Democrats Have Growing Fear That Minnesota Could Flip To Red For President Trump

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Gatewood, Oct 31, 2020.

  1. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Well . . . duh! Frankly it will be a surprise if Trump doesn't pick up a massive number of new voters in each of the states in which not only did a Dem Party mayor stand down police so that hate-filled and violent radical leftists could riot, loot, burn, and mug and murder for month after month but the Dem Party governors of the states not only refused to use the national guard to restore order but refused to let Trump send in forces to restore order. Most voters don't approve of undending violence being openly committed inside their cities but DO approve of leaders and of Parties that want to end that violence; or in other words, approve of Trump and the pro law enforcement GOP.

    Minnesota, Oregon, Saint Louis, Washington and other states . . . wherever Dem Party politicians have allowed hordes of THEIR violent radical leftists to tear things up and assault people for month after month is now logically in political play. Good!

    This is common sense stuff people. It's very nearly both People and Politics 101; and so what interests me is WHY the average Dem Party voter never grouped together -- since grouping together is what their Party is famous for doing -- to DEMAND that the DNC get those rogue mayors and governors under control so that order could be restored in a timely manner inside those smoldering cities. By saying NOTHING to their leadership about this the average Dem Party voter was essentially endorsing the violence and destruction and -- yes -- the mugging and the murders.

    So . . . why didn't they speak up to denounce such activities from THEIR radicals as aided and abetted in those actvities by those . . . politicians? Yes, elections have consequences but so, too, does saying nothing of any significance while radical elements inside your own party-controlled cities and states set urban architecture on fire just to watch it burn.
    FatBack likes this.

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