How trustworthy is Rasmussen?

Discussion in 'Health Care' started by migueldarican, Mar 15, 2014.

  1. migueldarican

    migueldarican New Member

    Jun 17, 2013
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    I thought I'd get an opinion here. Polls are a funny thing, in that sometimes they turn out to be unreliable, especially depending on who the poll takers are.

    I got into a discussion with a conservative. He said installing Obamacare goes against the what the American people wanted. I said, "how do you say that? I hear reports that most want to keep it." He responded by posting this article:

    So I did a little research of my own. Real clear politics seems to be reliable to a lot of people. But then it also says it was started by conservatives. There's also some questioning about who Rasmussen polls.

    Consider me a noob here. I'd like to know what's really going on. Is "RealClearPolitics" right? Do the Rasmussen polls reflect the truth?

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