How did you get the flu, or avoid getting it??

Discussion in 'Member Casual Chat' started by banchie, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. banchie

    banchie New Member

    Nov 1, 2013
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    I knew the flu season was here, people were getting shots, people were getting sick, and people were actually dying from it. For me, I don't get the shot, a lot of people do not get the shot, and perhaps they are the ones dying from it. I had the shot one time in my life, and it made me deathly ill for a month, so I take my chance against the real thing.

    I didn't get around to many people, I went shopping, pick up the mail, and talked to a few people. But I was cautious to stray from any coughers, and not shake hands, and wipe the cart handles down with alcohol. I dose heavy on supplements in the winter to keep my immune system boosted to max. I exercise, eat healthy, etc. I even sprayed Lysol through the house & my habitat area office. I would say, my only contact is my lady and three cats. She wasn't exposed to anything except the flu shot, period, and in two weeks of isolation here at home she went no where and developed the flu. She also stays healthy like I described above.

    So how did I get the flu? How did you get the flu? How did you avoid the flu?

    I am beginning to wonder if we do not get it from our water supply or food. Whatever, tell me your story, tell me anything that you did or took to kick flu's butt. Or tell us how you didn't get the flu.:smile: lucky you!!!
  2. everyman2013

    everyman2013 New Member

    Oct 7, 2013
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    Like you, I took the shot once, years ago, for the swine flu. Was in the hospital for 9 days. Haven't taken one since, haven't gotten the flu. If you take the shot, and someone sneezes in Yugoslavia, you're going to get sick. So, no shot=no flu.
  3. wolfin

    wolfin Member

    Dec 1, 2013
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    I keep my hands from my face and wash them frequently. I also try to stay away from sick people. I haven't had the flu for many years. Maybe I developed an immunity. This year, I did get a flu shot for the first time in years because we are helping care for our infant grand daughter.
  4. smevins

    smevins New Member

    Jun 7, 2013
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    wash your hands before they get within a foot of your face.

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