Dr Paul Craig Roberts exposes the Osama Bin ladne myth.

Discussion in '9/11' started by 9/11 was an inside job, Dec 4, 2012.

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  1. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    Its a guarantee the paid shills on this forum wont read this link.Yes I know I spelled his last name wrong.It printed up before i could correct it.


    Dan Rather even reported it as well.:lol:


    they also ignore how he got younger all the time somehow going from a grey beard to a black beard over the years as evidenced in this video.Guess he decided to give the midle finger to his religion and dye his beard according to them.:lol: and ignore their religion that its against muslins religion to wear jewelery like this guy is as well.

    there is also a video out there where it shows him writing with that hand but the problem with that is they say he was left handed also.:lol:

    seriously,when all you agents going to get that comedy club started.you really need to.:lol:
  2. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    It's called "edit". Not really complicated, and I've read your link. I've also read up on Paul Craig Roberts. The lies in the article are among the same old, washed up, debunked crap that always comes from the truth movement. OBL didn't do it, they said they didn't do it, there's no way they did it, and here's a ton of incredulity to show you why.

    The fact is that Al Qaeda did deny 9/11 at first, and OBL stated why he denied it. He had completely underestimated the ferocity of the United States Military. He gave himself enough time to get into the ungoverned portions of Afghanistan, and the tribal parts of Pakistan. When he felt he was safe he called on a reporter and released the story of what happened. When the most powerful military in the world comes down on you all at once you say anything and everything you can to get out alive. It's textbook war.
  3. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Well if you can't trust the guy who attacked the Gold Mohur hotel, the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, and Dar es Salaam, the U.S.S Cole, and got one of his buddies caught before trying to bomb LAX to tell the truth, who can you trust?
  4. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Although on second thought I'm not so sure I support this new legal standard of "innocent unless guilt is admitted right away."

    Just think of all of the politicians that would get a free get out of jail card in perpetuity.
  5. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    You just can't help yourself from pulling out all the memes can you? I apologize I copy and pasted your tidbit before you added the rest of the garbage. If OBL can't wear the ring, then why are there all these pictures that show him wearing it?

    Ring.jpg Ring2.jpg Ring3.jpg

    Weird, those are all from different times, during different videos, when it's proven to be him! So maybe instead of hopping into the way back time machine to bring us memes from 2003, you should focus on finding some new memes. Something that would take me longer than 3 minutes to disprove would be preferable. Thanks peanut.
  6. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    The thing I don't understand is that bin Laden held the belief that we'd recoil from a major attack but he wanted caliphate, and in order to get that result, it would require American invasion.

    I find it noteworthy that he would deny involvement in the 9/11 attacks if he had involvement. And since he was the boss of al Qaeda, he had something to do with 9/11. Strange as it is, the FBI never indicted him for 9/11. Nevertheless, I'm not saying I believe Osama bin Laden, but the guy professed his hatred for America with two fatwas and three terrorist attacks. His fatwas are pretty clear. Interviews and other messages after the fatwas only reaffirm the conclusion that Osama bin Laden actively wanted to wage War with America and Americans (Israeli Jews too!). He would be praising Allah, the first one to do so after 9/11. I don't buy the line of, "He underestimated the US response." Osama certainly had to know that we could unleash holy hell with our accumulated military-industrial complex. I mean, bin Laden wasn't a moron, he only avoided that complex for all of those years... or that complex suddenly started playing a whole lot nicer. Anyway, it just so happens to be that neoconservatives were wanting to wage War against Arab terrorism eight months before 9/11.
  7. cooky

    cooky New Member

    Jul 29, 2011
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    Osama Bin Ladens death has been reported numerous times over the last ten plus years. Here is an accounting of a number of those reports


    In trying to ascertain what report is the most accurate one must assess the totality of evidence available. In my mind, the sum of the available evidence indicates that OBL was killed during operation Neptune Spear. Compared to all of the other reports of OBLs death, there is far more circumstantial and even direct evidence to support the hypothesis that OBL met his demise during operation Neptune Spear.
  8. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    What complicates that hypothesis, though, is the lack of transparency the government has exhibited with its evidence of the mission. Furthermore, the accounting of evidence has been compromised, as well, the official version of the story told by the government has been contradicted by a Navy SEAL involved in the raid.

    It is troubling that we are expected to just believe what the government tells us. Where is the visual evidence that it was Osama bin Laden? Gaddafi's rough final moments were shown to the American people. American media has shown lots of foreign people getting killed because of some US involvement at some level. Our foreign policy incites violence, so the excuse of not releasing pictures because they'd incite violence is weak sauce. If someone is willing to wage War against America for the release of photographs that would bring closure to so many wounds across this great nation, then those peoples deserve to get eaten up by earth's mightiest fighting force.
  9. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    The main proof that Bin Laden didn't have anything to do with the 9/11 attacks is the proof that the US government did it.

    The towers fell because of controlled demolition and the craft that hit the Pentagon was too small to be a 757. That's all the proof that's needed to prove Bin Laden didn't do it. If he really did deny it, it fits the scenario as he obviously didn't do it.
  10. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    My biggest question to you Jango is, why would they release them? Would you even believe it if they did? No. You and all of the other truthers would find some out of place hair, or fresh wrinkle in his face and call inside job. So what would the US government have to gain to release pics? Nothing. Also, the narrative of the events that day means nothing because the end result is still the same. The government and a Navy seal that was there are saying that UBL was shot dead by Navy Seals. If you don't believe it then don't, no one is saying you "have to believe everything the government says." I hate that truthers think that there is only 2 options. You either believe everything the government says, or you completely disagree with everything the government says. It's not that black and white, and to assume so is ridiculous.

    There is no shame in saying the FBI didn't add 9/11 to UBL's record because they didn't have enough hard evidence. They had videos of him admitting to it, and explaining the planning process. However, that is circumstantial evidence that links UBL. With all of the information in the 1998 indictment of UBL, adding 9/11 to the warrant would be pointless. It wouldn't add further penalty to what he had coming to him. You can only kill a man once. If the all powerful, all knowing government that you are accusing of causing 9/11 is as shady as you think then why wouldn't they just lie about it? Right? Or are you peddling that they have no issue with killing 3K people, but a little clerical work would be too far?

    I don't really care if you call it weak sauce or that you don't buy the fact that the US didn't release the pictures of his dead body. I am sure that we did release pictures in the past, but America isn't the same post 9/11. We saw, because of a stupid youtube video, a group of Americans get killed. We now know that terrorists are a bit more crafty than we gave them credit for. I don't want innocent lives at risk because you have some infatuation with seeing the dead body of a former Al Qaeda leader.

    Maybe that's why the truth movement has done nothing but spin it's tires for over a decade. Focusing too much on the irrelevant crap than focusing on the meat and potatoes. Keeping going guys, this is your year I think.
  11. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Of course the only problem is you have no proof. You have no proof at all, which is why nothing has changed from your camp in over a decade. What we do have is a ton of evidence that a plane did hit the pentagon.
  12. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    "My biggest question to you Jango is, why would they release them?"
    Why wouldn't they? Well first, to validate the claim, "OBL is dead and we killed him." Second, the American people want and deserve to see photographs of OBL in his final moments. Third, pictures of dead OBL would be in all the papers: NYT, Washington Post, Reuters, Telegraph, Guardian, BBC... a demoralizing blow to al Qaeda's infrastructure, their leader dead and on the papers - what a morale boost for the coalition of the willing.

    "Would you even believe it if they did?"

    "I hate that truthers think that there is only 2 options. You either believe everything the government says, or you completely disagree with everything the government says. It's not that black and white, and to assume so is ridiculous."
    And to assume I think that way is ridiculous too. Funny how you're going to lecture me about gray area. Your compatriots have done the same, and like them, you'll be vague, and certainly use the flexibility of its framework to your advantage. You write on here as if you use gray area here. As though your nothing but a black and white machine. Because really, what speculative thinking do you entertain yourself with?

    "We saw, because of a stupid youtube video, a group of Americans get killed."
    Where did that happen? When did that happen?
  13. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Exactly my point, who do they have to validate it too? The people in office that needed to see the pictures, saw them. You act as if there is a valiant outcry by the people to see pictures of UBL. I hate to tell you Jango, but most people don't care, outside of the internet truther world. It's not a hotbutton topic within America. We don't need to demoralize Al Qaeda, they have already acknowledged that UBL is dead. What you're talking about is rubbing it in their faces, and I already addressed what the repercussions could be from the actions. American lives, needlessly, at risk.

    I don't buy it, the government has videos and massive report stating why the twin towers fell. You've actually requested that I don't use it as a source. Now you're telling me that you will drink the kool-aid on a picture?

    I don't need to be vague, and I have seen my compatriots feed you your own words on more than one occasion. I have personally shown your own words to come back and get you. I don't feel the need to justify myself with what I speculatively think about, but I appreciate your superior attitude. Because you buy into conspiracies and lies that means you are more of a critical thinker than others? Sounds rational.

    It was all over the news forever. One of our ambassadors was killed, and it all stemmed over a youtube video. That's truther logic though, instead of thinking who it could possibly affect they want their own requests satisfied.
  14. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    1. LOL. Benghazi wasn't about a video.

    2. But you will be vague.

    3. I don't care.

    4. The population of people that want to know.
  15. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    So the article I posted, and the massive amount of other media pointing to the video as the source of the riots are all incorrect? Care to provide anything that would support that, since it was so comical? Or am I to trust your word?

    I don't even know what you're talking about.


    Which accounts for nothing. Your curiosity, or the curiosity of those other people isn't worth the lives that could be lost. Nobody cares if you think it's worth it, and that really goes to show how much you value another life. Doesn't matter to you if others die as long as you get what you want. Great outlook!
  16. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    You're always using the tactic of trying to sway those viewers who haven't seen the proof by misrepresenting the proof.

    People who haven't seen this guy discussing the proof should start reading at post #3 of this thread.

    You'll see that his attitude does not fit the situation. He loses a debate, has the attitude that he won, and then does the victory dance. I suppose that may sway a few viewers who didn't look at the details of the debate.
  17. Hannibal

    Hannibal New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    Interesting that you post a link to where you clearly got gobsmacked. Self-loathing is a symptom of much bigger problems, Grace.
  18. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Did you think you were in a sock account while talking about yourself? What you linked to was you posting your same, debunked, shill garbage, and then my post after it providing well documented evidence that what you say are lies. I didn't declare victory, I was victorious in proving that what you say is a lie. I also have another post where it was shown that, by using your own criteria, you are a paid government shill.

    Secondly, we are posting on a thread, we aren't in a real debate hall. If you'd like to, though, I can setup an online debate. You and I can go head to head, provide sources, and have it monitored. I would be more than willing to do that, and if it's something you'd like then let me know. You can shoot me a PM, answer right here, or any other form of communication.

    Oh, and by the way, I am still posting in that thread and continuously giving more and more sources.
  19. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    so very true. the paid shills that have all come on here with their drivel have all shot themselves in the foot and cripple their ramblings and arguments all the time saying Bin Laden and AQ did it because with their OWN comments,they help prove the government orchestrated the attacks because the CIA funded al-queda.hee hee.
  20. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    Your making an assumption here thats not true at all.Most the truthers who post in this section will post that not EVERYTHING the government says isnt untrue.I think I speak for most of the truthers here when I say that they mix in some half truths with many lies.they got to tell the truth some of the time once in a while,otherwise if they constantly lied ALL the time,the american sheople would have figured them all out a long time ago.

    The officil conspiracy theory apologists always expose their hypocrisyin them all the time.they always say because it was posted on youtube video it has no credibility.well then to THEIR own logic,if I post a youtube video of a fireman being interviewed by a news reporter,according to THIER warped minds,that interview never took place and he never said that because guess what? it was on youtube.they can sugarcoat it all they want but thats how their screwed up brains operate."rolls on floor laughing.":grin::giggle::nod::laughing: they really need to lay off this stuff here.:weed: hee hee.

    according to the OCTA'S as well,3000 americans never got killed because its been posted on youtube.hee hee.
  21. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    Best post on this thread by far.any logical objective pserson coming on here who looks at both sides of the case,can see that this poster when cornered and defeated,has to resort to lies in his frustration of losing the debate.He gets cornered in a debate that he knows he is losing an instead iof being mature and admitting defeat,he makes childish posts full of lies to try and save face when he is defeated.as evidenced in his first post here that he posts.NONE of anything he posted in this opening post of his,counters the truth and facts in this five minute video.

    Thats admitting defeat right there,resorting to lies that dont even addresss the facts.thats cowardly running off with your tail between your legs getting desperate making up lies that dont address the facts.anybody who has seen that five minute video i have posted and the that video he used Screw Loose change and the book Popular mechanics as his laughable sources,they objective and open minded poster who see how his sources dont counter anything in that 5 minute video.hee hee.

    Screw Loose change for instance,doesnt addresss ONE SINGLE item contained in that 5 minute video.it doesnt debunk jack crap.and anybody who reads griffins book Debunking the 9/11 debunking for instance,the open minded,logical and objective people can see griffins book debunks that propaganda piece popular mechanics.Popular mechanics is so full of lies and contradictions,distortions and omissions,its a joke of a source as as screw loose change is. and anybody that reads your 3rd post on that thread,liek you said,can see for themselves that it debunks his pitiful ramblings.

    and as i said before as well, THESE are the REAL debunking links right here.the information contained in these two videos.



    Like Scott said,that poster,his posts are a joke,cause again,screw loose change doesnt even address any of those facts in that 2 hour video of the mossads involvment nor the facts in the second one below of the CIA,NOR any of the facts in that five minute video.and Griffins book debunks his DEB WUNKER links as well.hee hee.

    This post of scotts again was the best post on this thread by far.any lurker can see that the posts of myself,scott and Holstons are logcial with facts and evidence,that they dont contain lies like all the OCTA'S posts do and they are not senseless ramblings like theirs either.and they know it.
  22. plague311

    plague311 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Hey, guy, what are you talking about? Why would I get frustrated discussing the facts of 9/11 with you guys? I don't ever get frustrated here, this is just something I do to relieve stress. You guys don't make me frustrated, least of all you. I am not admitting defeat because you haven't presented anything that would be considered defeating. Do I need to point out the irony of who is doing the victory dance? You just made one post and walked away with your hands in the air. I've also already noted how every post you make is in response to a truther post and always starts with "stands up and gives ovation" or "best post in the world so far", which leads me to believe that there is nothing a truther can say that would be wrong in your opinion. This goes to show what you actually stand for.

    I don't use screw loose change, and the book popular mechanics as my sources. I would like you to show me where I did. I have countered everything in that video, and I have done it repeatedly. I haven't taken the time to put it in format, but I've watched the video. It's just a recycle of everything else here, and I've debunked that 10 times over. If your entire movement is based off of a single 5 minute video than that should really show which "side" has more evidence. The NIST report is, what? A thousand or so pages. It details everything up to the global collapse, and you think it can be refuted by a 5 minute youtube video. Nice....

    Yeah, I completely agree that a theology professor would have more knowledge than a collection of engineers and scientists. All of those engineers and scientists are wrong, and completely lying, but DRG who is SELLING A (*)(*)(*)(*)ING BOOK TO MAKE HIS FAT ASS MONEY, is the real truthful source. Obviously because of his years of relevant experience in the fields that are required to address something as monstrous and technical as the events on 9/11. How do you guys even say this with a straight face?

    Yeah, youtube links! There is no truth outside of youtube.

    What is a deb wunker? It's not derogatory or negative. It's a nonsensical word. At least truther refers to the truth movement, mind boggling. Once again, if you are referring to me as "that poster" (which I don't understand why you don't post my screen name. Leads me to believe you're a shill and these are generic responses) then I didn't use SLC as a source. I might have used a source that appears on their site, but I didn't user them as a source. Focus

    Yeah, we got it. Scott is the source of your mind blowing knowledge. Awesome. If anyone here posts that you, Scott, and Holston are the logical side than you guys can have them. I wouldn't want people so easily manipulated on our "side" anyway. You people tend to flock together, and that's quite a flock you guys have. An all star team of 9/11 woo.
  23. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Hey plague311-

    You can pretend all you want but what you said in post #7 here...

    ...destroyed your credibility.

    You say this video...

    ...explains that there is a 757 in the middle of this picture...

    ...that can't be seen clearly and that the fighter-type nose of the aircraft that hit the Pentagon at the right is smoke from the engine.

    If that were the case, the shadow of the aircraft would be below where you say the plane is. This is so clear that if you try to smooth talk your way out of it, you just end up looking silly. You tried to defend that lame video and you looked silly. Another point that shows your video to be a desperate lame attempt at obfuscation is the fact that the trees in the background are not blocked by your hard-to-see plane.

    That video is so lame that anyone who posts it as evidence has to be very desperate. Anyone who tries to defend it the way you did destroys his credibility. You can pretend all you want but you have no credibility.
  24. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Benghazi_attack#Investigation_timeline
    The "It was because of a video" talking points are incorrect.

    2. When talking about, or using gray area.

    3. You don't care what I believe, think, or feel, so why should I exhibit concern for your doubt to my answer? I know that I cannot convince you that the irregularities within the full spectrum of events that comprise the story of 9/11 are more than just al Qaeda as the culprit. You've already feigned at information I've presented.

    4. What are you basing these hypothetical lost American lives on? How many Americans were killed after CNN played Gaddafi being captured, beaten, and then shot to death? We have absolutely no reason to be fearful from the releasing of OBL death pictures. If we really worried about the hypothetical loss of life, we'd never leave our shores, least of all to have a thousand something military bases worldwide.
  25. Jango

    Jango New Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    You do get frustrated.

    " The fact that you think the lack of a shadow, in one (*)(*)(*)(*)ty, grainy, low resolution video gives you the ability to disregard DNA, RADAR, eyewitnesses, and the actual plane parts shows exactly how stupid you really are. There's no way to phrase it. The fact that you think the lack of that one shadow in that one video gives you the right to (*)(*)(*)(*) all over the graves of the innocent people that died that day, defend terrorists, and (*)(*)(*)(*) on this country disgusts me on every level.

    You, sir, are a sick person."

    Not to mention your open call for people to move out of the country.

    All frustration.

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