If you have an AT&T land line, read this

Discussion in 'Other Off-Topic Chat' started by Lady Luna, Oct 13, 2011.

  1. Lady Luna

    Lady Luna New Member

    Nov 5, 2008
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    I was going over my latest phone bill when I noticed a new charge had been added without my prior notification and approval. It was listed as a 'Minimum Usage Charge' and was $2.00. I called to question it and was told the charge actually started going on bills in August.

    It turns out that AT&T, in an attempt to wring every possible cent out of its customers, decided to give customers who didn't have a long distance plan the option of long distance without telling them, adding the $2.00 fee to cover $2.00 worth of long distance calls each might make, even though the customers weren't informed that they were now paying $2.00 for the option of making long distance calls every month. Sneaky, underhanded, and so typical of AT&T.

    I use a MagicJack for long distance calls, so I had quit paying for any kind of long distance service a couple of years ago. The customer service rep told me that to eliminate the fee, I'd no longer have long distance access. I asked if I could still make toll-free calls, and he said yes. Isn't that long-distance access?

    Anyway, the bogus 'Minimum Usage Charge' will no longer appear on my bill, and those two months have been credited to my account. :)

    So check your phone bills carefully. You never know what new charges may appear that you can eliminate. :)

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