Has anyone seen Kindred on FX Hulu?

Discussion in 'Music, TV, Movies & other Media' started by Lil Mike, Dec 29, 2022.

  1. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    It's based on the SF novel by Octavia Butler.


    Black woman in 2016 moves from New York to California, and once she moves into her new house starts time traveling to the early 1800's, about 200 years in the past, to the Maryland plantation her ancestors were enslaved at.

    Actually I ended up liking the show, but had quibbles. The main character, Dana, just assumes that she's going in the past to save her ancestor, the son of the slave owner named Rufus, but she draws that conclusion with zero evidence. Also, a Black woman in slavery times should be more frightened then she seems to be. When she accidently takes her white hook up with her, he has the good sense to be terrified the entire time. Naturally she causes a lot of commotion and risking the lives of the slaves on the plantation, including her ancestors.

    I would recommend in spite of the stupidity and unlikability of the main character.

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