Forgotten tragedies

Discussion in 'History & Past Politicians' started by Flanders, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    This thread fits in more than one forum. I’m posting it in the History & Past Politicians forum because it covers recent events, and some history connected to Nazi Germany.

    Americans long-remember tragedies like the Titanic, while they quickly forget political calamities. Two of Hussein’s shipwrecks dropped off media radar screens in less time than it took for the Titanic to go down. This first one is recent:

    Obama administration reports to the UN on human rights issues in U.S.
    By Doug Hagmann Wednesday, August 25, 2010

    This excerpt sums it up:

    Under the administration of Barack Hussein Obama, the United States submitted its first ever “Universal Periodic Review (UPR) report” to the United Nations. This is the first time in the history of the United Nations that the U.S. has submitted a report to the United Nation’s Human Rights Council, which is the first step in submitting the United States to international review by some of the most repressive and abusive nations in the world.

    For Hussein to go the UN’s Human Rights Council is the same as the person being tortured asking the torturer for advice on compassion.

    Here is another of Hussein’s major disasters:

    Wither Sovereignty
    Executive Order Amended to Immunize INTERPOL In America - Is The ICC Next?
    By Steve Schippert, Clyde Middleton December 23, 2009

    Not only is the UN above the law in this country, Hussein is extending the privilege to INTERPOL:

    In light of what we know and can observe, it is our logical conclusion that President Obama's Executive Order amending President Ronald Reagan’s 1983 EO 12425 and placing INTERPOL above the United States Constitution and beyond the legal reach of our own top law enforcement is a precursor to more damaging moves.

    In addition, Hussein gave INTERPOL the Magic Bullet: Diplomatic immunity. See this article for details:

    January 8, 2010 12:30 P.M.
    Interpol Immunity
    Obama takes America down another notch with an unnecessary, reckless act.

    Hussein & Company hate America’s intelligence community; ergo, bring in INTERPOL because it can be trusted. In short: INTERPOL personnel have the organizational skills to train the leadership in Hussein’s ragtag, riffraff, organizations. I believe that is why he amended EO 12425.

    INTERPOL has to have diplomatic immunity to protect itself, and protect its connection to Hussein’s Ready Reserve Corps, from the prying eyes of the FBI and local police forces. Eric Holder is in place to see that nothing goes wrong.

    Should you research INTERPOL you will find this common error: INTERPOL was established in 1923, disbanded in 1938, and reconstituted in 1946. The article at this link proves otherwise:

    Changing the meaning of policing
    Interpol – Fascist Friends
    By Barry Napier Tuesday, January 12, 2010

    This excerpt about INTERPOL working with Nazi Germany is frightening when you relate it to Hussein’s Ready Reserve Corps:

    Interpol insisted it ‘went out of business’ during the Second World War, and repeatedly told Congress this. But, evidence showing the exact opposite was later provided! Also, a June 1940 Interpol document openly says that the ‘Prague Butcher’, Reinhard Heydrich, ran Interpol during the war. He is the one who ‘masterminded’ the ‘final solution’. He was appointed to head Interpol a few months after Interpol’s 1939 Convention in Berlin, by “the SS and chief of the German police, Heinrich Himmler”. As head of Interpol, he engineered details of the ‘final solution’, with Interpol heads and leading Nazis, including Adolph Eichmann.

    NOTE: I want to make it clear that I see Communists and Nazis as one and the same. I don’t want to fall into the trap of appearing to favor Communists because I attack Nazis. The Nazi trap has been a mainstay of the Left since the 1930s; Nazis are bad so Communists must be good.

    Obviously, everything that Hussein is attempting requires a command center. He cannot gamble on controlling the FBI when the going gets rough. Fortunately for Hussein he has the UN:

    Talking about the UN-Interpol connection, Simon said: “This special arrangement gives both organisations broad opportunities to take part in discussions on matters of common interest”. What – like ruling the world? Sounds pretty much like the current UN-socialist agenda! And ‘The UN link, established in 1971, gave Interpol something else – added credibility. For an organization whose roots were planted, and flourished, in Nazi Germany, this was a major step forward.’ (The News American, March 18th, 1975).

    The question is this: Is Hussein & Company starting to look like the reincarnation of long-dead Nazis?

    Hussein now has two International organizations with diplomatic immunity operating in the United States for no other purpose than to bring the American people to totalitarian government; in this case communism.

    In theory, INTERPOL avoids crimes that deal with military, racial, religious, and political matters. So why is Hussein calling on INTERPOL? Answer: He is saying that all of America’s intelligence agencies, and law enforcement people, need INTERPOL’s help in fighting criminals. CRIMINAL is the key word.

    INTERPOL does not arrest criminals nor does it get involved with military matters, or so the story goes. Now, do you see where Hussein is going with INTERPOL? There is no war against Islamist fundamentalism. Terrorists are criminals and should be dealt with in the criminal justice system.

    Without explaining why Muslim terrorists are criminals and not soldiers, Hussein uses INTERPOL to protect his Muslim friends. This time he went much further than giving enemy combatants trials in civilian courts. By forcing our intelligence community and law enforcement to accept INTERPOL as a partner, terrorists are defined as criminals before they are captured on a battlefield, or caught engaging in terrorist acts. For all practical purposes the war is over. In the future, any American killed by a Muslim soldier will have been killed by a criminal.

    INTERPOL is also engaging in the UN’s environmental propaganda. Anyone violating UN environmental scare tactics, global warming, etc., is a criminal according to INTERPOL.

    Can the socialist dream of turning America’s military into a universal police force under the UN’s command be far behind?

    Involving INTERPOL is a step towards trials in the UN’s International Criminal Court. Hussein benefits if he can send “criminals” captured on a battlefield to the ICC. He avoids the backlash of trying them in American courts at the same time he helps establish the UN’s judicial system’s credibility.

    Also, INTERPOL provides 184 member nations with information on the whereabouts of international criminals.

    There are 192 UN member states. The number of countries in the world is usually put at 196. So INTERPOL is giving the same information to nearly every country in the world. Many of INTERPOL’s 184 clients are America’s enemies. It does not take Sherlock Holmes to figure out that an unfriendly Muslim government can warn every terrorist not on an actual battlefield to change locations before the “cops” get there. If you ask me, I would say that Hussein invited the fox into the henhouse.

    Every erosion of sovereignty goes unquestioned by the media. Today, Paul Revere would be shouting “The traitors are coming! The traitors are coming!"

    If the media, and the Congress, continue to ignore INTERPOL’s newly acquired status in this country they are either blind, or in full agreement with Hussein. INTERPOL left unchallenged is a look into a certain future. The day will come when the American people wake up in communist chains and ask themselves “How did this happen?”

    Add up the shipwrecks and the proverbial straw that breaks the camel’s back will have to be the size of a giant redwood tree to break the federal government’s back. I don’t think the UPR report to the United Nations Human Rights Council, or INTERPOL, will do it even though either one should have been enough.

    Finally, the United Nations and INTERPOL have grown close in recent years. A long time ago I said that the United Nations was command central for Islam’s army of terrorists. I also said that Democrats should never be allowed anywhere near America’s intelligence agencies. Hussein inviting INTERPOL into this country’s affairs confirms both of my charges.

    The article in part two explains Hussein’s EO and its consequences. Notice the extent of INTERPOL’s immunities.
  2. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Beaufort Observer
    Obama gives INTERPOL immunity to operate at will in the USA.
    December 28, 2009

    Last week, as the nation's attention was focused on the Senate's debate on health care reform, President Barack Obama signed an amendment to Executive Order 12425 . It is only one paragraph long and few would pay much attention to what its effect is. But it has enormous implications.

    Here's the background.

    Generally, foreign military and police organizations are restricted from operating in the United States without oversight by the CIA, FBI, Departments of Defense, State, Homeland Security or though some other arrangement that makes such operations subject to U. S. authority. In 1983, President Ronald Reagan signed Executive Order 12425 that allowed the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) to operate in the United States but generally subject to the same laws that restrict CIA, FBI and other Federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. Specifically, INTERPOL agents were not immune from being prosecuted for violating American laws.

    One of those laws is 42 U.S.C. § 1983 which prohibits law enforcement authorities from violating an American's constitutionally protected rights. Presumably, that does not apply to INTERPOL as a result of this Executive Order President Obama has just signed.

    The effect of Obama's amendment is to give them immunity from violating any American law. Agents of INTERPOL will now presumably have the same protection that foreign diplomats have while in this country. It is that immunity that has been used by other countries to spy on the United States. This arrangement, for example, now would make it possible for an American citizen being seized by INTERPOL agents and taken out of the country outside the reach of American courts and the rights they would enforce, most notably habeas corpus or the right for a judge to review a person's detention. The extent to which INTERPOL would be exempt from American extradition laws now becomes questionable.

    Likewise, INTERPOL agents could seize property, including firearms, without search warrants and conduct other warrantless searches. They could break into homes and businesses to search and seize records without fear of prosecution, either criminally or civilly. In short, the powers that INTERPOL would have by being immune to U. S. law is virtually the same as martial law provides.

    Moreover, INTERPOL's files and records are immune from U. S. court orders, including search warrants and civil subpoenas. And INTERPOL is protected from Freedom Of Information inquires from American media.

    Many questions remain unanswered as a result of Obama's action. Some will contend that his order does not change the status quo because there are sufficient safe-guards extant in American law. But the order makes INTERPOL immune from prosecution under those laws so how effective they would be against abuse by INTERPOL becomes a question.

    So why would an American president grant such extensive powers to a foreign organization?

    And foreign INTERPOL is. It is housed in Lyon, France and is governed by an Executive Committee elected by the 123 member nations though the General Assembly. But that group meets only once a year. The real power is exercised by thirteen members of the Executive Committee. It is headed by KHOO Boon Hui of Singapore.
    There is not an American on the Executive Committee.

    As best we can determine President Obama's actions have not been reviewed by Congress and certainly have not been debated publically.
    Here's one possible explanation for Obama's actions:

    Maybe Glenn Beck will pick up on this. Our Elizabeth Sauls has already picked up on it. Click here to read Elizabeth's take on this.
  3. Nosferax

    Nosferax Banned

    Sep 24, 2009
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  4. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    The American people rightly fear Cap-And-Trade. Most of the environmental scams are now known by Americans. Awareness of the lies Democrats tell about the environment, and the belief that the Environmental Movement has been stopped in its tracks, is giving many a false sense of security.

    Incidentally, Senator Boxer is the biggest environmental nut job in Congress.

    The details in the enclosed article shows that bringing down America through environmental “laws” is on track.

    More importantly, a conservative President in 2013 should amend Hussein’s executive order and boot INTERPOL out of this country. Such a move would hit environmentalists where they live, as well as undermine the move to enforce Cap-And-Trade without passing the legislation. Remember that Hussein forced INTERPOL on this country by amending President Ronald Reagan’s 1983 EO 12425. Turnabout is fair play.

    Interpol pledges war on environmental crime
    Mon Nov 8, 3:28 pm ET

    DOHA (AFP) – Interpol on Monday adopted a resolution unanimously pledging support to back the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) and to fight environmental crime.

    "One couldn?t have asked for a better result," the secretary general of CITES, John Scanlon, said in gas-rich Qatar where the resolution was adopted.

    "The endangered fauna and flora of the world cannot be safeguarded without you, without the police," he told the annual assembly of Interpol, which adopted the resolution.

    "This sends a very strong message to those who seek to rob countries of their natural resources that the global law enforcement community recognises that it must work together, led by Interpol, to bring these environmental criminals to justice."

    In its resolution, the global police organisation said environmental crime "is not restricted by borders and involves organised crime which engages in other crime types, including murder, corruption, fraud and theft."

    It urged police forces across the world to support Interpol's Environmental Crime Programme which assists and supports "the effective enforcement of national and international environmental laws and treaties."

    "Today?s vote clearly shows how seriously the police community of the world takes environmental crime and we look forward to the ongoing support of our member countries in this area," said David Higgins, manager of Interpol's Environmental Crime Programme.

    The resolution underscored the need for a global response due to the "influence that environmental crime has on the global economy and security," the resolution said.

    It recommended the creation of an "Environmental Crime Committee" and urged member countries and partner organisations to make financial contributions to the committee or provide specialised personnel.

    One thousand policemen and delegates from 188 countries are attending the 79th Interpol General Assembly which runs until Thursday.
  5. Nosferax

    Nosferax Banned

    Sep 24, 2009
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    Yep, really bad case of brainfarth...
  6. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To Nosferax: Consider changing your screen name to Nosfart since you clearly have a Freudian love of intestinal gas expelled through the anus.
  7. Nosferax

    Nosferax Banned

    Sep 24, 2009
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    And the gas keeps on...
  8. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Now that the reasons for authorizing INTERPOL’s activities in this country are becoming obvious, Americans had better start asking how Hussein & Company plan to use INTERPOL against them?

    Thanks to Hussein INTERPOL operates WITH DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY in this country; so even if INTERPOL gets caught giving damaging material to Iran, or the United Nations, nothing can be done about it except maybe send a few INTERPOL agents packing.

    Iran Lodges Complaint With Interpol Over U.S. ‘Assassination Threats’
    By Patrick Goodenough
    December 13, 2011

    ( – The Iranian government has lodged a complaint with Interpol regarding comments made during U.S. congressional hearings last October, including calls to assassinate top figures in Tehran’s terror-sponsoring security apparatus.

    Iran’s national prosecutor general, Gholam Hossein Mohseni-Ejei, in a letter to Interpol on Monday called for “legal action” against two Americans, the official IRNA news agency reported.

    Mohseni-Ejei told Iran’s Press TV that the judiciary had opened a case and was “providing more documents to the Interpol, so that the two Americans, who have threatened the Iranian commander with assassination, would be prosecuted.”

    Interpol does not “prosecute” criminal suspects but it is empowered to issue “red notices” – equivalent to placing a suspect on a most-wanted list – at the request of member states or international organizations.

    Queries sent to Interpol about the Iranian request brought no response by press time.

    The two Americans in Iran’s sights are former U.S. Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Jack Keane and Foundation for Defense of Democracies Senior Fellow Reuel Marc Gerecht, a former CIA operative.

    The controversy dates back to an Oct. 26 House Homeland Security Committee subcommittee hearing on “Iranian Terror Operations on American Soil,” held after the exposure of an alleged plot by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ foreign operations wing, the Qods Force, to carry out terror attacks on U.S. soil, including the assassination of the Saudi ambassador in Washington.

    The IRGC-QF, led for the past decade by Gen. Ghasem Soleimani, stands accused of numerous covert terrorist activities, including supporting Shi’ite militias carry out deadly attacks against U.S. and British troops in Iraq.

    In his testimony, Keane questioned the value of sanctions against Tehran and suggested that cyberattacks, covert actions and assassination would be more effective.

    “Why are we permitting the Qods Force leaders, who have been organizing this killing of us for 30 years, to go around, still walking around?” he asked. “Why don’t we kill them? We kill other people who are running terrorist organizations against the United States. These guys have killed almost a thousand of us. Why don’t we kill them?”

    “Iran would not look like the country it is today if they were concerned about the bottom line,” Gerecht told the panel. “So I don’t think that you’re going to really intimidate these people, get their attention, unless you shoot somebody – it’s pretty blunt, but I don’t think you get to get around it.”

    If the IRGC-QF was held responsible for the foiled assassination plot, Gerecht said, then Soleimani should be held accountable – and targeted.

    “Ghasem Soleimani travels a lot, he’s all over the place,” he said. “Go get him. Either try to capture him, or kill him. I think you have to send a pretty powerful message to those who have undertaken this, or I think down the road you’re asking for it. They will read this not as a response of someone who’s strong, but as a response of someone who’s weak.”

    ‘Significant covert action’

    Iranian media reports on the Interpol request also referred to a letter to President Obama last month in which House Homeland Security Committee chairman Rep. Peter King and two subcommittee chairs urged steps against Tehran including “significant covert action against the Iranian regime, including against facilities and personnel responsible for killing our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.”

    At the time of the hearing, the Iranian government reacted angrily to the comments by Keane and Gerecht, summoning the Swiss ambassador – who handles matters relating to the U.S. in the absence of ties between Washington and Tehran – to protest.

    Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi threatened legal action and Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi said the remarks were part of a “devilish triangle of terrorism, human rights violation and use of WMDs” by the U.S.

    Ironically, while Iran is seeking Interpol’s help in this matter it has for more than four years ignored Interpol red notices issued for five senior Iranian officials, wanted by Argentina in connection with a deadly bombing in Buenos Aires Argentina 17 years ago.

    One of the five is Vahidi, now defense minister but at the time of the bombing the head of the IRGC-QF.

    Interpol in 2007 issued red notices for five Iranians and a Lebanese in connection with the 1994 bombing of the Argentine-Israel Mutual Association (AMIA) building in the Argentine capital.

    Argentine investigators accused Iran of ordering the attack and its Lebanese ally, Hezbollah, of carrying it out. Eighty-five people were killed in the blast, the worst terrorist attack in the country’s history.

    Iran has repeatedly denied any link to the AMIA bombing and refused to cooperate with Interpol.

    The other subjects of the red notices are Mohsen Rezai, the then IRGC commander; Ali Fallahijan, Iran’s then intelligence chief; and Mohsen Rabbani and Ahmad Reza Asghari, two officials based at Iran’s embassy in Buenos Aires at the time of the bombing.

    The wanted Lebanese was Hezbollah terrorist chief Imad Mughniyah, who was later killed in a bomb blast in Syria.

    According to Interpol, red notices do not constitute arrest warrants but are “intended to help police identify or locate these individuals with a view to their arrest and extradition.”

    The organization says many of its 190 member countries “consider a red notice a valid request for provisional arrest, especially if they are linked to the requesting country via a bilateral extradition treaty.”

    Interpol’s constitution prohibits “any intervention or activities of a political, military, religious or racial character.”

    Attempts to reach Gen. Keane for a response were not successful and a spokesman for Gerecht said he was not commenting on the issue.

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