Declassification of 9/11 Documents

Discussion in '9/11' started by Bob0627, Oct 2, 2018.

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  1. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    I am not being optimistic that all 9/11 documents/evidence will ever be declassified but perhaps some might shed some light into what really happened prior to and on 9/11.

    Resolution to Reveal All From 9/11 Documents Clears Senate Hurdle

    Perhaps lost amidst the ongoing Supreme Court controversy has been the latest Beltway push to fully declassify 9/11-related federal documents.

    That exhausting process finally took a step forward Wednesday with the passing — via unanimous consent — of US Senate Res. 610, “a resolution urging the release of information regarding the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks upon the United States.”

    Much of the infamous “28 pages” from a 2002 Congressional Joint Inquiry report on the attacks was declassified on July 15, 2016, but significant parts of the release remained redacted. This push aims to remove those redactions, and those on other documents related to 9/11, once and for all.

    The documents appear to point a finger at the highest levels of the government of Saudi Arabia as being responsible for logistical and financial aid to the attackers. Of the 19 hijackers, 15 were Saudi nationals.

    Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) introduced the new measure on Aug. 21. Shortly before the non-binding, bipartisan resolution’s passing Wednesday, he spoke to the chamber.

    Read the rest ...
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2018
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  2. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Bob Bowman, RIP, asked the right question: If the government has nothing to hide, why is it hiding so much?
    Bob0627 likes this.
  3. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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  4. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Note the following has nothing to do with the declassification of 9/11 documents effort underway in Congress. Admittedly, I haven't had a chance to review any of these newly released documents (I just saw the article this morning) but I am posting the article here for all 9/11 researchers.

    Summary: New Trove of 9/11 Documents Released

    On Oct. 15, J.M. Berger, a prolific author and researcher on extremism, made public on Intelwire a large number of previously unreleased or difficult-to-find materials related to 9/11 that were obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, court records and open sources. The material includes thousands of pages of reports, communications and other primary-source documents related to the efforts of the CIA, FBI and State Department to assess and respond to the threat of terrorism in the years leading up to and following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Portions of many of the documents remain redacted. Below is an overview of the scope of each of the five tranches of documents available.

  5. Shinebox

    Shinebox Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2015
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    I am certain that these newly declassified documents will expose Bob's OCT ... we will finally find out what types controlled demolition method was employed and hopefully the source of that flash at WTC 2 that happened 1/2 before aircraft impact ...

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