Dwarf Fortress

Discussion in 'Music, TV, Movies & other Media' started by Disaffected, Dec 6, 2022.

  1. Disaffected

    Disaffected Newly Registered

    May 30, 2022
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    Anyone here a Dwarf Fortress player/fan?

    The Steam/graphical version just came out. Even such notable publications as the Washington Post and the Guardian, which I imagine don't usually devote much space to 20 year-old computer games, made room for reviews (both glowing).

    I've always been interested in reading about other people playing DF, but the barrier to entry was a little too high. I think I'll probably try out this new, more accessible version though. It's a sign that I've reached the point in life where I have more money than time, and an accessible game I have to pay for is more tempting than an inscrutable, ASCII-based one that's free.

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