Dem Rep. Greg Meeks Threatens To Primary AOC As The Civil War Goes Nuclear

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Gatewood, Jul 13, 2019.

  1. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Dem Rep. Greg Meeks Threatens To Primary AOC As The Civil War Goes Nuclear

    As the Dem Party politically moves ever farther leftward in terms of off the wall and youth directed radicalism the traditional and older liberals currently in control of the nation's House of Representatives are openly fighting back. One Congressional Black Caucus member got enraged when leftist media darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez suggested Primarying CBC members in order to 'win' more political space for her fellow radical leftist types and CBC member Meeks struck back saying (paraphrased) Two can play at that political game and we were taught to fight back when attacked.

    But what might actually be at real play here is the age differences between the established liberals and the radical leftists. It turns out that most of the radical leftists come from well-to-do financial situations and are trust fund babies who don't have to worry in particular about political funding as mere representative level politicians. Also as trust fund leftists they are accustomed to having EVERYTHING handed to them without ever really having had to fight for anything.

    It is known that A.O.C. lied about her family background and that she was actually much more well-off than she told voters she was. Apparently she didn't HAVE to earn a living as a bartender, but instead 'worked' at that to establish political street creds. Sounds a bit like Barack Obama and his various confessions in his two memoirs, doesn't it? Whatever it takes to pull the wool over the gullible eyes of leftist inclined voters, one supposes. So anyway a youthful and spoiled radical leftist by way of A.O.C. and her fellow mouthy radical leftist politicians against the old guard who had to actually work their ways up the political ranks? Yes, it's looking that way.


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