All 4 rep.'s in the CNN AZ debate speak for abstinance-only!

Discussion in 'Abortion' started by spt5, Feb 25, 2012.

  1. spt5

    spt5 New Member

    Sep 28, 2011
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    So none of the 4 would work for us, since all statistics prove that abstinance doesn't work. Then they speak against Planned Parenthood and its Morning-After pill distributions.

    However all 4 complain that they must report a 40 % birth in single parenthood.

    How is this logical? Shouldn't the 4 republican candidates support Planned Parenthood and happily see the 40 % of abstinance births drop at single parents, or shouldn't they happily support the 40 % abstinance births instead of complaining about it?

    How do you make sense of this?

    Side question: can Ron Paul get the government's hand out of our pockets? (I think he spoke most effectively about that.)

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