in sheep's clothing. This is a very critical point you failed to get. By all means Democrats are far more dangerous to the movement than republicans for their intentions are hidden. Watch carefully as the OWS educates the public on the true intentions of BOTH PARTIES both are GUILTY OF CORRUPTION!!! Both have defaced the Constitution. Both will be held accountable neither side is safe from the awakening of the MASSES. Both are GUILTY OF STEALING wealth from WE THE PEOPLE! BOTH ARE GUILTY of allowing our water supply, air, trees, animals, and other natural and vital resources to be depleted treacherously. Here's a clue OWS represent the human will to survive. In this there is a collection of ideals no one greater than the other so long as it adheres to the need for human kind to survive. In this there are no labels only human beings. Now for you this is awe strickening for you by no fault of your own are blind. You are in the dark bumping into objects then with what little you have become programmed with try to understand what you have bumped into. So long as you are a label you will never know. That is the genius of OWS. Only those who are awake can see.

    Absolutely NO ONE and NOTHING can stop the human will to survive. In this the OWS will continue to SPREAD LIKE VIRUS ALL OVER THE WORLD.... No one man. No one group. Yes not even one specific event nor one time is responsible or is the orgin of this movement it manifest itself simply from the will of man to survive. This started with the sharing of concerns between human beings all over the world who watched a world devolve into waste. Once the masses of the world have become one in their like mind there will be definite change.
  7. saintmichaeldefendthem

    saintmichaeldefendthem New Member Past Donor

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Yes of course the idiots at OWS claim to be just as mad at the Obamacrats, but that doesn't mean that it wasn't orchestrated by the Justice Department to serve a greater purpose. They are Obama's brown shirts, his soldiers in the streets that he talked about in his campaign. Several cities right now are considering a class action lawsuit because of the millions it cost them to deal with OWS.
  8. nlytend

    nlytend Banned

    Mar 7, 2008
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    By THE WAY GOD IS BOSS When Your Time Comes You Will See:-D
  9. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    Great post. I'm going to check that out. I like Horowitz a lot. Like you mentioned, having come from a Marxist background he understands the thought process from an inside perspective. So he's got a thorough understanding of the pitfalls, flaws, and problems with marxism as well as the reasons why the modern left cannot seem to comprehend them. He sees the blinders that they don't see. Because he's taken them off.
  10. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    You can "prove" that?
  11. Lex Naturalis

    Lex Naturalis New Member

    May 30, 2011
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    Nice rant froma guy that no doubt failed to read the study huh? Attack the study it's merits or just keep ranting if you choose but nothing you said refutes anything in the study by a guy who knows Marxism inside and out. And this former Marxist sees this as a socialist/Marxist/communist/leftist/democrat voting movement and I agree with him. As seen in the study the evidence is referenced and overwhelming. A movement that complains about inequality and advocates for no action to be taken is a movement with something to hide and that's why his study is so relevant, allowing us to see who the organizers, groups, advocates, and the participants are.
  12. nlytend

    nlytend Banned

    Mar 7, 2008
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    Was just about to get some shut eye, until I saw you wrote me there. Well Johnny, I am not proud of my past ok. I am not no holy roller. Now I will tell you during the love everybody annoying movements I acquired ooh man. Ok look I dont want to talk about my business ventures and the lives I have destroyed. Let me tell you something hell is real. I just thank God he gave me a chance to get it right. As old as I am rotted to the core I was and God still heard my cry. Welp you see I died three times, they pronounced me dead three times. Yep, I heard them even while thems demons was tearing on my flesh. I remebered a holy roller told me once with the abundance of the heart the mouth speak it was the only thing I could pull from because I never opened a bible. Yet it was one of the things i resented most when I was tying to create millions a dollars you know. Anyways back to these demons trying to take my soul they were evil in away I felt darrkness if you could ever feel darkness. They were ugly, mean ugly teeth so sharp mouth mashed like eyes dark beady no hair nose smased in and twisded face, eyes,mouth all contorted, grotesque and my God the sound they made was unearthly undescribable they tear and rip at your flesh with everything. Their teeth and nails oh God. Listen, this is hard for me. Those words, speak from the heart. They come back to me. Welp, I said God help me it hurts!Help me please God give me another chance! Please I will make it right! Listen Johnny nothing will stop me from making it right you hear me. God brought me to the light, as soon as I asked him to help me he heard my cries. I was shaking so I could hardly breathe. Oh my God son this is a place I wish no man. You hear me. With all that I have in me I will let every man know there pupose. To love to be love and to be loved. All that comes after is good. I wish I would have known this as a boy but I knew of no love only of things and the acquisition of more things this was how I was loved. My God when a man toys with God I pitty this man. Listen I got to get some slep ok. No man posesses one certain path to God. God loves all he has created. The goal is to seek his love. Good night.
  13. nlytend

    nlytend Banned

    Mar 7, 2008
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    You didn't get it so here it is ok....
    "I Vow never to use my gift to converse with the dead in spirit those who wallow in their ignorance. If you wish to remain sleep and of no use to this earth and mankind I will not disturb you. Therefore expect no reponse.."
  14. SiliconMagician

    SiliconMagician Banned

    Apr 15, 2010
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    I don't want to live in a socialist economy. I don't even want to live in a quasi-socialist economy.

    I do not want to live in a society where my paycheck is up for grabs by whatever special interest group or socialist or anarchist can intimidate Government the most over.

    I just don't understand why that is so hard to understand by the left. I simply find the "live simply so that others can simply live" mindset to be abhorrent and self destructive.
  15. Lex Naturalis

    Lex Naturalis New Member

    May 30, 2011
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    You didn't need to respond twice to tell me that you weren't responding to anything at all. That was evident in your first reply. I understand that your rant comes from an unsolicited fit of self ritcheousness derived what you want me to beleive as opposed to what OWS actually is. I say unsolicited because your rant has nothing to do with the topic of this thread other than your unreferenced assertions in an attempt to explain your definition of a movement that can't seem to explain itself. True ignorance is to make assertions of a beleif void of fact and reason in light of the undisputed evidence. Willful ignorance however, is when you refuse to even attempt to see an opposite point of view when people are throwing the facts in your face. I'll say, based upon the above quote I am replying to, that you suffer from the latter.

    Perhaps you should make another vow. You should vow not to criticize the opinions of others until you've at least attempted to read, refute, or reference the object of discussion. Just blowing up for no reason other than the fact that you don't like the claim gets you nowhere. Do you know the difference between an argument and a contradiction. See here >>>http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=/&gl=US#/watch?v=kQFKtI6gn9Y

  16. NoPartyAffiliation

    NoPartyAffiliation New Member

    Jun 25, 2011
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    LOL! You use a site whose sole purpose is to attack anything not conservative, as a um, "impartial" source? Um... hmmm.... yeah okay.
  17. SiliconMagician

    SiliconMagician Banned

    Apr 15, 2010
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    Doesn't matter, the OP article provided dozens of sources that back up his claims. He proved his claim and your attempts to denigrate the source show how weak your argument is.

    If you are so smart, why don't you take some of the article and prove him wrong. It shouldn't be hard to do with "truth" on your side.
  18. nlytend

    nlytend Banned

    Mar 7, 2008
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    Hey I feel I owe you an apology. Otherwise I am a hypocrite. For one, everyone's opinion is validated. All of us have the right as human beings to explore our own state of awareness. I have just grown to old to entertain this sort of thing . You see I can not begin to tell you the countless number of pr firms and Ph.D.'s for hire I used to sway public opinion or even the decision of elected officials to endorse my business ventures. For every opinion there's some shirt to back it up.

    I'll write this I don't fund anything I can not become directly involved in. I must know all the inner workings. I offered you an insiders perspective. Still you didn't get it. Until you let go of your label you will never understand. I am sorry. I truly wish it were different. You live, breathe, think and even form opinions on a pre programmed label allocated for the numbing of the 80% to be managed by the puppet 20%.

    You know Rene Descartes wrote, "I doubt therefore I think, I think therefore I am". You simply can not BE infinite in possibilities under the confines of political gravity. As a label you are not allowed to think for yourself. Instead you are only allowed to reason with a a specific set of ideals sort of like a street gang. You are directed to only acknowledge what your label deems sufficient proof for facts that again keep you within the family. Not Being a 1% venture capitalist affords you no control here.

    Think for yourself all that you need is around you. Actually put forth an effort to contact a nonpartisan financial supporter of OWS. This can be done via the internet or you can get out there for your self. Fly to New York speak with some of the nonpartisan professors who help to manage these events. Listen, I mean really listen not as a democrat not as a republican but as a human being. We all have the same organic connection that once awakened refuses to sleep again.:sun:
  19. NoPartyAffiliation

    NoPartyAffiliation New Member

    Jun 25, 2011
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    He didn't prove sh1t. Here watch: You like molesting dogs. There. It's a claim. It's on the internet. Therefore it is true.

    If someone wants to know what Tea Partiers are all about, only a complete f*cking moron would ask Rachel Maddow or quote Dailykos.com. A person with an IQ higher than a flea, would go to a Tea Party rally, meeting or ask actual Tea Partiers they interact with on the net (like I did).
    Same thing here. While several of the people he mentions are accurate, it is the spin of their goals, that are wrong. But people on The Right are so afraid of the truth, they ignore the members of OWS who are actually here and willing to share and exchange ideas.
  20. FearandLoathing

    FearandLoathing Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2011
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    It must be pointed out that the biggest differences between the “Arab Spring” and OWS is that those in Arab Spring were risking their lives, and that OWS is more about annoying pranks than affecting real change.

    In that regard they have been an utter failure. The movement, never clearly stated [kind of like Lasn’s ‘documentaries] has devolved into the sole issue of the occupation itself.

    And there is the shame, the failure and gross negligence of the whole movement. For, they managed to capture the attention of most of the world and accomplished no more than to annoy the very people they claim to represent. Their sole legacy is the controversy of their tactics and the confusion of exactly what it’s all about.

    They have left the world stupefied by an incoherent band of privileged malcontents who want the world handed to them on a platter. They defeated themselves with the very greed and self interest they decry by demanding their student loans be forgiven and paid a "livable wage regardless of employment." They have succeeded in nothing more than Mr. Lasn’s first childish protest, to jam a shopping cart with a bent coin so that no one else could use it. And that says it all about the aims and objectives of the movement.

    And while they cry “corruption” at every aspect of society, they have their own internal squabble about who gets what out the $500,000 they were given for their cause.

    They have done more damage to anything progressive than even a jot of good. And that is the real crime of these slithering misfits.
  21. FearandLoathing

    FearandLoathing Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2011
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    Where, exactly are these people of OWS?

    As to the post, from my research and knowledge of OWS/Adbusters/Acorn, I would say it is amazingly accurate. It is the first really comprehensive piece on the whole issue.

    So, dumping on it purely because it is posted on the internet is vacuous to say the least. If you have anything to offer, show us all where its wrong.
  22. Lex Naturalis

    Lex Naturalis New Member

    May 30, 2011
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    I think a fella raised by communist and spent his younger years as a Marxist is, in fact, an authority on Marxists like the organizers of and the philosophy of OWS. However, nothing pleases me more than when someone engages in an fallacious ad hominim attack in the absence of anything to offer to the claim. Using fallacies as the one you just attempted only shows that your reply is a knee jerk of emotion that is ment to portray a contradiction which is the opposite of argument. And why? Simply because you don't like the information presented. If the truth was on your side you wouldn't need to resort to such nonsense. Perhaps you should take a course in argumentative writing and oratory so that you can be enlightened on just how ridiculous your above reply looks. But that would require that you engage in honest self assessment, which, we all know would be a lot to ask of you.
  23. Subdermal

    Subdermal Banned

    Jun 29, 2011
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    Now that you've gotten that meaningless rant off of your chest, can you point out anything in Horowitz' piece which is factually incorrect?
  24. Lex Naturalis

    Lex Naturalis New Member

    May 30, 2011
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    I thought OWS viewed everyone as equal. I thought OWS valued all opinions. I thought OWS was about consensus building. I thought OWS was neither right nor left. If this was true then it wouldent matter who the study came from (Rachael Maddow or David Horowitz)Thank you for showing that OWS is really about the radical left expressing how their opinions in their unelected capacity are the only ones that matter. Your reply validates by assertion that OWS is a leftist movement. Therefore, Horrowitz's thesis is accurate. Furthermore, by your own assertion, OWS is the antithisis of everything it claims to be. See, you and Horrowitz's are in somewhat of an agreement.
  25. Subdermal

    Subdermal Banned

    Jun 29, 2011
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    This entire thing is not a logically sound response.

    This is a well-researched piece by David Horowitz. If you can find fault in it, do so.

    Otherwise, your complaints are baseless and fraudulent.

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