Atheists Who Celebrate All The Good That God Causes.

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by JAG*, May 25, 2020.

  1. JAG*

    JAG* Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2015
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    JAG Note: I had a tech problem during that post up there and
    could not finish it, so I am re-posting it so I can finish it.

    There are plenty of "justifications" for believing Christianity true.
    Christianity is not based on Fideism.
    Fideism is "blind faith."
    There are plenty of rational arguments that offer evidences
    that Christianity is true.
    Here are 20 of them right here:
    So what is going to happen here with these 20?
    You know very well what is going to happen.
    They will be dismissed, by atheists, as nonsense or as not valid.
    Are you going to go over there and read them and become a Christian?
    Heh heh, we both know the answer to that one.
    Yet maybe you will one day?
    One never knows what the future holds.

    We have arguments for the truth of Christianity based
    on high Probability. This, as you know, is highly subjective.
    One man's "high Probability" is another man's "low Probability."
    But the arguments DO exist.
    And more are coming. Christian Apologists are working on them.
    Non-intelligent natural processes cannot explain this fine-tuned Universe.
    The arguments will never eliminate the necessity to exercise faith in God.
    Christianity is a Faith and Faith is a core belief of Christendom and
    cannot be eliminated from Christianity without wrecking the entire
    Christian system.
    {1} "without faith it is impossible to please God"
    {2} "for by grace are you saved through faith"
    {3}"he that comes to God must believe that He exists
    and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him"
    {4} "for God so loved the world that He gave His one and
    only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish
    but have eternal life"

    Last edited: Jul 9, 2020
  2. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    Sorry for being repetitive, but you keep making the same absurd calim about what atheists think god has done. And, you really should stop saying that, as it is not true.

    But, the majority of the post to which you responded was about the comparison of religions, not the existence of a god.

    I was questioning your justification for writing off all those god based religions other than Christianity.

    Your reply wth an argument that god exists doesn't answer that question.
  3. JAG*

    JAG* Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2015
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    Please continue to be repetitive.

    Please continue to post your nonsensical befuddled misunderstanding
    of the Opening Post and the subject of this thread.

    Please keep on posting the same absurdities regularly.

    You have been in a very DEEP FOG on this issue ever since this
    thread started.

    I do NOT desire for the fog to be lifted.

    I remember carefully explaining the Opening Post to you at
    least 7 times. If I had not explained it to you with patience
    and kindness at least 7 times, I would patiently explain it to
    you again. But after 7 times, it is clear to me that you prefer

    to remain in a DEEP FOG regarding the Opening Post. There
    is no help for the
    man who is determined NOT to understand,
    and who is locked-down on his ignorance, therefore , , , ,

    . I will NEVER again explain the Opening Post to you.

    I now strongly desire for you to REMAIN in a DEEP FOG on this issue.

    Please continue to post the same stuff as often as you feel the
    need to unburden your soul.

    Please allow me to help you with this:

    "As for your comments on atheists believing that god is responsible
    for evil, that's just ridiculous. By definition, no atheist can possibly
    suggest that a god did something"___WillReadMore

    "As for your comments on atheists believing that god is responsible
    for evil, that's just ridiculous. By definition, no atheist can possibly
    suggest that a god did something"___WillReadMore

    "As for your comments on atheists believing that god is responsible
    for evil, that's just ridiculous. By definition, no atheist can possibly
    suggest that a god did something"___WillReadMore

    "Sorry for being repetitive, but you keep making the same absurd
    claim about what atheists think god has done. And, you really
    should stop saying that, as it is not true.
    But, the majority of the post to which you responded was
    about the comparison of religions, not the existence of a god.
    I was questioning your justification for writing off all those
    god based religions other than Christianity.
    Your reply with an argument that god exists doesn't answer
    that question."___WillReadMore

    "Sorry for being repetitive, but you keep making the same absurd
    claim about what atheists think god has done. And, you really
    should stop saying that, as it is not true.
    But, the majority of the post to which you responded was
    about the comparison of religions, not the existence of a god.
    I was questioning your justification for writing off all those
    god based religions other than Christianity.
    Your reply with an argument that god exists doesn't answer
    that question."___WillReadMore


    Don't forget now to tell that up there several MORE times
    and do it anytime you feel the need.



    Last edited: Jul 10, 2020
  4. JAG*

    JAG* Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2015
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    Heh heh, just out of curiosity, in light of what you said up there
    in that quote block --- what are your comments on this below?

    JAG Previously Explained:
    My opening Post postulates, for arguments sake, that the
    God of the Bible is both good and bad and does both
    good and bad acts. That is not MY PERSONAL view
    of God -- but the OP allows for that. So? So I call upon those
    atheists who do proclaim {6} through {12} to ALSO proclaim
    {13} & {14}. Some atheists DO proclaim {6} through {12},
    therefore to be consistent with their principle, they ought to
    ALSO proclaim {13} and {14}. {see list below}

    {1) I am an atheist.
    {2} i don't believe in God.
    {3} But He may exist.
    {4} I can't prove He does.
    {5} I can't prove He doesn't.
    {6} The Bible says He is Omnipotent.
    {7} That means He is all powerful.
    {8} He could have created a different world.
    {9} But He did not do that.
    {10} He created the world we now have.
    {11} That means He is responsible for all that exists.
    {12} Therefore God is responsible for bone cancer in children.
    {13} I want to be consistent with this principle.
    {14} Therefore God is also responsible for Hospitals and the Red Cross

    Further clarification:

    "My point is NOT that God IS good or that God IS evil.
    My point is that God PERFORMS both good and evil acts
    based upon {6} through {14}. Remember {6} through {12}
    is what atheist say --- {6} through {12} is NOT what JAG
    says. I do NOT have to be consistent with a position
    that I do NOT hold. But atheists do. Why? because they
    DO hold {6} through {12} to be true and they DO advocate
    for {6} through {12} all the time in threads."___JAG

    Many {not all} atheists want it both ways.
    They want to say that the "God-That-Does-Not-Exist causes
    or is ultimately responsible for the evil in the world. They say
    this in threads all the time. They base this on {6} through {12} up
    So? So if {6} through {12} are not true, then they ought to stop
    claiming that the God-That-Does-Not-Exist is ultimately responsible
    for the evil in the world.
    And if {6} through {12} is true, then God is also responsible for causing
    the good in the world, Hospitals, Warm Beaches, the Red Cross, etc
    and we're back to {13} and {14} being true."___JAG


    Question: In light of EVERYTHING I just posted up there, are you
    still going to tell me this below?

    /just curious


  5. JAG*

    JAG* Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2015
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    Swensson, I read your comments on The Trolley Problem
    with care. Thank you for replying. I will be back asap
    to make some comments.

  6. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    Atheists do not accept that there is a god. That's what it means. Thus anyone who claims to be an atheist yet makes statements about what god is responsible for doing is either just being irritatingly illogical (and must be ignored) or isn't an atheist. In some cases of logical argument it can make sense to assume a premise and then show that the premise leads to some form of logical discontinuity that invalidates the premise. I don't believe that works with religion, because mankind would never know god's purpose and methods. In fact, that is stated in the bible. There are NUMEROUS questions concerning the Christian god that can't be answered by man, and I don't see that as invalidating Christianity.

    Sometimes I get curious about the consistency of Christian views, but I'm not here to invalidate Christianity.

    There IS an intersection between science and religion on some topics. I'm quite interested in that, especially when it affects public policy.

    I'd prefer that we use the logic and methods of religion to address religious issues and the logic and methods of science to address issues of how this physical universe works.

    Even the Pope agrees that there is a religious realm and a realm of science, with the two remaining separate.

    Your 1-14 list goes off the rails after the first two - which are essentially identical statements of what it means to be an atheist. I don't accept anything in the list after that.

    I'll go farther than that and point out that if there were a god of the biblical type, mankind could not be the judge of that god. So, anything about mankind judging god's acts as good or evil makes no sense. Christians try to follow their god, but they don't have their god's knowledge. Part of the faith is that what god does and expects is good - or at least justified. Is cancer evil? Is helping Israelites slaughter every man woman and child in Jericho evil? Was torturing Job evil? We know Lot's drunken sex with his daughters was blessed by god - is that an indication of approved behavior or an exception made for some reason we don't understand? My view would be that mankind's judgement of god's acts is irrelevant.

    Religion is by faith alone.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2020
  7. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    I love your organ harvesting example.

    I'm pretty dang sure I would not murder the guy next to me in hopes of improving the trolley outcome, though I seem to remember variants that aren't so easy.
  8. Swensson

    Swensson Devil's advocate

    Dec 16, 2009
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    Yeah, you can take small steps, changing the setup by seemingly morally insignificant changes, and still end up with an example which to many will seem to give a different conclusion. Not everyone will answer the same thing to each example, but everyone (except for dogmatic people who don't really evaluate the idea, just apply their chosen morality) will find one transition where the "solution" goes against intuition.

    What about the normal trolley problem? The train is hurdling towards five people, you can flip a switch to send it towards a single person instead. Flipping the switch is effectively the same as murdering the healthy organ donor, yet flipping the switch seems way more morally defensible than murdering the hospital visiter. What if the person on the alternative track isn't tied to the track, he's just walking across it on his way to his medical appointment?

    We would have to consider the idea that maybe "I would not murder a guy next to me in hopes of improving the trolley outcome" is a psychological aversion, and not actually a moral truth. Then again, maybe killing the one person on the tracks is not morally equivalent to letting five (or even the one first person) die.

    My conclusion is that morality is not absolute. Mind you, this doesn't relieve us from following morality. To a secular humanist, morality stems from our humanity, and we can no more escape our humanity than we could escape an absolute morality.

    I agree, it is extremely interesting.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2020
  9. JAG*

    JAG* Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2015
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    You did exactly what I thought you'd do. I knew you would.

    Please continue to post your nonsensical befuddled
    misunderstanding of the Opening Post and the subject
    of this thread.

    Please keep on posting the same absurdities regularly.

    You have been in a very DEEP FOG on this issue ever
    since this thread started.

    My view is that you will remain in a DEEP FOG on this
    subject until the day you die.


    JAG Writes:
    My opening Post postulates, for arguments sake, that the
    God of the Bible is both good and bad and does both
    good and bad acts. That is not MY PERSONAL view
    of God -- but the OP allows for that. So? So I call upon those
    atheists who do proclaim {6} through {12} to ALSO proclaim
    {13} & {14}. Some atheists DO proclaim {6} through {12},
    therefore to be consistent with their principle, they ought to
    ALSO proclaim {13} and {14}. {see list below}

    {1) I am an atheist.
    {2} i don't believe in God.
    {3} But He may exist.
    {4} I can't prove He does.
    {5} I can't prove He doesn't.
    {6} The Bible says He is Omnipotent.
    {7} That means He is all powerful.
    {8} He could have created a different world.
    {9} But He did not do that.
    {10} He created the world we now have.
    {11} That means He is responsible for all that exists.
    {12} Therefore God is responsible for bone cancer in children.
    {13} I want to be consistent with this principle.
    {14} Therefore God is also responsible for Hospitals and the Red Cross

    Further clarification:

    "My point is NOT that God IS good or that God IS evil.
    My point is that God PERFORMS both good and evil acts
    based upon {6} through {14}. Remember {6} through {12}
    is what atheist say --- {6} through {12} is NOT what JAG
    says. I do NOT have to be consistent with a position
    that I do NOT hold. But atheists do. Why? because they
    DO hold {6} through {12} to be true and they DO advocate
    for {6} through {12} all the time in threads."___JAG

    Many {not all} atheists want it both ways.
    They want to say that the "God-That-Does-Not-Exist causes
    or is ultimately responsible for the evil in the world. They say
    this in threads all the time. They base this on {6} through {12} up
    So? So if {6} through {12} are not true, then they ought to stop
    claiming that the God-That-Does-Not-Exist is ultimately responsible
    for the evil in the world.
    And if {6} through {12} is true, then God is also responsible for causing
    the good in the world, Hospitals, Warm Beaches, the Red Cross, etc
    and we're back to {13} and {14} being true."___JAG

    JAG Writes:
    My opening Post postulates, for arguments sake, that the
    God of the Bible is both good and bad and does both
    good and bad acts. That is not MY PERSONAL view
    of God -- but the OP allows for that. So? So I call upon those
    atheists who do proclaim {6} through {12} to ALSO proclaim
    {13} & {14}. Some atheists DO proclaim {6} through {12},
    therefore to be consistent with their principle, they ought to
    ALSO proclaim {13} and {14}. {see list above}

    Last edited: Jul 11, 2020
  10. JAG*

    JAG* Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2015
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    That changes the setup and make it no-longer The Trolley Problem

    My understanding of The Trolley Problem is that it is a Thought Experiment
    and in order to interact with the problem, you cannot change the setup.

    If you do change the setup, then it is no longer The Trolley Problem,
    but becomes a DIFFERENT Thought Experiment.


    I could say that the 5 people on the track were not really tied up tight
    and that there was a possibility that all 5 could get free of their
    restraints and roll off the track before the trolley got to them
    If I were to do that, then that would drastically change The
    Trolley Problem so that it was no longer The Trolley Problem
    thought experiment.

    /just saying
    I have no strong feeling against you changing the setup.

  11. Swensson

    Swensson Devil's advocate

    Dec 16, 2009
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    Well, I'm not mentioning them by virtue of being trolley problems, but by virtue of examining the same kind of issue (and in this case, by examining very well-defined differences). That being said, I would probably still consider my variation that you quoted to be the trolley problem, the wording I find on wikipedia only mentions the one person as "Pull the lever, diverting the trolley onto the side track where it will kill one person", it doesn't explicitly suggest that the one person is tied to the tracks. Thus it seems to me my variation still fills the criteria of being a trolley problem. Certainly, it retains more of the original problem than the fat man version does.

    But yes, the point of my variation (whatever you wish to call it) is to point out that a villain tying you to the rails does not make you more worthy of death than going to the doctors did in the organ harvest example (since there can be no moral difference between the one person in the harvest example and the hospital trip trolley problem, the two people reasoned and acted exactly the same).
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2020
  12. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    There is a lot more to think about here than I imagined.

    Keep posting, please!
  13. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    You ignored every single thing in my post.

    That's unfortunate.
  14. JAG*

    JAG* Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2015
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    You and I just don't communicate.

    My view is exactly your view, namely
    you ignore all explanations as if they
    were NEVER explained to you.

    I am not kidding when I say to you
    that I have explained the OP to
    you 7 times -- if you count my last post
    to you, that's 8 times.

    You don't hear it. It goes in one ear
    and out the other.

    I can NOT explain it to you any clearer than this below:


    JAG Writes:
    My opening Post postulates, for arguments sake, that the
    God of the Bible is both good and bad and does both
    good and bad acts. That is not MY PERSONAL view
    of God -- but the OP allows for that. So? So I call upon those
    atheists who do proclaim {6} through {12} to ALSO proclaim
    {13} & {14}. Some atheists DO proclaim {6} through {12},
    therefore to be consistent with their principle, they ought to
    ALSO proclaim {13} and {14}. {see list below}

    {1) I am an atheist.
    {2} i don't believe in God.
    {3} But He may exist.
    {4} I can't prove He does.
    {5} I can't prove He doesn't.
    {6} The Bible says He is Omnipotent.
    {7} That means He is all powerful.
    {8} He could have created a different world.
    {9} But He did not do that.
    {10} He created the world we now have.
    {11} That means He is responsible for all that exists.
    {12} Therefore God is responsible for bone cancer in children.
    {13} I want to be consistent with this principle.
    {14} Therefore God is also responsible for Hospitals and the Red Cross

    Further clarification:

    "My point is NOT that God IS good or that God IS evil.
    My point is that God PERFORMS both good and evil acts
    based upon {6} through {14}. Remember {6} through {12}
    is what atheist say --- {6} through {12} is NOT what JAG
    says. I do NOT have to be consistent with a position
    that I do NOT hold. But atheists do. Why? because they
    DO hold {6} through {12} to be true and they DO advocate
    for {6} through {12} all the time in threads."___JAG

    Many {not all} atheists want it both ways.
    They want to say that the "God-That-Does-Not-Exist causes
    or is ultimately responsible for the evil in the world. They say
    this in threads all the time. They base this on {6} through {12} up
    So? So if {6} through {12} are not true, then they ought to stop
    claiming that the God-That-Does-Not-Exist is ultimately responsible
    for the evil in the world.
    And if {6} through {12} is true, then God is also responsible for causing
    the good in the world, Hospitals, Warm Beaches, the Red Cross, etc
    and we're back to {13} and {14} being true."___JAG

    Last edited: Jul 11, 2020
  15. JAG*

    JAG* Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2015
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    Maybe we can communicate on this one?
    The Trolley Problem as it is setup the way I presented it
    in this thread {off a wiki article} is a clear moral choice
    {1} you passively allowing the trolley to kill 5 people
    {2} you actively killing 1 person in order to save the 5 persons

    With {1} you merely passively watch 5 people killed by something
    you personally had NOTHING to do with

    With {2} you actively and personally participle in the direct killing
    of another human being --- true your motives were good -- but
    you still personally killed a human being. You personally pulled a
    lever that killed a human being. You personally mangled up a
    human being in order to save 5 other human beings from beings
    from being mangled up. . That'd be hard to live with --- for some


    Don't let me get in the way of your conversation with Swensson.
    Ignore my post up there if you prefer.

    Last edited: Jul 11, 2020
  16. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    You are simply spamming.

    You have not responded to anything that I've said.
  17. JAG*

    JAG* Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2015
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    Can we agree that there is a large and significant MORAL difference
    between "murder" and "killing"? The MORAL difference is motive.
    A soldier kills.
    The home invader murders.
    If you add "murder" to The Trolley Problem, in my opinion,
    it ceases to be The Trolley Problem --- 'course you may
    unthinkingly be using "murder" to just mean "killing." ?


    By the way, can you explain the hospital visitor problem?
    How does that work? Did the doctors "grab the dude"?
    And force him onto the operating table?

    By the way, this is how you spell visitor. LOL I had to google it.


    Regarding The Trolley Problem: I have heard some Christians
    say they would NOT pull the lever and kill the one man in order
    to save the 5 men, because it is never right to do wrong in order
    to do good. They said that God could stop the trolley if He wanted
    to. I don't say that. I don't know what I would do to be honest with
    you. I would hate mighty bad to be in that situation. I mean I don't
    want to have to live with the knowledge that I chose either

    Last edited: Jul 11, 2020
  18. JAG*

    JAG* Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2015
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    Your posts are befuddled.
    You are in a DEEP FOG with regard to my OP.
    Stay there in that DEEP FOG , , , forever.

    {1) I am an atheist.
    {2} i don't believe in God.
    {3} But He may exist.
    {4} I can't prove He does.
    {5} I can't prove He doesn't.
    {6} The Bible says He is Omnipotent.
    {7} That means He is all powerful.
    {8} He could have created a different world.
    {9} But He did not do that.
    {10} He created the world we now have.
    {11} That means He is responsible for all that exists.
    {12} Therefore God is responsible for bone cancer in children.
    {13} I want to be consistent with this principle.
    {14} Therefore God is also responsible for Hospitals and the Red Cross

    JAG Writes:
    My opening Post postulates, for arguments sake, that the
    God of the Bible is both good and bad and does both
    good and bad acts. That is not MY PERSONAL view
    of God -- but the OP allows for that. So? So I call upon those
    atheists who do proclaim {6} through {12} to ALSO proclaim
    {13} & {14}. Some atheists DO proclaim {6} through {12},
    therefore to be consistent with their principle, they ought to
    ALSO proclaim {13} and {14}.

    Last edited: Jul 11, 2020
  19. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    I've answered with what I would do. I would not kill someone in hopes of saving others. I wouldn't term that as passive unless I chose to make no other effort to improve the outcome.

    I think a more interesting issue for you is that all judgements of whether a god's actions are good or evil are invalid.

    Mankind is NOT the judge of god.

    Do you agree, or do you think mankind can identify acts of god that are evil - or do you have an alternaive view on that?
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2020
  20. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    The trolley problem suggests that the outcome would be improved by throwing the guy next to you onto the track.

    That begs the question of whether you would throw YOURSELF on the track.

    Is your life worth more than the life standing next to you?

    I think if you decide that someone being thrown on the tracks would save 5 lives, the only person you get to throw on the track si YOURSLEF.
  21. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    OK, here is my 1 hr minor improvement in response.

    If I'm standing on the bridge and the question is throwing someone on the track ...

    The only person I get to throw on the track is me.
  22. JAG*

    JAG* Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2015
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    That's reasonable. I think I agree with all that.
    I think your decision to "improve the outcome" is a very good/moral decision.

    I take the orthodox Christian view that God always does that which is
    morally right. True we do not, and in my view, now can NOT fully
    understand that. But I hold that by Faith. Christianity is a Faith
    and not a philosophical intellectual system.
    The principle: You know what God did to Job.
    Job was 100% innocent.
    God tested Job severely.
    Yet , ,
    "In all this Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing."
    Job 1:22
    So agreed. Man is not the judge of God.

  23. JAG*

    JAG* Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2015
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    That is the Christian position, me thinks.
    Here is the Christian principle:
    "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his
    life for his friends.""__The Lord Jesus John 15:12-13
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2020
  24. JAG*

    JAG* Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2015
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    How about this one: Call it JAG's Dilemma. {I made it up}
    {1} You are in a situation where you cannot escape making
    a choice.
    {2} You are prevented from sacrificing yourself. You are bound
    hand and foot. You can NOT offer yourself to save others.
    {3} There is a mad man who has two groups of people waiting
    to ,be possibly killed.
    Group A is 50 healthy teenagers.
    Group B is 30 healthy teenagers.
    {3} You know for a fact that the mad man always tells the truth.
    {4} The mad man presents you with a choice:
    {5} You must choose which group lives and which group dies.
    {6} The group you choose will live and not be harmed in any way.
    {7} If you refuse to chose the mad man will kill both groups.
    What would you choose?
    Choose the smaller group to be killed?
    Refuse to choose and allow both groups to be killed?

    What would you choose to do Swensson?

    Last edited: Jul 11, 2020
  25. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    OK, but I think you have to go a little further here.

    It's not just that it would be a sin to accuse god.

    One must also consider that Job could not possibly know, because he was human. Accusing god would have been Job asserting that gods plan was wrong, that god was mistaken - without Job having any possibility of knowing.

    So, you need a response to those who quizz you about kids getting cancer.

    And I think that answer has to reflect the above - that mankind can not know god's purpose or plan - that there is no possibility of man judging god.

    Faith has to extend to god being perfect even in light of a kid dying of cancer. Faith is not based on evidence.

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