Breakin NEWSFLASH! Additions to the LGBTIQC ,A and P have asked for membership!

Discussion in 'Gay & Lesbian Rights' started by philxx, Apr 25, 2012.

  1. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    We are dealing with HUMAN beings. And your somewhat petty hangups over language aren't helpful overall.
  2. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Well for all the nonexistant humans that support ,yet to hear from any ,the LGBTIQAPC twaddle ,and i really wish the LGBTIQAPC would pack it in so the Homosexual community can get on with fighting against the discrimination they endure everyday ,as a UNIFIED Proud Homosexual community ,hey when will the Lesbians and Gays get together and realise Homosexual is the way to go!

    Words Matter .

    being Unified is everything in politics .don't you recogniose that fact, divided into LGBTIQAPC, please, won't work sorry you are heading to disaster.Capitialism has this thing about divide and conquer BTW!

    And to inform the politically naieve,it will be the support of the Others then yourselves that will determine the issue ,another political tip.Thats the problem with being a minority you have to get a significant part of the magority in order to get your demands meet.

    Now how do you think it comes across if the Homosexual rights issue is clouded and confused by 'Gay and Lesbians ' forming an Anti-hetrosexual movemant ,snowballs chance in heel With that strategy Hey.

    and all you have to do is reject the LGBTIQAPC Crap and go back to idenifying as homosexual so we can all understand and respect a United position of human Inclusion!

    we call social equality!
  3. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Talk about the problems that real people face, not the language (that bothers you so much) around them. You are on a futile quest; creating an annoyance to most people who can think for themselves.
  4. Perriquine

    Perriquine On hiatus Past Donor

    Feb 16, 2007
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    If there's something to be done about it, it's not my job to do it.

    What hard evidence can you provide to support this claim?

    What exactly do you want to know? I see little value to my taking any further position beyond what I already have. My understanding of the LGBTetc. is that it's a loose coalition of politically active groups purporting to represent the interests of the communities designated by the letters that form the name. As I am not a member of any organized political group, my knowledge of their activities comes from what I read in various media and the few encounters I have with those who do hold membership. None of which experience supports your characterizations.

    Another obvious, personal attack. My approach is the same as it is with any person - to treat them with basic respect and insist on the same for myself. If the latter isn't provided, then I can't be bothered to waste my time on them.

    What do you do? Pick fights?

    Well, as a person of primarily same-sex orientation - which you have stated you are not (being allegedly bisexual - and yes, I say "allegedly" because I don't believe that you are who you say you are) - I would prefer that you didn't speak for me. I find you likely to do more harm than good, given the size of the chip you have on your shoulder. Moreover, I can speak for myself when the situation calls for it.

    So you keep saying. I do not share your experience in that regard.

    Also not my experience. You keep referring to "the LGBT" as if it were a singular group - an organization independent from any other. This is why I'm very suspicious of you and continue to be skeptical that you are what you claim to be. The things you say sound like the kind of crap a socially conservative propagandist would say as part of campaign of misinformation.

    Oh right, but I'm supposedly the one who is biased (end sarcasm).

    Believing you less and less the more you talk.

    Special, no. We are, however, treated differently by other people who can't deal with anything that doesn't fit their golden ideal of perfect heterosexual families living in a world where there are no divorces, no abortions, no need for adoptions, no sexually transmitted diseases, everyone worships their 'one, true God' - and in which homosexuality ceases to exist (or never existed).

    Sounds to me like you have more in common with them than you do with non-heterosexuals.
  5. Perriquine

    Perriquine On hiatus Past Donor

    Feb 16, 2007
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    Depends on what you mean by "openly homosexual". You will not see gay couples strolling around hand-in-hand in any of Michigan's cities (well, maybe at one of the annual Pride celebrations, but I haven't been to one in the last decade).

    People here associate the word "homosexual" with the treatment of same-sex orientation & behavior as a 'disease' to be 'cured' with methods like electroshock, aversion therapy and other quackery once viewed as viable 'treatments'. I can't recall ever meeting anyone here who prefers the label of "homosexual".

    I personally have been in a same-sex relationship for 11-1/2 years. Since it's not the total essence of who I am as a person, I don't go around announcing it to perfect strangers (this forum notwithstanding), but I don't pretend to be hetero if it comes up in casual conversation. My partner and I are careful in public though, as we have encountered open hostility. I am 'out' at work and to my family and the few people I count as friends. As for anybody else, it's none of their business, though some obviously think otherwise.

    I'm not some hick who just fell off the turnip truck, even if I did grow up outside a small town of only 2,000. I've lived in a city of around 190,000 in a county with a population of about a 1/2 million people. It had a thriving "homosexual" population, but like I said above - you aren't going to see gay couples walking arm-in-arm here. We don't have a really large city, unless you count Detroit, which only has around 700,000 people (and shrinking). I haven't been to the city of Detroit in a really long time, and have no desire to go there. I live on the edge of the "Detroit Metro Area", which has a population of around 4.2 million, but the town I live in is only around 9,000 people. While I guess there's an "openly homosexual" population in the surrounding area, I've almost nothing to do with them. My partner is on a weekly bowling league that is mostly "homosexual", but that's the sum total of our collective involvement. I was much more active in "the community" when I lived in Grand Rapids, but that was nearly 20 years ago.

    I couldn't care less. I have no desire to live in a large city.

    I've said all I care to say on that topic. Find something new to talk about.

    Taunting me won't get you what you want.

    Oh, you're one of those people who thinks you're hot (*)(*)(*)(*) because you live in a big city. Whoopdy-(*)(*)(*)(*)ing-doo. I'm not impressed, and it doesn't increase the value of your opinion - at least not with me.

    Not so much. See above. I really don't need some big city homo rubbing my nose in the fact that I live in a place that's not all that safe for "homosexuals".

    I'm a man attracted to other men. Is that specific enough for you? I wouldn't characterize it as a lifestyle. It's not the sum total of my identity, either. We use the word 'gay' here, not 'homosexual'. Get over it already. I'm personally not all that fond of either word, but I sometimes use 'gay' since it's the accepted term in the USA. Never liked 'queer', and I especially dislike the word '(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)'. But I'm of the mind that people should use whatever words they want to describe themselves. Not a fan of having someone else try to dictate to me which terms I can use.

    That's a load of crap. I'll agree that people don't choose their orientation, but the idea that a "gay lifestyle" exists is pure propaganda of the socially conservative kind. You reveal once again that you aren't what you represent yourself to be.

    You haven't "shown me up" at all. Hey, if you're just here to stroke your own ego, kindly take it somewhere more private. I'm not a prop for your mental masturbation.

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