Egypt Blockades Gaza. Where Are the Flotillas?

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Dutch, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. homerjay_s

    homerjay_s New Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    The whole premise is patently ridiculous. It's nothing but a lame attempt to pretend that the fascist Israeli government is simply misunderstood and unfairly criticized.
  2. Dutch

    Dutch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 24, 2010
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    Read the OP, I'm not your teacher.
  3. homerjay_s

    homerjay_s New Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    We've already determined that the OP is an op-ed propaganda piece put out by a CIA front organization. I don't think anyone anywhere will ever confuse you with a teacher.
  4. Snappo

    Snappo Banned

    Apr 25, 2013
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    I prefer the Fed to be the law of the land on some things, and the State to be the law of the land on others. I would prefer that entitlement programs are State level and not Federal, so that no Fed taxes come out for entitlements. Then I can live in a State that has low poverty and unemployment and therefore lower taxes. I like the idea of being an American citizen and not a New York citizen. This way I have the same rights as anyone else when I travel to Connecticut.
  5. Snappo

    Snappo Banned

    Apr 25, 2013
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    I disagree with you. Dutch has taught me a lot of things with his insightful and fact-filled posts. He is intelligent, respectful in his responses, and extremely tolerant of the anti-Semites on this forum. He is a role model to many on this board and many of us appreciate and look forward to his posts.

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    So basically you don't think Jews have a right to a homeland or a right to defend themselves from other countries attacking them?
    Dutch and (deleted member) like this.
  6. Dutch

    Dutch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 24, 2010
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    Do you realize, without Egypt blockading Gaza, Israel blockade would be meaningless? This has been true for many years now.

    Is not it evident? But we do not need a brick to hit us over the head to see the light, do we?
  7. Slyhunter

    Slyhunter New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2010
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    Show me the link to that proof.
  8. DrewBedson

    DrewBedson Active Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Sorry but correcting Hamasbara unfactual points is not propaganda and, if you wish to discuss policies then by all means do so but, to state something is illegal when it is not nd that something is murder when it is not is somewhat geared towards propaganda in itself.

    So I show you that your misuse of the terms 'illegal' and 'murder' is silly and suddenly I am a dishonest hypocrite.

    Incredible. So if I stated that not only was it murder but was the equivalent to ten Hiroshima bombs being dropped and, a firebombing of Dresden to top it off, you would have agreed with it?
  9. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    Those "untold amounts" are, in fact, a whole, staggering 64 Israeli dead since 2001-as of November 2012. How about a list of the thousands of Palestinians killed by the IDF-or don't they matter?
  10. Dutch

    Dutch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 24, 2010
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    If these rocket launchers were set away from schools, playgrounds, hospitals... palestinians would have a lot less photo-ops with dead civilian bodies.
  11. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    Oh here we go; "they won't come out and fight as men/hiding behind women and children". This is so predictable, easily refuted and argued against, and it doesn't work any more.
  12. homerjay_s

    homerjay_s New Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    Sock puppets don't count ;)

    I am not sure where that assumption comes from, seems perhaps you have learned the art of straw man arguments from professor Dutch.

    Let us play that game, though, shall we? I am an American of Irish and Italian decent. Does that give me the right to go to Northern Ireland and settle land that is currently owned by indigenous Irish protestants because the Irish were Catholic before they were forced to convert to Protestantism by the invading British hundreds of years ago? I was, after all, raised Catholic. My great grandfather immigrated from Northern Ireland. Surely I have as much a claim to land in northern Ireland as European Jews do to the lands they continue to steal in Palestine.

    Of course, my wife, being half Jewish descent, must surely have a claim to the lands of the indigenous people of Palestine, too.

    Regardless, the state of Israel exists. There is no reasonable solution that results in that changing any more than it is reasonable for the Zionists to continue stealing Palestinian lands. The reasonable solution would be to wage a campaign of peace and prosperity through education and economic development in the region rather than continuing to dump billions into the area that only maintains theyourself quo and enriches the war profiteers.

    Ask yourself why Jews and Muslims don't have constant violent clashes in the US. I suggest that its because they have a standard of living that allows them to live and let live rather than living in unnecessary poverty and destitution which we know fosters violence and crime.

    The problem isn't Jews and the problem isn't Muslims. The problem isn't Israelis nor Palestinians. The problem is a systematic globalist agenda that sees proliferation of conflict as a means to an end.

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    Feel free to go back to my first post in this thread, or research Gatestone of your own accord.
  13. homerjay_s

    homerjay_s New Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    I never once denied any culpability on the part of Egypt, which I have several tines now pointed out as a puppet regime of the globalists just as Zionist Israel is.

    Perhaps if you continue to repeat your dishonest assertions people will start to believe your lying implications. Goebles would be proud.
  14. homerjay_s

    homerjay_s New Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    Your rights are not predicated by your citizenship status, the constitution, be it the US constitution or variou state constitutions, do not grant rights, they restrict the actions of government. Your rights are instilled in you by nature. You should familiarize yourself with the natural law, the law of nations, and English Common Law. These are what our legal system is based upon. You clearly don't quite get it.
  15. homerjay_s

    homerjay_s New Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    My advice is that this argument is a slippery slope and beat avoided all together. The rocket attacks on the part of Hamas and other militant Palestinians are morally wrong and are not justified by Israel's actions any more than they justify Israel's wrongful actions. I know you weren't there, but that's where it goes.

    When both sides exercise violent force as a means of achieving their goals, both sides are wrong.

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    The only thing you've shown is your own intellectual dishonesty.
  16. free man

    free man Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    The real problem is that the people of the west think they know all the answers.
    Thinking that every person on this earth thinks like they do and apply their own standards on others who come from a different culture and different way of thinking.
    Let us try to be simplistic for now. A westerner may have a problem and will try to solve it.
    Some other person with a different way of thinking, say someone who believes in many incarnations may not even try to solve this problem for he has many more lives to live. Another one who believes that there is cause and effect beyond incarnations may think that the current problem may be the outcome of wrong doing by him from a previous incarnation and that suffering now is the right way to live a better life in the next one, while trying to solve the problem will only make things worse.
    The same apply here. Assuming that everything can be solved by economics is simply wrong.
    Just take for example the worst terrorist the west has enured in the last century, Bin-Laden. He did not have any economic problems, he came form a family who was rich in Suad-Arabia.
    Western way of thinking just does not apply when dealing with other cultures.
    This is why the US failed each and every time it meddled in some other country affair.
    It failed in Egypt. It failed in Syria, it failed in Iraq, it failed in Iran, it failed in Afghanistan, it failed in Korea, if failed in Vietnam, ....
    Time and time again the US though (arrogantly) everybody thinks the same way they do and failed.

    Sure they don't live in constant violence, but not because of your reasons.
    Both are minorities in the US. People act differently when the are minorities or when the own the place. Simple as that.
  17. homerjay_s

    homerjay_s New Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    Neither Judaism nor Islam believe in reincarnation. However, I tend to believe that it is likely that we do reincarnate once we purge the ego after we die. That does not stop me from seeking to promote an evolution of mankind beyond violence and cruelty.

    Your mindless dismissing of my assertion that education and economic development are a legitimate means of solving the conflict between Israel and Palestine is indicative that you are not interested in seeking a solution. Good luck with that.
  18. Snappo

    Snappo Banned

    Apr 25, 2013
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    I am sorry you are afraid to die. Many folks are. But being scared silly does not change the fact that it's fade-to-black. There is no heaven with your great grandma waiting for you, and if you jay walk in NYC you aren't punished by coming back as a grasshopper or a kitten. Every moment of your life that was experienced just ends at the time you die. No different than Windws 8 not working anymore if you shut off your computer forever. It's gone, forever. fade-to-black. Sucks, I know. But it is what it is. Just come to terms with it.
  19. homerjay_s

    homerjay_s New Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    You seem awfully certain that "it's fade to black". I don't claim to know for certain, but I am not afraid to die. I have long since come to terms with the concept that there are things we just can't know. Fear of death is an extension of the fear of the unknown.

    Perhaps it is YOU who have a fear of "death", seeing as you some how assumed that my tendency towards reincarnation is can only be reasoned out of a fear of death. Further, you have convinced yourself to adhere to believe something is a certainty when alas, you cannot, yet.

    Perhaps the choice is ours to make...I suspect that may be so...otherwise, how are we here?
  20. Snappo

    Snappo Banned

    Apr 25, 2013
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    I have seen things die. Up close and personal. People, animals, plants. When things die, they are gone for good. Death is a singularity and is no different than being swallowed up by a black hole. Gone is gone. I'm not afraid to die; and I believe all of the stupid religions on this planet were meant to solve three things:
    1. Ease the fear of death being fade-to-black.
    2. Control other people with rules and forced morality.
    3. Justify the actions of the creator of that religion.

    When someone tells me some story about what happens and it's something beyond fade-to-black; I assume they got suckered into one of the above. Litmus test - if you never tell a child about religion, he will not suddenly be filled at some age with a "holy spirit" or equivalent and magically start believing in a god or gods. This is something that a child must be indoctrinated into, and it does NOT come naturally. This is absolute proof that the child learned via something natural (a book or teacher) and not supernatural (a skydaddy).
  21. DrewBedson

    DrewBedson Active Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    :roflol: OMG!

    I provide link, quote and context to an official UN Endorsed group showing that the blockade is anything but illegal and, a hard copy official English dictionary definition of the word 'murder' as well as ridicule both sides idiocy and I'm guilty of being intellectually dishonest.

    If I ever wondered why the others are wiping the floor with your lost arguments and out of this world ranting proof consisting of nonfactual hyperbole, I wonder no more

  22. Gilos

    Gilos Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    Yiou simply need to grasp that when a person gives you the finger and says "(*)(*)(*)(*) you, you white devil bastard", he means just that, and yes, he will slay you when you sleep because he truely belives you are the devil, now you think that if the "devil" will start "educate" ppl that will change ???, how do you think they will see such "education" ???
  23. homerjay_s

    homerjay_s New Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    Seeing things die from your own finite perspective is not the same as experiencing your own death from that same perspective. Your perspective will die. That is a guarantee. What happens next is just a guess. There is no certainty to it no matter how much you want to believe there is.
    I don't disagree with you. I do not adhere to any organized religion. We are here, though, and thus there is some way we got to be here, someway everything came to be. Could be the great flying spaghetti monster or the universal consciousness to which we all could also be your fade to black scenario. We will all find out eventually.
    I was raised Roman Catholic. I tend to believe that falls predominantly under your 2nd point as listed for the reason behind the creation of it. Religion is not what I was talking about. When I refered to reincarnation, I responding to another post from a different poster that tried to suggest that my attempts to end suffering could be counter productive from that point. That's hogwash as far as I am concerned.

    For the record, my 7 children have been raised without the confines of religious dogma.

    Food for thought. If it is just fade to black, and there are no consequences to our actions on this life, why do we have an inner sense of right and wrong? Is it simply cmillenia of social brainwashing? Why not simply do whatever we feel like if there are no consequences at the end?

    The countless paterns of cycles in the universe, the apparent birth, life, death, and re-birth cycle, was apparent to the ancients, not as a tool of control nor as a means of justification, but as a sacred truth to be revered.

    I tend to go with the evidence around me. Life is good, and so is death.
  24. klipkap

    klipkap Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2006
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    Well, I read even further, as Dutch suggested. And the highlighted title to his OP is false.
    Here is what the Gatestone Institute wrote:
    Dr Ghazi Hamad [Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign for Hamas] actually said.
    We can all see quite clearly that the Gatestone Institute had misquoted Hamad by inserting “… and not Israel” into what he supposedly said. This is appallingly bad practice and obliterates the credibility of Gatestone.

    Gatestone touts itself to be “non-partisan”!! Well, I dispute that, given the above violation of good reporting. A quick scan of its other stances ( reveals it to be anti the Goldstone report and to have misreported Goldstone’s article in the Washington Post; cherry-picking the main activities of Hezbollah; using “jump into the fire” arguments regarding Israel’s West Bank occupation; It is a spin-off of the Hudson Institute which has fostered claims that Muhammed is “a warlord, a mass murderer, a pedophile,” Its chairman, John R Bolton, derailed a 2001 conference endorsing controls on biological weapons.

    Now we know where Gatestone sits – ultra-right + Zionist apologist – we again see the cheating that such a persuation brings with it, namely shameful editing of someone else’s quotes.

    We can safely toss the OP title in the rubbish bin.

    Once again Childer's advice to check the claims of the Zionist apologists has been vindicated.
  25. homerjay_s

    homerjay_s New Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    Sure, you've won the argument and convinced everyone that I am just unfairly critical of Israel, Egypt is to blame for all of Gaza's problems, and Israel is a beacon of justice and liberty.

    Have a great day.

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