A Scheme Worthy Of A RICO Prosecution

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Tobaccoroad, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Tobaccoroad

    Tobaccoroad Member

    Oct 3, 2012
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    Its been one hundred and fifty eight years since the end of that war and still no progress.

    Remember the signs reading "Help Wanted! Irish Need Not Apply"? We have since then even ended up with a womanizing Irish drunk for a Democratic Senator, who somehow could do wrong in the public's eye, but who also had an uncanny knack for having dead females floating up to his doorstep. Nobody bats an eye today, or spits in the sand shouting "Ephetah!" at the surnames of Ryan, O'Reilly, or Reagan.

    And the Japanese, did they ever make it, despite their ancestral homeland plunging America into a war that cost it 430,000 American lives. They made it the hard way. During the Italian Campaign when a bunch of blond haired blue eyed Texas lads found themselves surrounded and being cut to pices by the German Army, the Army sent a couple of white units to their rescue. Both units failed to relieve them. When the all volunteer, all Japanese Nissei Division was asked, they didn't hesitate. They successfully rescued the Texas unit, but were cut to pieces themselves in the process. Later, near the end of the war they were ordered to to turn out to receive a presidential unit citation for their sacrifice. When the presenting officer surveyed the men he turned tio the Nissei Commanderr and said "I thought you were told to have your entire unit present" "This is all that are left" came the reply. Anyone remember Senator Daniel Inouye (D-HI)? He spent time recuperating from his wounds in the same hospital as did future Senator Robert Dole (R-KS)

    The Media just adores the African American Community. It provides an endless resource of stories they can put into print and sell copy or air time about the harshness, cruelty, and unfairness of their treatment at the hands of America's white racists, which their collaborators and co conspirators in the Democratic Party can pretend to ameliorate and profit handsomely from in the process.

    When Barack Obama rose to political prominence the Media immediately fell in love with him, despite the fact he was only half way. All they needed was the skin color.

    When word leaked out that Barry was also an original member of the Chicago Bath House Crew, that blew the titillation needle off the meter down at the NYT's news rooms, copy and editors desk just as surely as that final 186 MPH gust blew the wind gauge off the roof of the Boston Weather Bureau during the 1938 Hurricane. Michelle, Sasha, and Malia are just political cover.

    And Comrade Barack was even the same religion as the media. Communist sperm meet Communist ovum. No neonate has come into this world with a more thoroughbred pedigree than Comrade Barack Obama, since, well, the Immaculate Conception two thousand years ago.

    Its a racket. We've essentially created a protected underclass like India's 'Untouchables' of old. The media and the Democratic Party get fat while a group of self promoting spokesmen who keep pushing the same racial discrimination story forces a self conscious, guilt ridden government to continually shovel money into the spokesmen's pockets, with a little bit trickling down to the masses, enough to eliminate any incentive to change their social or economic status, correcting the problem, while keeping Al, Jessee and Jeremiah very wealthy.


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