There's a theory that some of the stuff that's in the covid vaccine is in the swabs they stick in your nose to give the PCR test in order to get the poison into people who refuse to take the vaccine. Here's some info I've found on that. Johns Hopkins University confirms: You can be vaccinated with a PCR test, even without knowing Are PCR Tests Secret Vaccines? Gastrointestinal-resident, shape-changing microdevices extend drug release in vivo Johns Hopkins researchers take inspiration from parasitic work for medicine delivery PARASITIC BIO WEAPON EXPOSED! - Big Pharma INVESTING In Theragrippers! - Robot Vaccine Parasite! The vet vaccinated my cat with a nasal swab so this is basic technology. It's simple to do. They could put anything they wanted on the swab.
I doubt it. Plus, someone I know who works in medical nanotechnology development told me that technology is lab interesting but really is far from being deployable for internal therapies. It is mostly used on soft tissue like skin and fiber. Apparently one of the big hurdles is being able to get the devices to the places they belong and not to the places where they don't want them.
These are almost certainly the same people who refuse to do the PCR tests in the first place. What a crock of crap. And the vaccine is not a poison.
why would they bother, if one is going in to get a test, they are where others probably sick, so odds of catching it if did not have it already are high
Its being a poison can't be hidden any more. Too many people are getting injured and dying. I've seen some of it first-hand and so have a lot of other people. injuries deaths
Yet another spam Covid 19 thread with the same clueless statements. And citing the worst possible misinformation/disinformation website on the internet - Rumble! Here we are nearly 3 years into global vaccine rollout and NOBODY is dying. Those who spread deliberate disinformation NEVER respond to simple observations. The NBA has had no players suddenly dropping dead! The MLB has had no players suddenly dropping dead! The NFL has had no players suddenly dropping dead! Hollywood has had no torrent of actors dying. Asked many times and ignored: HOW MANY YEAR NEED TO PASS BEFORE YOU STOP MAKING THIS BATSHIT CLAIM?
Lols! Some anonymous persons on rumble declares this is it must be true! Meanwhile in the real world, for this to be true every doctor signing a death certificate in every country that used a vaccine as well as every nurse laying the patient out as well as every mortician burying the body and every statistician and bureaucrat tallying the deaths as well as every relative of the people buried and every friend and all the contacts on Facebook……. But “sum bloke on da internetz sez” and it must be right
Check this out. dying
But meh videos. Once again, perfectly demonstrated is a complete lack of debate. Zero objectivity is being shown, not one item of rebuttal is being addressed. For the thousandth time, see batshit post batshit. No analysis, no verification, no summary or explanation, nothing, nada. Utterly pathetic. The worst source for disinformation on the planet says "thousands of athletes" are dying. But they aren't. Every American, no matter what sport they follow, whatever their favorite team, knows, KNOWS! that nobody in their squad has "blood clots", or are dying or suffering a single thing connected with the lies associated with this pathetic conspiracy. But "Rumble" batshit-central says otherwise. Hmmm, who to believe. Right. So if they DON'T use that method, it's not ok. That pretty much discounts every post you have ever made. HOW MANY YEARS NEED TO PASS BEFORE YOU STOP MAKING THIS BATSHIT CLAIM ABOUT VACCINES?
They're probably used to landing on uninhabited planets, not flat ones full of people, infected by followers of batshit.
The worst sources of information are the American mainstream media*. You seem to base all of your opinions on them. *
False. The worst places are batshit conspiracy sites, misinformation havens. I don't care about your opinion on what I base mine on. But back at you with bells on! You clearly get all your posts from anti-mainstream batshit conspiracy sources.
Here's more on the PCR tests. Do NOT Ever Take A Fraud Polymerase Chain Reaction Test, Or ANY Nasal Swab Tests, As Johns Hopkins Study Confirms You Can Be Administered The KILL SHOTS Through The Damn Nasal Swabs! https://northerntruthseekersblog.wo...-the-kill-shots-through-the-damn-nasal-swabs/
From the first link in post 1. More? That is the same damn thing as post 1. It proves you don't even read your sources, see batshit, post batshit.
That can work for normal vaccines which are just an attenuated (weakenned) virus. The covid vaccine isnt an attenuated virus. I wonder how much physical material is required to get in the body to have the intended reaction with mRNA therapies.
Sometimes I drink too much coffee. I did not notice that but it's good to have two links to the same info in case one of them disappears.
Oh, the old "coffee" excuse. No, you just saw the title and dumped it up. You didn't read it, didn't comment on it, didn't analyze it, and worst of all ignore a post just above that explains why it is horseshit!
More info... PCR Test Injury Yes - They Can Vaccinate You Through the Nose with the PCR Test Swabs - MOTB The PCR test is a BILOGICAL WEAPON OF DEVASTATING CONSEQUENCES. (8.25 time mark) The PCR Test Can Kill You and Can Be Used to Vaccinate You
More "info"? At what point does this never-ending tirade of lies, disinformation and conspiracy-related horseshittery cease? Same again.
The stock spam response. Yes, those pesky viewers who wonder about fart-gas, "chemtrails", Paul McCartney, Titanic and every single batshit conspiracy going. They can make up their minds. You'll sway the gullible Dunning-Kruger candidates, but not anyone with critical thinking skills.