That is a valid point........ but tell me again five years from now if I DENNIS TATE CANNOT CONVINCE ONE PERCENT..... then two percent.... and then soon ten percent of nine point three million Israelis to cooperate with my diabolical, dastardly and diabolical plan...... (at least to a significant percentage of people on the far left politically anyway)........ Should Israelis begin discussion of a Class Action Lawsuit against Bill Gates? Although I am merely a janitor working at a little school in the back woods of Nova Scotia..... many people who have read my blogs..... would tend to not want to mis-underestimate what I might be able to do over a five to ten year period of time...... or if Google is scared of those blogs then....... I put a lot of this over on the Creative Corner forum..... My 2006, 2008, 2016 and 2004 campaign writings as ART. IT IS MY BELIEF THAT THE USA REAL ESTATE OWNED BY MR. BILL GATES THROUGH VARIOUS "FOUNDATIONS" IS ABOUT SEVENTY TO NINETY PERCENT DEVALUED........ IN ORDER TO AVOID TAXATION......... it is not without reason that I gave him the nick-name Goliath Brain Bill Gates.....
Here's some more info on depleted uranium. Iraq War: How the U.S. Contaminated Iraq with Depleted Uranium
More of the same spam from a 14 year old page? Same response that just gets ignored: Nobody is denying that depleted uranium is a contributor to this awful situation(used to massive excess), but you are playing a pathetic "the government lied" card to generalize to other situations. The sheer volume of use by the US military is bound to have some negative consequence, but this does not alter that analysis made on its primary use. In a war zone, the major contributor to birth defects is the level of lead and mercury poisoning. This is the consequence of disintegration of ordinance, toxic chemicals from burn pits and a whole host of volatiles discarded and left. If the government were to analyze the use of lead in bullets and pronounce it "safe" would that mean they are lying about all the other hogwash you propose? Multiply the use of that bullet by several million and distribute the disintegrated fragments into the agricultural chain and all of a sudden the safety of the bullet becomes extremely volatile. It is a war-zone and the point of war is to kill the enemy. The rises in birth defects aren't necessarily down to depleted uranium at all, there are recorded elevated levels of lead and mercury, both very bad metals for new born infants. As I said, war is a shitty business. It isn't meant to be all cosy and warm and kill cleanly. There are clearly reported excessive uses of these weapons, but since when do you believe official reports!? All weapons create toxic environments with excessive use and we very regrettably bombed the crap out of this country. The weapons are safe in the levels of the element used, there is still no indication otherwise, just speculation. Of course there is risk in the volume the US used these weapons, but that does not invalidate the base assessments for their use. Besides, other things clearly show a more obvious influence: Birth Defects and the Toxic Legacy of War in Iraq - MERIP "Additionally, US bases in Iraq used burn pits to incinerate everything from computers to tires in large open-air pits that burned day and night for years. They released high levels of dioxin and innumerable other toxins that are known to cause health problems, from birth defects to neurological issues. A US Air Force equipment manager tosses used uniform items into a burn pit at Balad Air Base, Iraq, 2008. Department of Defense photo by Senior Airman Julianne Showalter/US Air Force Burn pits are also linked to US veteran illnesses and sit at the root of campaigns for veteran healthcare.[18] For Iraqis living near burn pits, serious consequences for their long-term and intergenerational health continue to emerge. For example, some Iraqi babies born near Tallil Air Base were found to have neurological problems, congenital heart disease, paralyzed or missing limbs and elevated thorium in their bodies. The closer to the base, the higher their levels."