Bust of Hungarian Reform Statesman Kossuth Inaugurated in Buffalo

Discussion in 'Russia & Eastern Europe' started by mswan, Oct 4, 2021.

  1. mswan

    mswan Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2021
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    Hungary has a notable legacy of producing men and women who’ve been influential on the world stage, Nobel prize winners, musicians, and philosophical leaders, etc. one such man recently honored in the U.S. is Lajos Kossuth of the 19th century, a man shaped by the tumultuous 1848 revolutions in Europe,


    A bust of 19th-century Hungarian reform statesman Lajos Kossuth was inaugurated in Buffalo, New York on Saturday, commemorating the 100th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the United States and Hungary.

    Kossuth’s efforts to keep the ideas of the freedom fight of 1848-49 alive had a significant impact on the United States as well, the consulate said, adding that multiple US presidents, including Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy had quoted Kossuth several times.“

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