Facebook and Security...

Discussion in 'Terrorism' started by dequ1, Jul 4, 2016.

  1. dequ1

    dequ1 New Member

    Jun 17, 2016
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    Facebook. The new line of National Security. In order to sign up, you must now upload a Government issued photo id or if you do not have one, then you must upload another form of picture id.

    I didn't need one before, so why doesn't facebook delete all past old accounts and everyone who wants to re-join must upload an i.d. I think I have over 50 open facebook accounts that I've made without having to upload one bit of document. Delete all the old ones please if you really want to make Facebook secure that is. If not, then you could also require an authentic back account routing and checking number...

    Other Types of ID

    If you don't have a government-issued photo ID, you can upload two alternate forms of ID. We accept:

    ◾Company or school ID

    ◾Library or gym membership card

    ◾Birth certificate

    ◾Social security card

    ◾Bank statement

    ◾Utility bill

    Together, the two IDs should clearly show your name, birthday, and photo.

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    I don't have any of these IDs
  2. dequ1

    dequ1 New Member

    Jun 17, 2016
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    Upload a photo ID

    To make sure this is your account, we need you to upload a color photo of your government-issued ID. Your ID should include your name, birthday and photo.

    Acceptable IDs include your:


    ◾Driver's license

    ◾State-issued ID card

    ◾Military ID card

    ◾Immigration ID with signature

    Please keep in mind that we can't accept your profile picture.

    Once we receive and review a clear image of your ID, we will permanently delete your attached identification document from our servers.

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    I don't have an ID

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    highlight, copy, address bar, paste... you'll see...

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    well... it won't really allow you to do so... it will jump you to facebook.com...
  3. dequ1

    dequ1 New Member

    Jun 17, 2016
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    really doesn't matter too much to me. All I'm saying is to rid the old facebook accounts and require everyone who is still interested in being part of facebook to truly upload, yeah right, some true verification of their identity, would be an easier way to keep all facebook users registered in case anything should happen.. If accounts need to be looked into for whatever reasons...

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    If you've got nothing to hide, except personal account informations, then why not?

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    should i upload ss card pics also?

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    but how does anyone delete free online accounts? Like the free Facebook accounts? Wow.. what a way to make yearly earnings.. make a web site, make it free to its' users to use, and make Millionsssssss...

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    His earnings has to come from advertisement companies then...

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    everytime his site gets a 'hit' he gets paid by some other entity...
  4. dequ1

    dequ1 New Member

    Jun 17, 2016
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    let me see... If i wanted to make the Zuckerberg yearly salary, what would I do?? There might be little start up cash needed. Some web design knowledge. A little public advertisement for the service, a sign up page, then... sit back and enjoy my fat checking account... go from 0.01$ to 100,000,000,0.00 dollars overnight. Maybe over a year..
  5. dequ1

    dequ1 New Member

    Jun 17, 2016
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    Mark Zuckerberg View attachment 44168

    He's only 32??? huh? Did I miss something??

    http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3212916/bio I guess he might be vegetarian then...

    Mark Zuckerberg was a computer programmer by the age of 12. While a sophomore at Harvard, he co-founded Facebook out of his dorm room. Facebook is now the world's largest social network, making Zuckerberg a billionaire. http://www.biography.com/people/mar...deos/mark-zuckerberg-mini-biography-36891527#!

    programming software at age 12.. Now days, 12 year olds have to sit in school all day..

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    if a program could be programmed while attending Harvard, I would have to assume that Harvard is not that demanding academically.

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    why are so many 'start-up' techies having such a hard time breaking through then if they are spending hours upon hours daily trying to?
  6. dequ1

    dequ1 New Member

    Jun 17, 2016
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    51.4 Billion at 32?
  7. dequ1

    dequ1 New Member

    Jun 17, 2016
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    He was programming software in 1996. This is what he was working with in 1996... http://techblogbiz.blogspot.com/2006/08/technology-1996-what-we-had-and-hadnt.html

    10 years can really make so much difference! In 1996, no body knew about blogging and there was no social bookmarking site too. Mobile phone was in its infancy and was limited to a small number of countries, at the hands of a small number of rich people. PCs were too slow compared to today with primitive softwares that we don’t use anymore. The list can go for a long time.
    After doing some search, I have tried to compile list of the things we had or hadn't in 1996.

    Computer hardware
    1. PC users did not have even Pentium II in 1996 (Pentium II came in 1997).
    2. Celeron processors were a thing of the future.
    3. PC market was very small and was mainly limited to some rich countries. So, Intel-AMD dual did not attract that much media attention.
    4. To many people, computer was merely a good typing machine.
    5. 16 MB RAM was a big deal.
    6. 200 MHz P6 was released by Intel and it was a great thing that time.
    7. Apple was sinking and few people could predict that Apple would make such a great comeback after few years.
    8. CD-RW was announced. DVD was knocking on the door and came in the next year.
    9. Palm Pilot hit the market for the consumers- a big milestone for the technology industry.
    10. Digital camera was digital but not affordable.
    11. Monochrome monitor (display) was the norm for PC. Did you have a color monitor?
    12. LCD monitor was like a science fiction.
    13. Sub $1,000 computers were emerging as a cool thing.
    14. Microsoft launched IntelliMouse in 1996.

    Computer Software
    1. Java programming language started to catch attention of the technology world as a platform independent language.
    2. Windows 95 was considered to be a cool thing. So cool, that 1 million copies were purchased by users in four days.
    3. Microsoft's Office 97 was published in December 2006. It was published in a CD ROM but also 'on a set of 45 3½-inch floppy disks'.
    4. In 1996, there was no MP3 format. Life was really dull for most PC users.
    5. According to Wikipedia, there was no major virus attack in 1996. Strange, isn't it?
    6. Macromedia Flash 1.0 was introduced. Would you like to work with it now?
    7. Microsoft released DirectX 2.0 in 1996 and it is a milestone in computer gaming industry.
    8. Microsoft also released Windows CE.
    9. Bill Gates has just been listed by Forbes in 1995 as the richest man in the world. In 1996, he was not a household name like today.

  8. Hotdogr

    Hotdogr Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 21, 2013
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    Simple answer that works for me: eschew facebook.
  9. dequ1

    dequ1 New Member

    Jun 17, 2016
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    And in 2004 or so, he co-founded Facebook while being a Sophomore at Harvard. How did he get into Harvard ? What kinds of grades and what high school did he attend?

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    He must have been a smart high school student. A's in all of his upper class pre-collegiate cores?

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    He most definitely was not a joint toker then...
  10. dequ1

    dequ1 New Member

    Jun 17, 2016
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    How do High School potheads get into Ivy Leagues so easily? I'm sure they don't. And I'm sure mr. zuckerberg was not one.

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    But, he chose a Chinese woman to marry. He must like Asians. And he speaks fluent Chinese, but can't read it nor write it.

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    That's what it said in his bio.. I'm not making this up....

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    "Can read and write French, Hebrew, Latin and Ancient Greek."
    "Speaks Mandarin Chinese fluently."


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    I wonder if he can speak French, Hebrew, Latin and Ancient Greek fluently though...
  11. dequ1

    dequ1 New Member

    Jun 17, 2016
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  12. dequ1

    dequ1 New Member

    Jun 17, 2016
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    he entered into college in 2002, met his wife, and got married in 2015. And priscilla being 27, was born in 1989. and graduated in 2011 or so while Mark graduated 4 years prior, since he would have entered into Harvard 4 years prior. Mark was born in 1984 and Priscilla was born in 1989 or 1990, if she is 27 years old.
  13. dequ1

    dequ1 New Member

    Jun 17, 2016
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    which means that Mark graduated from Harvard when he was 21 or 22, the average age for College graduates, and if he was born in 1984, he would have graduated in 2005. 2005 to 2016 is 11 years. So if he is now 32, and if he was 21 or 22 upon graduation, he would have been out of college for 11 years.
  14. dequ1

    dequ1 New Member

    Jun 17, 2016
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    And if his relationship with his wife had been going on for 13 years, he got introduced to her while still having to do 2 years with Harvard and when he was 19 years old. 2006.

    He attended Harvard between 2001-2005 (four years)..
    He attended High School between 1997-2001 (four years.)..
    He attended Grade School between 1989-1997 (eight years.)..
    He was born: in 1984 to 1985 he was pre elementary...
  15. dequ1

    dequ1 New Member

    Jun 17, 2016
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    There is a 4 year difference in age between husband and wife. Husband is 32, wife is 28. Husband graduated in 2005, wife graduated in 2009.

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    When he was graduating highschool, she was entering high school..
    When he was graduating college, she was entering into college.

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    Their acquaintanceship while in college may have been a year one if there was an overlap... But I can't see how it could be for any longer ..

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    Their acquaintanceship while in college may have been a year one if there was an overlap... But I can't see how it could be for any longer ..

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    Their acquaintanceship while in college may have been a year one if there was an overlap... But I can't see how it could be for any longer ..

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    this site is weird.. the last post automatically reposted twice without my consent... hmm.. strange...

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    is someone controlling my computer from outside my home?? hey you!! that's illegal!!!

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    does anyone know how to see if your computer is being controlled from outside the building???

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    if they could control it from outside, that means none of the information on this computer is safe from eyes I don't approve of...

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    And that's what I would call Authority...
  16. dequ1

    dequ1 New Member

    Jun 17, 2016
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  17. dequ1

    dequ1 New Member

    Jun 17, 2016
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  18. dequ1

    dequ1 New Member

    Jun 17, 2016
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    Students must attend a good college or university and maintain a strong grade point average throughout. They will need to complete prerequisites for entering medical school, and again, math and science courses are the primary focus. Admittance to medical school requires strong achievement on the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT).

    Those who want to know how to become a pediatrician should also recognize that medical school is not the final step in the process. In fact, following successful completion of medical school, graduates go on to complete an internship and residency program. The minimum requirement for residency is three years, though individuals who wish to go into a pediatric specialty will need to spend more years in residency, potentially as many as eight.
    A huge part of how to become a pediatrician is completing the required pediatrician schooling at medical school. The admissions process for each school is different, but you can count on a few things. First, you will need to have a bachelor’s degree under your belt. You will also need to have performed well on the MCAT.

    After being admitted to medical school, you’ll spend your first couple of years attending lectures and participating in labs. Classes will include pathology, human anatomy and physiology, and microbiology, to name a few. In their third year, medical school students begin clinical rotations, after which they are expected to choose a specialty. During the final year of medical school, students are expected to successfully complete an internship in a hospital setting and to focus in more highly on their specialty of choice.
    After finishing medical school and passing the USMLE, you’ll go into a residency program in the medical specialty of your choice. A residency provides intensive training in a real world setting. The first year of a pediatric residency includes rotations through medical units in a hospital setting, allowing new grads the chance to explore all of their options before settling on a specialty.

    During the second year, residents formally choose a specialty and begin to work more often in pediatrics. If you decide to go into general pediatrics, then your residency will likely last three years. If you want to know how to become a pediatrician who works in a more specialized field of pediatrics like pediatric oncology, immunology, or orthopedics, for example, then additional years of residency will be required.

  19. dequ1

    dequ1 New Member

    Jun 17, 2016
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    so 4 years for a B.A
    4 years in Med School.
    1 or more years as Intern.
    2 or more years for Residency

    then board certification.... depending on specialty of Pediatrics. For a minimum 11 years to become Board Certified to practice Medicine for this field.

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    which means that if you graduated with a B.A. in 2005, you will be allowed to practice medicine in 2016.

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    And if you graduated with a B.A in 2009, you will be allowed to practice medicine in 2020.

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    Shouldn't Pricilla Zuckerberg's medical tenure be up for review by the Board of Physicians?

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  20. dequ1

    dequ1 New Member

    Jun 17, 2016
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    you might be able to be general M.d in 6 or 7 or 8 years after getting your B.A, to be a general practicing M.D.


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    So if all this education is needed to be a doctor, licensed, how much experience would a person need to be President?

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    um. Mr. Trump, may I please see your resume of political activity?
  21. dequ1

    dequ1 New Member

    Jun 17, 2016
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    Would Mr. Trump be the first President who did not have a J.D if voted in?

    List of Presidents Without College Degrees

    Here's a list of the 11 presidents without college degrees:
    • George Washington: The nation's first president never took college courses but did earn a surveyor's certificate.
    • James Monroe: The nation's fifth president attended William & Mary College but didn't graduate.
    • Andrew Jackson: The seventh president did not attend college.
    • Martin Van Buren: The nation's eighth president did not attend college.
    • William Henry Harrison: The ninth president of the United States attended both Hampden-Sydney College and the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine; he didn't graduate from either.
    • Zachary Taylor: The nation's 12th president did not attend college.
    • Millard Fillmore: The 13th president did not attend college.
    • Abraham Lincoln: The 16th president did not attend college.
    • Andrew Johnson: The 17th president did not attend college.
    • Grover Cleveland: The 22nd president did not attend college.
    • William McKinley: The 25th president took courses at both Allegheny College and Albany Law School but did not graduate from either.
    • Harry S. Truman: The 33rd president took courses at Spalding's Commercial College and the University of Kansas City School of Law but didn't earn degrees from either.

    Why Presidents Need College Degrees Now

    Even though nearly a dozen U.S. presidents - including some very successful ones - never earned degrees, every White House occupant since Truman has earned at least a bachelor's degree. Would the likes of Lincoln and Washington be elected today without degrees?

    "Probably not," wrote Caitlin Anderson on CollegePlus, an organization that works with students to earn degrees. "Our information saturated society believes education must take place in the traditional classroom setting. Having a college degree makes candidates attractive. It makes anyone attractive. It’s essential."


    No wonder why college transcripts are IMPORTANT...
  22. Battle3

    Battle3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2013
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    Don't get a facebook account. Many companies do not allow employees to have a facebook account because of the security problems.

    Facebook is notorious for abusing peoples private information. How many times have they updated their security or software and everyone's settings are reset to "public".

    No conservative should have an account, why trust an organization run by such an extreme socialist elitist as Zuckerberg?
  23. dequ1

    dequ1 New Member

    Jun 17, 2016
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    How can she already be a licensed doctor??
  24. dequ1

    dequ1 New Member

    Jun 17, 2016
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    She's only been out of undergraduate College for 7 years if she graduated undergraduate college at 21. She was 27 last year when she married. She is 28 this year. She was 21 when she earned her B.A.
  25. dequ1

    dequ1 New Member

    Jun 17, 2016
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    5-13 years of Age. = elementary school (grades k-8)
    13-17 years of Age = high school (grades 9-12)
    17-21 years of Age = Undergraduate (grades 13-16)

    21-25 years of Age = Medical school (grades Medical school)
    25- 26 years of Age = internship (more years if desiring to specialize)
    26-29 years of Age = 3 Minimum years of residency...

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