Hosting tobacco forum contradicts S’pore’s values

Discussion in 'Drugs, Alcohol & Tobacco' started by Bic_Cherry, May 26, 2014.

  1. Bic_Cherry

    Bic_Cherry Active Member

    Jun 24, 2012
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    All this talk of "dignity", " moral authority", yet promoting health-destroying tobacco addiction/ consumption just to give CEO bonuses and boost shareholder dividends, and by extension increase Minister's salary (linked to CEO/ top salary benchmarks, short term (annual) GDP growth etc) makes all the talk about moral integrity sound like a big wayang show ("make believe") to me...

    "Moral authority":
    'Dignity'= impressing(/scaring) others with our Ministerial level salaries:...
    Further screenshot evidence from Brochure | World Tobacco Asia about their addiction promoting 'criminal' activities:

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