Did Rothshild own the Federal Reserve?

Discussion in 'Economics & Trade' started by haribol, May 4, 2013.

  1. haribol

    haribol New Member

    Dec 17, 2010
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    I have read a book called the Ascent of money by Niall Ferguson in which he has beautifully described about the origin of money and how the Rothschild family owned and run even the Ferderal Rserve.

    I always cannot subscribe to what I read in a book and of course books are often full of lies and they often deceive the layperson who take things uncritically after reading something into nonesensical ideas.

    I think this is the best forum to discuss this thing. I have read another post on the somewhat similar issue but I am unsure about the fact whether the Federal Reserve is still owned by some group or under their indirect influence. Though some sources disclose its independent working style in the interest of the nation I am rather skeptical of the authenticity of what I came across in black and white.

    Most of us know American and of course the rest of the world' s government and government run social and business agencies and institutions are directly or indirectly run or influenced by businesshouses or businesspeople.

    I am just interested about this fact, the hard facts which remain mostly concealed from the general public.
  2. haribol

    haribol New Member

    Dec 17, 2010
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    Did I make a stupid question? Maybe yes or maybe no. I have just read it somewhere and I cannot remeber where.

    Maybe you have not read like that. I do not know the authenticity of what I had read.

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