Germany's most intelligent burglars

Discussion in 'Law & Justice' started by MaxxMurxx, Mar 11, 2015.

  1. MaxxMurxx

    MaxxMurxx New Member

    Aug 18, 2013
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    Yesterday I saw a German news report about the top ten most intelligent German burglars. Although I missed the places 10 - 7, I think the top 3 are worth to be mentioned:

    #3: On place 3 a man climbed up a balcony and broke into a flat. When a neighbor called the police those rang at the door. The man opened and pretended that it was his own flat from which he had locked himself out. He showed his I.D. and the cops were able to verify that his story was the truth. On the other side he had an outstanding arrest warrant for multiple nonrelated burglaries and was arrested on the spot.
    #2: A gang of burglars broke into a bank's vestibule with an SUV, attached the ATM machine with a steel cable and took off after a few seconds. What they had attached however was not the ATM machine but the account statement printer.
    #1: When a rich family returned from a vacation they found out that there home had been ransacked by burglars. One of the offenders during the burglary however had used the family's computer to access his own Facebook account and before leaving forgot to log out. The account even contained multiple high resolution pictures of the genius and his friends aka his accomplices.

    Therefore: Don't climb on balcony's if you're searched for doing so, always look what is in the rear of your car and always log out and shut down a computer when leaving a place.

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