Does Israel have the right to exist Part the third!

Discussion in 'Middle East' started by Oddquine, Oct 16, 2011.

  1. Woman Of Mass Destruction

    Woman Of Mass Destruction New Member

    Oct 15, 2011
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    The irony is strong in this one, lol.

    Also, sorry to disappoint you folks but Art Allm has not posted any references I "ignored". Certainly not in the post I was replying to.

    Now, I gotta go. When I return, I will only be replying to Bishadi's post because he seems to be the only one capable of addressing the topic AND following my posts.
  2. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    You are the experience of today and it has nothing to do with the semitic language. If it did you would comprehend that akkadian is the original consonant only language and therein be capable of comprehending that not only was canaan in egyptian hands during the so called exodus but that judaism is from egyptian beliefs.

    I believe it is why jews believe they are born better than others as that is what the pharonic lineages were all about.

    stay on topic

    This thread is questioning YOUR right to live in palestine

    were palestinians in palestine before israel ever existed?
  3. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    moot ? how so when Israeli politicians + apologists , Incl . Us senators regularly badger us - drumming it into the world Ad Nauseum - proclaiming ISRAEL'S RIGHT TO EXIST .
    I've not heard of any other country eternally bleeeting abt its RIGHT TO EXIST .

    Yr point - "
    Palestinians didnt have an army - the territories was considered , as being under protection , unfortunately not protected well enough from West supported IDF - post French/British/Israeli Suez crisis collusion. - 1956.


    didnt they ? let's see yr evidence .

    THank you for yr honesty on point. (A) You're the first Israeli to make such an admission.


    Pretend ? I think NOT - have you ever heard of this ::(from wiki)

    " The Movement for Greater Israel (Hebrew: התנועה למען ארץ ישראל השלמה‎, HaTenu'a Lema'an Eretz Yisrael HaSheleima) was a political organisation in Israel during the 1960s and 1970s which subscribed to an ideology of Greater Israel.

    The organization was formed in July 1967, a month after Israel captured the Gaza Strip, Sinai peninsula the West Bank and the Golan Heights in the Six-Day War. It called on the Israeli government to keep the captured areas and to settle them with Jewish population.

    Its founders were a mixture of Labor Zionists, Revisionists, writers and poets, including Nathan Alterman, Aharon Amir, Haim Gouri, Rachel Yanait Ben-Zvi, Yitzhak Tabenkin, Icchak Cukierman, Zivia Lubetkin, Eliezer Livneh, Moshe Shamir, Shmuel Katz, Zev Vilnay, Uri Zvi Greenberg, Shmuel Yosef Agnon, Isser Harel, Israel Eldad, Dan Tolkovsky and Avraham Yoffe.


    At work ? hehehehe - Well when you get a chance , I recommend you watch Fisk , naturall y being as good at his job as he is , he's bound to have very many critics.

    Who's perfect ?, other than perfect idiots ?

  4. Art_Allm

    Art_Allm Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jul 10, 2009
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    I quoted Alfred Rosenberg, Hitler's chief ideologist.
    Hitler could only repeat what Rosenberg said.

    And Rosenberg referred to Arabs as to 'pure Semites'.
    Jews were according to Rosenberg only 'bastard half brothers' of Semites.

    So yes, Jews were included in the term Semites, but only as 'bastard half brothers' of Arabs.

    But Arabs were never excluded from the term Semites by National Socialists.

    Zionists excluded Arabs from that term, because they are bigots.

    Everybody can do his research and find the quote of Rosenberg on the net.

    If you believe that Hitler had another opinion and disagreed with Rosenberg, you have to prove it with quotes.
  5. free man

    free man Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    I've just reported this thread for not following forum rules.
    This thread is a trolling thread that has nothing to do with "latest world news".
    The moderation here is bias as hell.
    The constantly allow one political side to post against the forum rules only enforcing the forum rules on the other political side.
  6. Art_Allm

    Art_Allm Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jul 10, 2009
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    You do not have any idea about genetic studies.
    Most Arabs carry the haplogroup J1, called 'Semitic haplogroup'.
    Only Jewish Cohens (about 3% of all Jewish men) can be called Semites.

    Non-Cohen-Jews stem from Slavs and Khazars (haplogroups R1a, Q and other non-Semitic haplogroups).
  7. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    So if I am of slav lineage would that mean i be a who too?
  8. jesseventura

    jesseventura Banned

    Apr 21, 2011
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    this topic is just as asinine as a question of weather or not anyone should be allowed to exist period........
  9. skeptic-f

    skeptic-f New Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    This post is aimed at Israel/Palestine posters of all political persuasions. If you don't accept these basic facts on the ground you shouldn't be posting on threads like this.

    1. ISRAEL EXISTS. The borders and citizenship of the nation of Israel may be in question, but the basic Israel of the Jewish homeland is de facto and the said Jewish Israelis are not going to lie down and play dead if people try to change that fact.

    2. ISRAEL WILL NOT BE CONQUERED. The Israelis will never allow the Palestinians to become strong enough militarily to attack them, so the only viable military option would be invasion by foreign (presumably Islamic) powers. 'Success' would only come at the expense of a Middle Eastern nuclear apocalypse (Israel has at least 150 nuclear warheads and they are a people who revere the historical mass suicide at Masada).

    3. ISRAEL WILL NOT BE SWALLOWED UP. Israel may be practising something approaching apartheid with respect to the Palestinians, but drawing conclusions from the South African experience is absurd. At worst, Jews are 2 out of 5 of the population of Israel/Palestine (leaving out the Right of Return) and there is really only one other major group (the Palestinians). South African Whites were 2 out of 15 and there were several other major groups.

    Israel/Palestine is more like an apartheid Belgium. If push comes to shove about Palestinian rights, the Israelis will have to hold their noses and expel the Palestinians either over the border or into another Gaza or two somewhere at the edge of the West Bank. Ethnic cleansing may be a vile war crime but the dirty secret is it often works (how many Jews live in Poland today?).

    4. ISRAEL WILL NOT MAKE A JUST PEACE WITHOUT GREAT PRESSURE. Points 1, 2 and 3 do not preclude the idea of a two-state solution, but such a solution is on it's last legs. There is no contiguous Palestine: just the mega-slum of Gaza and 10 or 12 different bits of land on the West Bank that are cut off from one another by Israeli-held land. Israel holds the whip hand in the current situation and feels no need to negotiate in good faith and only severe economic and political effects would make them do otherwise.

    5. PALESTINIANS CAN'T BE TRUSTED TO KEEP A PEACE. Most Palestinians do want peace, but a majority also want a 1947, 48, 56 or 67 border and a Right of Return. Hamas definitely cannot be trusted (their definition precludes Points 1 and 3) and Fatah has shown itself to be opportunistic. Palestine is also ripe for the Islamist message and could easily develop a strong Islamist presence (the so-called Salafists are already active in Gaza). Only if Israel has strong controls on Palestinian military limits could such a peace be enforced.

    6. JERUSALEM IS A HUGE PROBLEM. Israel wants all of Jerusalem and it will take an immense effort to make them back off that idea. The problem is the Palestinians want at least East Jerusalem and the Arab Quarter of the Old City (including the Dome of the Rock) and it would take an immense effort to make THEM back off that idea. The two-state solution came to ground several times in the 1970s and 1980s on this issue when both sides were more willing to negotiate in good faith.

    7. TIME IS RUNNING OUT. People think that because this issue has dragged on for decades it will continue to drag on for decades. The combination of the Israeli government's settlement program and the illegal settlements of the Settler's Movement means that in another decade a two-state solution will almost certainly be impossible. At that point the fuse will have been lit and when the bomb goes off the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians will begin.

    8. PALESTINIAN TERRORISM IS COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE. I'm not talking here about the disproportion in casualties (although the Israelis have a lot fewer than the Palestinians), but rather the image of the Palestinians it presents to Israel, to the USA and to the rest of the non-Muslim world. Lashing out may kid some Palestinians they are doing something, but what they are doing is digging a pit they won't get out of. Personally I feel the Palestinians need Gandhi-like tactics in order to make an impression that will benefit them.

    9. ISRAELI ATTITUDES ARE HARDENING. I've recently looked up the political history of Israel after 1948 and what is most obvious is the gradual drift in Israeli politics towards a hardening of attitudes to Palestinians, Palestinian land rights and approval of the concept of an Eretz Israel. Fifty years ago perhaps 8 percent of the population was that hardened; twenty five years ago perhaps 20 percent were that hardened and now I would argue just over 40 percent are that hardened (although a number of Israelis haven't admitted to themselves that they have given up on peace!).

    10. THE UNITED STATES IS OBLIVIOUS. Very few Americans, Jewish or otherwise, really have much of a clue about Israel/Palestine and what they do know and feel tends to be out of date by a couple of decades. It would take a very big event or events to truly make them pay attention to the current facts on the ground and AIPAC would spin like mad and probably succeed.
  10. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    debating the BS of Israel is about as 'world news' as it gets

    The problem you are having is that your posts are sharing how ignorance has been accepted.

    For example: the thread, is based on a subject that is as global as just about any subject on the earth!

    i am biased in the account that the 'commands' render 'no false witness'.

    If i had my way, you would be judged with absolution. Be glad the mods are not quite as tough as i am.
    Bull............. i personally have been suspended numerous times. But to learn, evolve and understand how to be responsible for your actions, enables anyone a voice, with all equality sustained.

    What you may have learned is that to call someone anti semitic based on YOUR own personal bias, is 'against forum rules'.

    You are learning, that what some believe is what the error is of the debate. Not that YOU have a right to mislead, BS and insult people because your hand can misrepresent TRUTH.

    I personally have learned a bunch from this forum. I have come to realize that the idiots who dont wanna evolve are oooooosually the biggest bigots/idiots.

    We can all see it based on what they do!

    Me personally, i am just ONE person of many that lives on the grounding precept of equality. Perhaps you should try it. Start with a concept of humility. Perhaps try the venue of self reflection and see if it is possible that you personally could be wrong. When you do, then you can begin to learn with open eyes versus getting frustrated when finding out that what you have held as true is just garbage.

    Israel exists but is it 'right'?

    Answer that.
  11. jesseventura

    jesseventura Banned

    Apr 21, 2011
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    DONT EVER say equality. you can never make people equal... the better word is fairness. equality implies everything is equal. that is not the case nor will it ever be.
  12. Iolo

    Iolo Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 5, 2011
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    It is world news, surely, that a racist colony is still occupying other people's territory so long after we saw off Hitler, - and constantly disobeying international law too, while it blackmails foreign politicians to the extent they have to leap about squeaking with admiration when the bloodstained fuhrer of this colony deigns to address them? Who do some of these zionists work for?
  13. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    lies exist but each will be extinct eventually.

    ie.... if what you do is against truth, you will not live very long.

    If you wanna know how that works, stick around and ask questions but if you wanna debate with prideful ignorance, you best be prepared to get slapped around a bit based on what you DO!

    Each can and will judge what your actions impose.

    Take it from ONE
  14. Iolo

    Iolo Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 5, 2011
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    Knives are equal/unequal for cutting. What are people for?
  15. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Rubbish - The question of Israels right to exist is regularly - "Latest World News" - kept Headlines by Israeli politicians like Benji NettyYahu /Lieberman + hosts of Americans from AIPAC to US Senate. We are constantly indoctrinated re : Israel's right to EXist - there's never any mention of any other country - bleeting abt its RIGHT TO EXIST.

  16. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    enabling a mind to understand is what makes them equal to any

    fairness is an assumption of empathy
    Each conscious life is capable and i am here to tell you just that.

    From the comprehension of love, compassion and the adherance of empathy; when conscious, each are capable.

    And as soon as you discount that, yu are my enemy.

    to a bigot; i could see your description is believed.

    Do you think ANY god would approve of the stupidity of a selfish mind believing it is better than another?

    Do you believe that a democracy can truly exist with longevity, that is unaccepting of equality?

    Any and all are Equally a part of the ONE (existence itself) and as soon as capable of self awareness, then i find the mind can be enabled to compassionate responsibility of itself.

    ie..... good (actions a self can impose to exist); support life to continue

    bad: loss to the common

    Them are the rules!
  17. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    "All are equal - but some are more equal than others "

    (apologies the G.Orwell )
  18. jesseventura

    jesseventura Banned

    Apr 21, 2011
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    you forget the fact that some people are born tall others sort. some are born with able minds.... others with mental retardation. you cannot say everyone is equal because they are not. saying that is the case is simply not true.
  19. jesseventura

    jesseventura Banned

    Apr 21, 2011
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    one can still be a compassionate human being well understanding that not all people are equal.
  20. free man

    free man Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Posts of newsworthy political items current within the last 72 hours.
    You are about 65 years too late.
  21. Iolo

    Iolo Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 5, 2011
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    People are people, and they have equal rights unless someone interferes to steal them.
  22. jesseventura

    jesseventura Banned

    Apr 21, 2011
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    they can have equal rights.... the question is weather they use them or not. my point is only that not everyone can use their rights as well as others. the way you are putting it you assume people are born in a vaccume and all behave the same way and act the same way. they are not, however born in a vaccume. is a african boy born in rwanda really as equal as that of a child of bill gates for example???
  23. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    dont mean that they are incapable of empathy, compassion, Love and kindness; the most beautiful of reflections

    the able mind can evolve. The stupid or even retarded often believe in theological literature as being history.

    heck, i know of one group that believes they are born better than another based on the religions of their parents. That be an example of retardation!

    a capable mind is consciously aware of its actions

    People can learn. it is why religious wingnuts teach their children in the first place.

    but like the idiots of moses time; you can teach them and they still can choose to be stupid all by themselves (golden calf)

    Anyone can read these threads and see that the idiots that believe they are 'chosen ones' actually believe they are not responsible for what they do/support and further.

    I am here to tell ya different

    and either you will evolve and find that compassion within based on personal responsibility or you will be judged.

    i could care less who you are as each are capable of being judged by any other and the winner is not the strongest but the one with the sword of truth.

    good: lives

    bad: fades to extinction (eventually)

    nothing to debate

    them are the results, period!
  24. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    what makes them equal?

    and your example is money?




    My question is which is better and why? ( i want your opinion)
  25. Iolo

    Iolo Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 5, 2011
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    You are assuming the insanity called capitalism, which is establishing a caste society. I do not accept your 'equal' stuff - it is for lords and serfs. Everyone has the right to food, a home, clothing and anything else he needs as long as he does not exploit others. And 'she', of course.

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