How much does it cost to nurture an infant in your state?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by FixingLosers, Apr 28, 2015.

  1. FixingLosers

    FixingLosers New Member

    Mar 11, 2012
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    How much? We are basically talking about newborns and kids below 4 here.

    And the political side of the question: what do you think about the government subsidies? Could it have done more or had it done too much?

    Now, I personally believe besides a handful bad apples, people are the most valuable assets of our nation. And children, without a doubt, are the future. I know it sounds completely cheesy and cliche to say. But if the cost of living is too high, and parents or would be parents have to rely largely on their own to raise kids, then there is reason to worry about a likely rapid drop in population, which means it could cause all sorts of problem, most likely economy stagnation.

    Then let's just let the government take care of everything, right?

    Unfortunately, that would only cause people to take less personal responsibilities which includes raising the next generation. As it is proverbial knowledge, Nordic welfare states have very low birth rates, compared to other nations:

    So, what do you think? How much?

    Food for thought:
    It Could Cost You $500K To Raise A Child In NYC

    Average cost of raising a child hits $245,000

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