Driver Services/DMV Employees

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by Steady Pie, Jan 12, 2015.


If you were on the jury to convict a DMV employee's murderer, would you...

  1. Acquit regardless of the accused's guilt?

    1 vote(s)
  2. Indict

    0 vote(s)
  1. Steady Pie

    Steady Pie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 15, 2012
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    Like many of you, my least favorite experience is typically dealing with government employees - in particular, those at driver licensing services.

    In order to undertake your driving test, your car must be roadworthy. The problem is, the instructors get paid regardless of whether they actually do the test or not. And you still have to pay full price even if they refuse you or your car. They just take a half hour smoko.

    As a result, most (probably not all?) driving instructors are complete scum. I went in to get manual added onto my automatic license. To give you some background, I have been driving manual cars since I was 10. I can drive them competently.

    Anyway - the old hag took one look at my car and said that it was not roadworthy. The tyre tread, she supposed, was too worn out. This excuse is used time and time again because it's difficult for the person being tested to counter. Thankfully, I had a tread gauge in my center console. I whipped it out and demonstrated that my tread was clearly several mm above the legal limit.

    So I got a test. I thought I did everything perfectly. I checked my mirrors excessively as you have to do in such tests. When we pulled back into the carpark, she said I failed because I didn't check my mirrors enough. I figure this is because I challenged her authority over the tyre tread and cut into her smoko time.

    So she took my money and made me reschedule a test through the insane government bureaucracy - another month wait.


    I want her and her family out on the street. I want them to be eating food from dumpsters.

    Anyone else have similar stories?

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