Did you really sensor this? no free speech here

Discussion in 'Other Off-Topic Chat' started by Fred68, Apr 12, 2017.

  1. Fred68

    Fred68 Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2015
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    Guess you just didn't like what I said.

    Someone pulled up next to me at McDonald’s and proceeded to pee on a tree. My first response was one of disbelief in that there were restrooms right there. Then I thought if we have boys shower and dress with girls and men with women and probably with different ages, then why is it illegal to whip it out and urinate in public? Then I wondered what would happen if he got caught by a cop and explained that he/she identified as a female so his/her penis was irrelevant. Would he/she walk?

    I work at a medical clinic, and the other day someone came in dressed as a bunny. Now there is an individual who was born a human but feels like a rabbit. Species identity. I guess it would have the right to dress, shower and urinate/defecate outside or perhaps anyplace it desired.

    I just read that we are to call someone who had a sex change operation as “they”.
    In one of the richest languages we don’t have words to describe what the left conjures up today.

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