Algorithm of Ukrainian lies about Russia and a counter-algorithm

Discussion in 'Russia & Eastern Europe' started by Robert84, Jul 22, 2023.

  1. Robert84

    Robert84 Active Member

    Apr 15, 2017
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    False Ukrainian accusations against Russia and its leaders always have such a uniform character that we can say that Ukrainians use a certain algorithm.
    I am going to explain this algorithm by giving a specific example below; and I also am going to offer a counter-algorithm for counteraction against such lies. But at first, I would like in advance to answer to objections that accusations against Russian leaders aren’t accusations against Russia. Please read any speech of any Ukrainian official and you find there many phrases like: “Russia has killed…”, “Russia must be punished…” etc.; see e.g. the official website of the Ukrainian President.

    Algorithm of Ukrainian lies about Russia

    In February 2014, the recent opposition, which had just come to power in Ukraine, declared that dozens of civilians had allegedly been shot dead during the Euromaidan. And of course, the new rulers solemnly promised to investigate all deaths and to find all culprits.

    Shortly thereafter, Petro Poroshenko, who had been elected as the first post-Maidan President of Ukraine, declared that organization of groups of foreign snipers on Maidan had allegedly been headed by Vladislav Surkov, a then counsellor to the Russian President Vladimir Putin, please see here.

    In seven months, i.e. in February 2024 the second decade of “investigation” of alleged Maidan deaths will begin.

    However, as far as I know, no culprit has been found so far, not to mention an imposition of sentence - at least in absentia - on Vladislav Surkov. You cannot even find Vladislav Surkov in the database of “wanted people” of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    But nevertheless, Ukrainian authorities don’t announce that their accusations against this Russian official have been false; Ukrainian authorities allegedly continue their “investigation”.

    Instead of admitting the falsehood of previous accusations, the Ukrainian authorities make one after another new accusations against Russia and its leaders. For example, last year these authorities accused the Russian army of killings of 416 civilians, which had allegedly been committed in the city of Bucha in spring 2022. And it is remarkable that there is no information about the course of this “investigation” so far too. Ukrainian authorities have not even published list of persons, who had allegedly been killed in Bucha, although lists of victims - even with pictures - from other cities are published both by Ukrainian authorities and by Ukrainian activists, please see here and here.

    Therefore, it is beyond question that the “investigation” of killings, which have allegedly been committed in Bucha, will last for decades too, like “investigation” of alleged killings on Maidan.

    And during these decades, the Ukrainian authorities will invent many new accusations against Russia and its leaders and this process will be repeated circle-wise; see the diagram below (please click on it to see a larger image)


    And I would also offer a counter-algorithm for counteraction against such lies

    The basis of this counter-algorithm is the following postulate, which is recognized in the entire civilized world: “Everyone charged with a penal offense has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defense.”; please see the official website of the UN.

    Neither inclusion of a person in the “wanted” list of Interpol - let us remember Yanukovych, the former Ukrainian President, who later was excluded from this list - nor issue of an arrest warrant on this person by the International Criminal Court, nor something else make this person guilty of a crime.

    Therefore, during all these years or decades, during which Ukrainian “investigations” last, respective Russian officials are presumed innocent. Inter alia, they are presumed innocent under the Ukrainian laws too; please see the Article 62 of the Constitution of Ukraine.

    As for answers to constant new Ukrainian accusations against Russia and its leaders, I offer to use the following action sequence.
    • Firstly, I recommend to listen to these new accusations without denying them.
    • Then, I recommend to say that a guilt must be proved in a public trial according to the rules of the UN and the Constitution of Ukraine.
    • After that, I recommend to suggest to wait for termination of the investigation and to wait for a court decision concerning these new accusations.
    • And finally, I recommend to remind that the “investigation” of Maidan killings - whereof Russia was accused too - has already been lasting for almost a DECADE!!!
    The last part of this counter-algorithm may be changed.

    For example, you can speak not about Ukrainian “investigation” of Maidan killings, but about Ukrainian “investigation” of deaths of dozens of people in the Trade Unions House in Odesa in May 2014. Since the Deputy Head of the Ukrainian special service SBU accused Russia of their deaths too; please see here. After all, this “investigation” too has been lasting for almost a decade.

    However, I recommend as the last part of the counter-algorithm to use false accusations which were made many years ago and made by high-ranking Ukrainian officials, not by ordinary people in Facebook.

    I have represented this counter-algorithm too as a diagram below.


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