Stefan Lanka is a German biologist who denies viruses existence (except bacteriophages): In that article he claims there have not been controls in any alleged virus demostration, and that the "virus phenomena" are a consequence of the treatment cultures were subjected. Lanka is a well-known dissident in alleged HIV surroundings, he wrote some papers and gave some interviews against HIV virus existence many years ago. Besides, he appeared on the newspapers a few years ago disputing with a physician about measles virus existence. You can see about this case here: However, there is no English Wikipedia page about Lanka. I would write it, but I am not an English language speaker. I put here the Spanish version:
It is a good rhetorical question. There is some evidence that the Covid virus is rather like a phantom, unable to be grown in a Petri dish.
Interesting. I have seen the claim before that viruses don't really exist. I am still not sure what to believe here. Perhaps in time.
Some interesting information is beginning to come out.
A virus needs to replicate. If an alleged virus doesn't replicate, then the particles wouldn't be viral, but exosomes. Exosome is the name used to designate a particle that resemblance to a virus particle but can't create copies of itself, i.e. it can't replicate. Exosomes exist, is a well-known fact: From this point, a layman person would think that replication is a well-known fact too, with many experiments showing replication for many viruses. There is even a classification of viruses according to the way they replicate: But the reality could be totally different, as until now I couldn't find an experiment showing replication for any virus. I would be very glad if someone shows us one of those experiments.
It corresponds to people who claim a fact (in this case viruses existence) to prove that fact is true, so I don't have to put here "validated published research". My position is to ask for evidence. In my previous post I asked for experiments that would show alleged virus particles replication. In my research I have not found any of those experiments.
Here is a more thorough PDF by Lanka I think you'll like. Also search alternative video sites for Dr. Andrew Kaufmann who is at the forefront in exposing this virus hoax. He works with Dr. Tom Cowan and Lanka, among others, in this effort.
All Lanka's papers are here, in several languages: Regarding Cowan, I put this link too: where he explains alleged viruses techniques from scratch. Another important source of information, this relatively recent (but already well-stocked) blog: Finally, I have a forum regarding the issue of alleged viruses: It has two sections, one for alleged HIV virus and another section for other medical-scientific mistakes, including possible non-viruses existence in general.
Just because YOU a have not found evidence that convinces YOU a that does not mean it does not exist. We have Electron microscopic scans of viruses but I am sort of betting those will be dismissed
Do viruses exist ? ~ I believe the Covid-19 virus is likely now extinct. We wait for government somewhere to create another. Bill Gates seems to know everything .
Knew you would dismiss it! Well, there is no convincing some! I like to think of it as “Evolution in action”
Still prevalent in Australia. just because Tucker Carlson ha moved on to Testicle Tanning does not mean COVID has gone away
For example, the next electron microscopy study showed the fact of exosomes: We conclude that the viral particles observed in PGL lymph nodes are most likely HIV, but similar particles can be seen in reactive lymph nodes not associated with HIV infection. In the full paper can be read: The results of this study compel us to conclude that, while the particles observed in PGL lymph nodes are indeed HIV, morphologically similar particles can be seen in other reactive conditions, and the presence of such particles do not, by themselves, indicate infection by HIV. So we can NOT conclude a person is infected with HIV (or probably a virus in general), because we've seen certain particles with the electron microscope. It is necessary more evidence, quite more evidence indeed. And I am asking for such evidence.
You really don’t get it do you? So, what “treatments” do you use when you get ill? And that paper is from 1988! Why not just quote something from the Middle Ages!
Yes, that paper is from 1988, from that date official scientists (and of course dissident scientists) perfectly know that we can not rely on seeing certain particles with the electron microscope, that more evidence is needed to deduce a person is infected with HIV (probably with any virus), that those particles could be exosomes. Now I wonder if you will finally be aware of that.
The U.S. Army gave Native Americans, blankets infected with Small Pox (variola virus). The Native Americans, developed Small Pox, proving the virus's replication.
Yeah it's all above my pay grade. At first I said of course but then reading deeper yeah I don't know.
Just because someone found similar looking "particles" to HIV, which they believe are not HIV, does not prove that HIV does not exist. Are you kidding me? First off, just having the virus in one's body, does not mean you will be symptomatic. This is a well- known phenomenon. If you have had chicken pox, then you still have some of that virus in your body, yet you have no outer sign of this. However, there is a 1 on 3 chance, that virus will manifest, later on, as Shingles. So to what do you attribute that all those who are symptomatic with AIDS, have a large amount of HIV virus, in their systems? And regardless of being able to find a few morphologically similar particles, you will not find anyone's system overridden with HIV, who does not show AIDS symptoms. This is coincidence? It requires a certain amount of any pathogen, to cause illness. If you were to ingest a few bacteria associated with food poisoning, you would not develop food poisoning; our bodies are exposed to bacteria & pathogens, all the time, & our immune systems handle them; just as would your own, if you were exposed to a single HIV virus. But after exposure surpasses a certain threshold, food poisoning, or viral infection, occurs.
Yes, let people decide for themselves. https://www.healthandsciencefacts.c...he-disinformation-america-s-frontline-doctors