How Pepe the Frog Will Murder the Middleman

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by AGWisFAKEsillyBABYKILLERS, Apr 1, 2017.


    AGWisFAKEsillyBABYKILLERS Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    It looks like a joke to most. But this joke has the potential to turn the entire global financial ecosystem on its head. And nobody will see it coming.

    Indeed. This is no ordinary joke.

    It’s a story so big, with implications so immense, with significance so stupendous, with ramifications so incredible…

    The fact it’s hiding behind a controversial frog meme many Americans (from both wings) believe got Trump elected… is perfect.


    What makes this story even crazier is just how batty the Hillary campaign team went over Pepe...
    It seemed as if Team Hillary was bringing Pepe up at every turn — mostly to label it a dangerous symbol of the alt-right.
    ..there’s even an explainer on Clinton’s campaign website, which reads at the top: “That cartoon frog is more sinister than you might realize.”

    The Rare Pepe project utilizes crowdsourcing, P2P tech, blockchain tech, decentralized cryptocurrencies and loads of human ingenuity to create its own private, anonymous, censorship-resistant economy.
    “I’m the lead game dev,” John Villar told us. “I’m a latino-hispanic Venezuelan. And all of the team is pretty much NOT alt-right.”

    Pepe Murders the Middleman
    “The rare pepe project,” said Buddha, “brings decentralization to the art world. I think this is very important. Twenty years ago, musicians had to be signed to a label, preferably a major label to get their music heard and to finance the making of that music. The art world is still a centralized world but Rare Pepe is the start of a major change. In the near future, artists will not have to court gallery owners and so on. The game changer to me is that artists will be able to fund their art through the blockchain. After all, artists just want to make art.

    “I think the blockchain will open the door, widen the onramp for future artists. Instead of getting their art into a local gallery, blockchain artists are exposed to a world wide audience from the start.”

    But, of course, this could go well beyond just the art world…

    Permissionless, scarce, immutable, private and decentralized digital assets have the potential to flatten financial (and, by proxy, political) power structures in ways impossible in the past.

    A decentralized ledger of ownership, tied to digital or even real-world assets, could change every aspect of the way we do business — by keeping business honest, efficient and cutting the meddling middlemen out completely.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2017

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