ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION a Topic on Tonights CNN Debate?

Discussion in 'Immigration' started by The Gregory Rant, Sep 16, 2015.

  1. The Gregory Rant

    The Gregory Rant New Member

    Sep 3, 2015
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    I posted the info below in another section but the post was deleted by the moderators due to rule 11, I guess I posted it in the wrong area so I am reposting it here in this section. Before you read my thoughts below please understand I am not speaking specifically of any one nationality when regarding ILLEGALS. I dislike all ILLEGALS the same, regardless if they are yellow, brown, white, red, or any other shade of the rainbow.

    Ok, so I am sitting here eagerly awaiting tonight’s CNN Republican debate and wondering if any of the candidates will be presenting a real plan to stop the Illegals from continuing to be allowed to suck up billions of our taxpayer dollars every year.

    Everyone knows Trump has said “they all must go” and said he “could get the job done in 18 months” but in reality I doubt this will never happen. I previously posted my Plan of Immigration reform on this blog, but my plan like Trumps is somewhat far fetched as the costs and timeframe involved is significant and we need a real time solution to the problem.

    All we really need to do is to take away ALL the incentives for the ILLEGALS to come or stay in the U.S. in the first place. This can be done in a fairly easy and most importantly without high cost to the tax payers.

    My simple solution is below:

    Issue a National ID Card for EVERYONE in the U.S.:

    The ID cards will need to be presented to: Open a Bank Account, Cash or Deposit Checks, Wire Transfer Money in or out of the U.S., Receive Welfare/Food Stamps/Subsidized Healthcare, Housing or any other Public/Governmental Support, Obtain a Drivers License, and Vote.

    Further more all Anchor Babies will be documented. Should there be a need to help feed and clothe these Anchors the U.S. taxpayers will, but only with baby formula & food, diapers and clothes. No more EBT cards that can be used to by anything the Anchor’s parents or guardians want to buy such as high end food like steak and lobster. Take note that the ILLEGAL parent(s) will have to be deported so hopefully most of the Anchor’s will leave the U.S. anyway and the taxpayers will only have to support those left here. The choice will be entirely up to the parents.


    The BILLIONS of Dollars in savings will be utilized to fund programs such as improved support our Veterans and also to secure ALL of our nation’s borders.

    So lets see if any of the candidates have picked up on this simple solution to the Illegal Immigrants. There is no way for the Illegals to say we are profiling them as the same ID requirement will be mandated for everyone here in the U.S.

    As an fyi, I did take the liberty to send my thoughts to Mr. Trump a couple of weeks ago but so far he is still playing hardball with the Illegal’s issue. I feel sooner or later he will have to soften his stance on Illegals as some voters may feel he is un-electable due to his stance on the issue. Its my opinion that Sometimes it is Better to be Effective than Right!
  2. TheResister

    TheResister Banned

    Sep 8, 2015
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    National ID sounds a bit like Hitler's tattoo idea on steroids. Then again, it is the people obsessing over immigration that would endanger their own liberties in some vain effort to punish people for doing something they would do themselves if the circumstances were reversed.

    At the end of the day, venting your anger on children and calling them "anchor babies" does nothing to alleviate the issue. For good or bad, the children born in the United States to undocumented foreigners is an American citizen by virtue of the Fourteenth Amendment... which is the brainchild of the Republicans.

    Thomas Paine (one of America's founding fathers) once warned:

    "He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself."

    For some unknown reason that quote flies over the head of the people obsessed with foreigners. In their quest to act out against the foreigners, the "Secure the border" advocates have:

    1) Passed the so - called "Patriot Act"

    2) Passed the National ID / REAL ID Act, complete with its Socialist Surveillance Number ...ooops, "Social (ist) Security Number based National ID Card

    3) Established Constitution Free Zones wherein the Constitution does not apply within a hundred miles of a border

    4) Repealed the notion that a person is innocent until proven guilty. Even calling someone an "illegal" is contradictory to the very precept that a person is presumed innocent

    5) Legalized warrant less searches and eviscerated the Fourth Amendment

    6) Assisted in dismantling the Second Amendment

    7) Turned unalienable Rights into mere privileges to be doled out by a tyrannical government

    8) Assaulted our heritage and the fundamental principles upon which this nation was founded.

    Anyone that disagrees with the party line that Trump espouses is ostracized, stigmatized and humiliated... never debated however. The Secure the border position is contrary to many constitutional principles and even IF it could be passed, the measures would not survive the United States Supreme Court.
  3. The Gregory Rant

    The Gregory Rant New Member

    Sep 3, 2015
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    Ok Resister, here is a thought how about we just ask each voter if they want to support the leeches with our tax dollars. If you vote yes your tax rate is lets say 25%, if you vote no your tax rate is 15%. Its my guess the majority of liberals would vote no especially if they have to pay for the free loaders. Lets face it the only reason the liberals care about the Illegals is at some point they may become voters just like those free loaders that got their Obama phones.
  4. TheResister

    TheResister Banned

    Sep 8, 2015
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    Until today I had never heard of the mainstream media challenging the presupposition that undocumented foreigners are leeches in that they consume that much in taxes. Then Trump claimed undocumented foreigners cost over two hundred billion dollars a year. Then a story on CNN a few hours ago, FactChecking the Republican Debate stated "We couldn't find any support for that."

    Don't misunderstand me. I think that the amalgamation of races, cultures and so forth are bringing about the demise of America. But, it is a lie, and an easily disprovable lie, to claim that the foreigners without papers are costing us more in taxes than they get in benefits. For the most part, undocumented foreigners do not get welfare. The single biggest cost for undocumented foreigners is for the costs of having children in our hospitals.

    IF the Republican leaders were honest with you, they would save you some time and money. Like Kim Davis on the freedom of religion, IF the Republicans wanted to lead, they would have someone challenge the current law over birth citizenship. That court battle would cost a little bit less than building a wall around the United States... and you really need that answer BEFORE investing another trillion dollars on an idea that will only jeopardize your liberties.

    IF your only objection to the foreigners is taxes, I have a better idea:

    Let's begin cutting the down the size, power and scope of government. Let's pass laws that nullify the courts that claim welfare is a "right." Let's make welfare a privilege of citizenship. We could get rid of the federal Department of Education and eliminate free public educations. Since everybody now endorses Obamacare, why not deny medical treatment to those that do not have the required proof of socialized insurance?

    I listened intently on how the politicians last night wanted drones patrolling our skies; Hitler style ID to be enforced; the Berlin Wall rebuilt along the southern border. Yeah, that wall will protect you against the 40 percent of the foreigners who entered properly, but then over stayed their visa. You spent hundreds of billions of dollars on a wall, but gave no thought as to how to cut down on the people that entered properly and didn't leave when their visa expired. Drones won't be limited to undocumented foreigners. They will be used to police YOU. And Hitler's idea on steroids? Are you guys that are trying to peddle this magic elixir for real?

    You need some better material. The last report I read from the Congressional Budget Office (a non-partisan group that every Congressman and Senator relies on) said that when it came to taxes, it was pretty much a wash. Undocumented workers paid as much in taxes as they received in benefits and services.
  5. Angrytaxpayer

    Angrytaxpayer Banned

    Mar 20, 2011
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    When an illegal has their first baby they are a drain on society because more than likely their mother is unemployed.
    Yes they are. Because they tell the social worker in my hospital that they are.
    They don't speak English but already know how to ask for WIC and Medicaid.
    Then we subsidize their children's education.
    Then their children fail in school. (Look up Brentwood, NY where it is mostly latino)
    Some are in gangs (MS-13)
    Today's immigrants are a pale shadow of yesteryear's immigrants. Yesteryear's immigrants either prospered or died.
    Today's immigrants are a cancer to this country.
  6. Woolley

    Woolley Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2014
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    Of all the trillions spent by governments, the small portion that is spent on subsidizing the lives of the poor just drives you nuts. I hear this from many conservatives, it must haunt you to think that someone, somewhere is getting a meal today because of food stamps. It must drive you to the point of madness that some poor mother has a child that is by law an America citizen. For the life of me I just cannot understand this type of just plain meanness. It is as if you rejoice at the suffering of others, it makes you feel better, superior, makes you be somebody.
  7. TheResister

    TheResister Banned

    Sep 8, 2015
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    Unfortunately you either misunderstand my posts OR you intended to respond to "Angrytaxpayer." I am not a conservative. I am a constitutionalist.

    The vast majority of people on welfare are Americans that don't want to work. My wife has a 29 year old son. This POS has NEVER held a full time job; has no high school diploma; usually works part time in sandwich shops at minimum wage or maybe a stint here and there as a sign flipper. This guy has no car; never had a driver's license... and every time (like an hour ago the last one) we argue, my wife claims there are millions like him.

    Unlike Angrytaxpayer, I know, for a fact, that the undocumented workers will come in and bust hump for $10 an hour and do a good job for you. Those facts gave me a different insight as to how to get people OFF the welfare dole.

    People on welfare need to have a plan to get off the dole. If they don't work, the state employment service ought to give them priority. The welfare office ought not be satisfied to dole out a set amount on a debit card. They should find out WHY that person is on welfare.

    Employers ought to be offered significant tax incentives to hire Americans and additional tax incentives to take people off welfare. Welfare ought to come with requirements: you know, like looking for a job, getting a GED, and / or learning a skill set.

    If you actually read my previous post, I don't think that foreigners are gaming the system on the whole. They pay taxes. They take the jobs that people (as I described earlier) will not work. Everywhere I go to complain about the welfare mentality of those I know personally, there are Americans saying it is the norm. Many Americans don't want jobs. They have mommy and mommy does not want their baby to ever have to sacrifice, work hard, or do without because their wages won't support the lifestyle they willingly chose.

    IF we forced Americans off welfare and back to work, there would be fewer job opportunities for foreigners; therefore, there would be less demand for them. Less demand translates into fewer reasons for foreigners to come here in the first place. It's a self regulating system that way. No need for big government to do what we can do better ourselves.
  8. Woolley

    Woolley Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2014
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    I find the constant re-branding efforts of conservatives to be a constant stream of pleasure. The term "constitutionalist" is a new one, been around a few years and apparently means that you believe in the constitution. I believe everyone agrees with you, it is a fine document. This incessant desire to name yourself is a peculiar trait of American politics. But at the end of the day, one can bet with a high degree of certainty which party the constitutionalists, tea party, libertarians, Republicans and conservatives vote for in any given election. As for the meme that our government is besieged by fraudulent welfare users, I am sure there are some out there. I just don't see how you can possibly stop this behavior without throwing the good out with the bad. So if the price we pay is that in order to help millions we must endure a few frauds, I am fine with it. After all, welfare is cheap, no one gets rich off welfare of this type. The real scoundrels are the top 1% who somehow managed to sell a large portion of our country on the notion that they all earned it fairly, were justly compensated and deserve lower tax rates because they are so necessary to the nation. Now that is a sales job.
  9. TheResister

    TheResister Banned

    Sep 8, 2015
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    I think you're getting amusing. The self elevated Secure the border advocate on this board was so critical of me that I had to put him on my ignore list just in order to address people like you. The Tea Party would have me drawn and quartered for opposing that silly wall around America idea. So, no, the Tea Party, conservatives and Establishment Republicans have no use for a man that won't toe the party line on militarizing the border. I'm pro life, so the libertarians probably have the same problem with me.

    But, I won't tell you that I merely believe in the Constitution. I'm a strict constructionist. That means that I believe in the Constitution as it was originally written and intended. With it goes the good and the bad. Only 39 of the 55 Founding Fathers at the Constitutional Convention signed the Constitution. Sixteen refused and warned that the powers being transferred to the new government could be used to take away the freedoms just established. They were right - the power to tax and the power to control "commerce" are being used to override the Bill of Rights - to control Americans, their rights, and soon, their guns. But, as our forefathers admonished each of us:

    "On every question of construction [of the Constitution] let us carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or intended against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed." (Thomas Jefferson)

    We did not heed the admonitions of our founding fathers and those sixteen hold-outs were proven right. In early America we did not jeopardize the unalienable Rights of others. There were no quotas and no efforts to have the military doing domestic police work. On that point, I'm with you.

    At the same time, the government has no legitimate authority to take from those who produce and give it to those who do not. Welfare is a privilege of citizenship in a de jure (that is legal) Republic. As a privilege, welfare should not be abused. That is why we need to go further than merely drafting funds to a debit card and presuming that the welfare recipient really needs the help. We have an equal duty to the welfare recipient to make sure they are afforded every opportunity to become self sufficient.

    The talk of legal vs. so called "illegal" immigration detracts from our ability to address the issue. I'm not for quotas; not in favor of systematically kicking people out of the U.S. over some paperwork nonsense. I would be for giving employers the choice of who they hire AND encouraging them to hire Americans and take them off welfare / unemployment by giving those employers substantial tax incentives for doing so.

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