Beat-Nick Bernie Wants Pope Francis to Pray For him

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by FD611V1999, Apr 12, 2016.

  1. FD611V1999

    FD611V1999 Member

    Jan 28, 2016
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    You Political Fans surely had/have heard that Beat-Nik Bernie is going to see the Pope. Well, that just half the story. The Pope didn't invite the 74 year old Beat-Nik that still uses his 1964 pocket knife to cut his hair, but, 'Ole Bernie knows he's not going to win the election just on a few delegates, so, he going to try another tactic, and that is have Pope Francis to declare a Pray Vigil for 'Ole Bernie on Tuesday April 19th. to get people to break the speed limit to get to the polls to get 'Ole Bernie elected so he can get a free haircut at the White House barber shop.

    Wish I knew the brand/model of the pocket knife Bernie uses, I would order several thousand and sell them on ebay as the real true authentic pocket knife Sanders uses to cut his hair.

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