Hillary Clinton's Scandalpalooza Vol I

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by PatriotNews, Jun 9, 2015.

  1. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Well the FBI better get on with the indictment charges against Hillary Clinton before Gucifer 2.0 releases all the information about the crimes Hillary committed accepting millions of dollars from foreign countries while she was Secretary of State. You know people, this is what is called criminal malfeasance. It is called corruption. It's against the law to be a corrupt politician. Why would you vote to make a corrupt politician President?


  2. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Well there you have it. Hillary didn't turn over all the emails which this too is yet another criminal act. Failure to turn over all the subpoenaed documents is a federal crime. It's hiding evidence, failure to comply, interfering with an investigation and lying to the FBI when she signed documents saying that was all the emails. Wouldn't we like to see what is in the 30,000 emails that she deleted?

  3. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    This is called a quid pro quo. It means "this for that" in Latin. So this is just one of many occasions where the corrupt Clinton's sold access or favors for cash that went directly into their personal bank accounts. There will be plenty of this that will come out over the course of the summer because nearly everything they did came with a price tag.

  4. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    The walls are closing in, the bloodhounds are getting closer. The AP is not FoxNews or some right wing outfit. They are using Heir Clinton's calendar to make the connections between the "donations" and "speaking fees" to who was making the payoffs and why. Enjoy reading.

    See also: Dozens of Clinton meetings left off State schedule: report
  5. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    So this is more emails I think that wasn't disclosed to the State Department. I'm not sure, it's hard to keep all these crimes that she keeps on committing as part of the cover-up straight. But anyway, this email shows that she was trying to use her private server and emails to keep them away from FOIA requests, if I'm not mistaken. It's all so complicated but I'm sure that the FBI which is investigating the crimes will come out with a list of the felonies she's committed before the election. Perhaps in October?

  6. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    So for the cult-of-personality Clinton defenders and excuse makers, this story blows a big hole in your "75% goes to charity" meme or talking points should I say. No, it's just a slush fund like I've been saying. It's the Clinton's personal piggy bank to give money to their friends and what do you wanna bet that the money ends up in the Clinton's pockets? Yeah, you know, a kickback? I betcha. Anyway, the Clinton's use it for travel and of course, the money comes in from sources that are connected to deals make by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with ties to the Russian nuclear materials deals. And we already know that Bill got a direct payoff with a big fat speaking fee that went directly into the Clinton's pocket. Deals like that used to be paid in cash, but with the Clinton's, they have no fear, they probably got paid with a check. $750,000.00 was it?

  7. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Granted, the Hitlery cult-of-personality cultists will be quick no acknowledge that there's has been no evidence presented that anyone actually hacked into Hillary's secret home based server that didn't have any classified emails that were marked classified which is not to say that the hackers didn't hack into her sever or that there is evidence that it was hacked but that evidence has not been presented publicly. But we do know that she did have classified information on her server which all by itself is a felony for the owner of said server regardless of the owner's intent or whether or not it was hacked. Patriotic Americans are hopeful that this will lead to indictments for Hillary and the rest of her criminal organization but with the corrupt obama administration in charge of the Justice Dept. there's seems little hope that this will happen. Hopefully the recommendation for indictments and the lack of action by the corrupt obama administration will be enough to kill her hopes of winning the presidential election.

  8. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    In a related story:

    So apparently the people who were paying off Clinton she had them removed or kept off of her official schedule. The press always wants the scoop so inevitably even though they are in the tank for Clinton, all of her crimes will be exposed eventually.
  9. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Wait? I thought that the committee would interview former Secretary Clinton? How is it she is getting off without a public hearing in front of the committee? Oh, I forgot, the Clinton's are above the law and don't answer to anyone.

  10. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    I think that Kevin McCarthy's stupid remark which wasn't true to begin with was used to stifle the committee's investigation. Since the report is 800 pages I haven't read it yet. But I'd like to know what Clinton really did the night of. I'd like to know how much she actually knew about the scores of security requests before hand. I'd like to know when she went to bed. I'd like to know why she lied after the fact. I'd like to know why she and others are being held criminally negligent.

  11. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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  12. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Drip, drip,drip. News about Hillary Clinton's scandals is like an untreated case of syphilis. And it's spreading. Now we are going to start hearing more about the magic words that will absolutely destroy Hillary Clinton. It's something that I talked about in previous posts on this very thread. What three magic words? QUID QUO PRO.

  13. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    These people don't have any scruples whatsoever. I mean, I guess they don't want to make a phone call because they're probably got an FBI tap on all of their phones, so Loretta Lynch, the US Attorney General and slave to the democrat party and the Clinton's has to meet Bill Clinton in person to give him the run down on the coming indictments of Hillary. Of course, this shows that the Attorney General herself is an untrustworthy security risk and hopefully the FBI doesn't give her any of the evidence of Hillary's criminal activities.

  14. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Well let's hope that Bill Clinton's attempt to bribe the Attorney General Loretta Lynch has backfired completely. Whether she was offered money or a Supreme Court nomination or both, because of the conflict of interest in meeting with the husband and the target, and I think it is safe to say that Hillary is now the target, of a criminal FBI investigation, it will be much more difficult for Lynch to ignore recommendations from the chief investigators to prosecute her. So let's just hope that whatever offers were made or accepted, Bill Clinton doesn't get to meet with the chief investigators at the FBI.

  15. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Of course it's become ordinary for liberals/democrats to abuse the powers of their station/political positions, this we know. So when we see or hear of examples of it like this it's like, "Ho hum, nothing to see here", when in fact, there's much to be seen, and much to be reported. The fact that the government is using FBI agents to cover-up what Lynch and Bill Clinton were doing together is a scandal layered upon the scandal of Bill Clinton meeting with Loretta Lynch. Not to mention now that the investigation has naturally been expanded to include the Clinton Foundation, this means that Bill Clinton is now one of the new potential targets of the investigation. So in effect, Lynch is meeting with a potential target of an FBI criminal investigation.

    Anyone see anything wrong here? Bueller? Bueller?

  16. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Well of course not. I guess we can all come to that conclusion when she said that she wouldn't recuse herself. But didn't we all get the impression that she would pay lip service to the FBI recommendations? I dunno. I think she's just another weasel democrat who will do what is best for democrats, not what is best for the country. If she get's a recommendation to indict Crooked Hillary, I think she'll just say that she can't because it's too political.

  17. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    This is not because they have bad Chiefs of Staff. It's not because they have stupid advisors. This is because the government is corrupt, the Crooked Clinton's are corrupt, and there's really not point in hiding it. The decision was made to meet up by Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch. They are to blame, nobody else.

  18. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    The New York Times, The Washington Post. Who knows, maybe CNN or ABC or NBC or CBS next, eh? Maybe there are some journalists left in this world with some ambition and an ounce of integrity who want to become the next Woodward and Bernstein.

    No really though, this article if great. He really nails it. Not that Hillary could ever come out smelling like a rose with this email scandal, she can't. But this meeting is a big deal because it makes it impossible to say, "see, she has been exonerated by the FBI" should the FBI decide to not recommend an indictment of Hillary. Instead it will have the stench of a cover-up and a set up. The Fix is in. That's what they'll say.

  19. rammstein

    rammstein Member Past Donor

    Aug 25, 2013
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    I think Lynch told Bill that the game is up. "Get ready, they're coming with the goods". They may bargain it down
    some but it's over in respect to the POTUS for the Hildebeast. That's all that most opposing peeps
    want anyway. For her to be put out to pasture. Trump will likely have a harder time with Biden.
    And this is what the Dem power structure wants. A win in November.

    All this stuff about "Obama's DOJ won't indict even if the FBI has the proof" is all fantasy land.

    Good night Hellary. You did it to yourself.


  20. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Everyone is saying we're being played. At least Limbaugh says that. But for 4 hours, or 3 1/2 hours? They weren't talking grandkids I don't think! Crooked Hillary Clinton,

  21. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Amazing and sad that half the American people would put these immoral maggots BACK into the White House! There must have been a reason for a physical meeting, passing an object such as a thumb drive with all of the expected questions for Shrillary to BJ Clinton, perhaps? Everything else could have been done over the phone or internet, however leaving an electronic trail to follow. This meeting would have been completely clandestine, if they hadn't been caught. And for Billy to drop off a suitcase full of Clinton cash is a pretty good theory especially when the media was instructed to turn off their recording equipment by the FBI.

  22. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    The fix is in and we all can see through this BS. Lynch needs to resign now. This is nothing but pure and simple "Conflict of Interest" and she is fully biased to the left. These people are beyond belief, yet, Democrats think this is okay for them. But if a Republican did this the MSM would be screaming from the rooftops for blood.

    Here's what reporters should be asking Lynch if we had any reporters left in this country who took journalism seriously:

    1. Did you give any information to Bill Clinton?
    2. Did you give him any information about any investigation being conducted by the FBI into Hillary or anyone else?
    3. Did you exchange anything physical such as a computer or a flash drive or memory card?
    4. Was there any offer made by President Clinton in exchange for stifling an indictment of Hillary?
    5. Were you promised any future positions in a Hillary Clinton Administration?
    6. Were you promised a Supreme Court nomination?
    7. Was any money exchanged or a promise of future monetary compensation? If yes, how much?
    8. Were any threats made by you or by Bill Clinton? Threats to your family? Your personal health or safety? Threats of jail time made by you to him or him to you?
    9. Did you compromise the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton in any way? If so, did you have a good laugh about it?
    10. Were you instructed to meet with Bill Clinton by obama? If no, why the hell are you going behind your boss and meeting BJ Clinton without his permission? What did obama say to you privately about it?
    11. Do you not understand why this is such a bad thing for you to do given the current investigation by the FBI into Bill Clinton's wife and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and your position as Attorney General?
    12. When will you announce your resignation?

  23. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Let us not forget that Hillary Clinton has gotten away with deleting more than 30,000 emails from congressional committees investigating the Benghazi terrorism cover-up, Clinton Foundation foreign-influence peddling and other scandals. Who else could have just deleted basically half of the emails on a private server when they were under a congressional subpoena, she was ordered to turn them over by the State Department, and a federal judge ordered them turned over under a Freedom of Information Act order? All we are talking about is well they weren't marked classified, she didn't do anything wrong blah, blah, blah. Yeah, she did something wrong, she deleted half the emails on her fricking server!!! Are we forgetting that???

  24. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Dead men tell no tales. And so add yet another name to the Clinton body count. According to this report the body count is up to 46 but I've seen lists with names that have much more than that. Just be on notice, those of you who are handling the investigation of Chillary "The Butcher" Clintoni. The Clinton's always cover their tracks. "Never leave any loose ends is my motto", said Chillary in public never. Who wants to bet that Bryan "The Rat" Pagliano is sleeping with one eye open at night? Hey, why isn't that guy under Federal Witness Protection Program anyway?

    I bet you can get odds on that guy's early demise in Vegas. Best of luck to you. Lock your doors and set you security alarm!

  25. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    What this demonstrates is that Hillary Clinton had something to hide from Congress and the American people so incriminating to her that she went to these lengths. She set up and used that private email server of hers for all her government emails in secret; she did not seek nor did she receive permission to do so; she broke numerous State Department regulations that she, as Secretary, was ultimately responsible for implementing and enforcing; she broke Federal Open Records Laws by withholding and apparently destroying official email records that belonged to the American people; she thwarted Freedom of Information Act requests from the media and others; she evaded accountability by Congress of her actions as Secretary of State; she has lied repeatedly about what she did in public interviews; "everybody at the State Department knew what I was doing" (no, the State Department IG has found no record of anyone who knew what she had done and Judicial Watch has yet to interview anyone who admitted they knew); she stated she did not need to ask permission to use her private server which the IG refuted; she falsely claimed the State Department should be able to find and retrieve the vast majority of the emails she sent via her private server because she sent most of them to State Department employees on their government accounts. And to make matters worse, using her private server resulted in 2,200 emails containing national security secrets to be transferred from a secure location at the State Department and stored on her non-secure email server which is itself a criminal act.

    But the media keeps telling us she did nothing wrong...Yeah, right.


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