Expected... CRISIS

Discussion in 'Economics & Trade' started by aspagnito, Dec 13, 2021.

  1. aspagnito

    aspagnito Member

    Jul 25, 2013
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    The tits are chirping that there is an expected stock market crash at the end of this week (Thursday, Friday). How? A lot of cash will be pumped in (the "so called inflation" mechanizm). . . out of the blue. The rest is script and direction. This is not surprising, as the general psychosis and bad mood of the world economy cannot be sustained for too long. Council? The advice is that if you're lucky, you'll get rich, because that's the only situation where a small speculator can make a fortune. . .
  2. Quadhole

    Quadhole Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2016
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    I doubt anyone worth less than 250k will get rich.
    Not with the situation we are in, and they cant really call out when it will happen, the collapse, although we know it will 100%. All Fiat currency does and the American dollar is being used by the FED, and Government to keep the system alive. It is no longer alive because we are a great Nation. They may borrow another 10T and grow the military. Does that keep the Nation Going ? Somewhat, but how do you get $ to the other 98% that dont work in that complex ? You do a child tax credit of 300$/month per child. That keeps the poor going, you give SS a 10% raise, more money for elderly, increase payout to Healthcare which will soon be 35% of GDP. The Government is now providing almost 30% of all money in the GDP. Thus they need another 3T for 2022.

    It is Greed, pure Greed and as I have said here for years you must prepare. Buy Gold and SIlver. The Central Banks, Russia, and China have been buying as much as possible since 2008 because they know the outcome, we all do. Yet, until the day it happens (all is well).

    Biggest Problem I feel is the Media, they stop being realistic in early 2000, more likely right after big tobacco 60 min. interviews. They billionaires stepped into start buying it all up. COntrol the media, control the minds

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