Europe in many ways militarized over last decade

Discussion in 'Warfare / Military' started by Xanadu, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. Xanadu

    Xanadu New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Over the last decade the sysem has militarized Europe in many ways, and most changes are unnotisable for most people (until you add them up)
    What increased a lot are the highways, also on places were there is no need for more roads (the lighting is not modernized, no efficient LED lamps while billions are spent on new asphalt) The next detail are the many communication masts that popped up, having lots of antennas and dishes, some are cleary for military purposes (others cellphone/UMTS, lots people complain about radiation), what also has changed are the routes in the airspace.
    Another detail are the big A380 planes, you should expect hypersonic modern combustion hydrogen propulled airplanes (better versions of the Concorde), but this did not happen, the large A380 (lots of soldiers can be transported, up to 800 per flight) They have also cut away forest around military bases (politics have used this for revolutionary purposes, in the media and nothing recovered now countries pull back from Afghanistan)
    They have also taken away the places were people could watch planes to take off. And the police is alse became militarized, arest teams and national police and the dark uniforms (in Europe concealed with bright yellow tunics)
    At the moment you pay attention to all the details you clearly can see this militarization.
  2. william walker

    william walker New Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    I haven't been to Europe for over 4 years, but when I was their the French had troops in Lille for some reason, about the same time as the Russians were invading Georgia and Sarkozy was going to try and sort that mess out. In Britain there has been alot more activity in the last few months around where I live, with transports moving IFV's and AFV's past where I live and on the A road I have seen a Challenger 2 being transported, also about a month an a half ago for 3 nights there was lots of helicopter noise and a watched a Chinook for a while and I have also noticed more Hawks and GR4's flying over my house. But I haven't seen any of what you speak of, just them upgrading the internet lines.
  3. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    If the Euros are so militarized, why couldn't they handle Libya?

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