End of Democracy and Rights Based on the Disconnect Between Capital and Individuals

Discussion in 'Political Science' started by Antitheist, Sep 23, 2013.

  1. Antitheist

    Antitheist New Member

    Sep 12, 2013
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    This post is to posit a theory about democracy and rights.

    The basic theory goes that democracy arose because of the brute force of the mob. And democracy arose because of the productive capacity of the mob and the desire to harness this productive capacity by rulers, thus allowing or encouraging individual freedom, and rights.

    In other words, democracy is based on the power of the mob/majority, and individual rights are based on the productive capacity of capitalism, and higher production ultimately leads to national power, and governmental power.

    Assuming the stuff above is true (a big if), could a disconnect between individual labor and productivity mean an end to democracy and individual rights?

    There are two main issues here:

    1. Capital becomes more powerful than the mob/majority. In other words, the shear power of the majority is not enough to take on the controllers of capital, so power shifts from the majority to those who control capital. (by capital, I mean guns and weapons, and state controls)

    2. Productive capacity shifts to centralized capital. In other words, individuals are no longer necessary for production, or much less necessary. If this is the case, then individual rights are no longer as necessary for high productivity, because the productivity is not based on individual control of capital and trade, but centralized production.

    Based on these 2 things being true, could we witness a disconnect between individual or mass disapproval and politics. In other words, may this spell the end to a rights based democratic society, or the power of the individual etc?
  2. USSR

    USSR New Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    More then 2 THINGS are required for truth ,is multi faceted never bi faceted,Please don't allow the twaddle of capitalist propaganda to blind you to the truth ,of the lives of Billions in Poverty .Who will rebel.

    For Equality .

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