Info-space doctrine of Russia (at least as it is stated). Any ideas?

Discussion in 'Russia & Eastern Europe' started by Jane Foster, Nov 9, 2021.

  1. Jane Foster

    Jane Foster Newly Registered

    Sep 26, 2017
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    According to Russian officials over 130 countries are developing cyber warfare programs, that pose threats to information stability to the state: it is counted as such if it's difficult to trace the source of an information attack, its consequences can have devastating consequences and cause a retaliatory strike, including the use of conventional weapons.
    In such a situation the approach of Russia, advocating the development of rules for the conduct of states in the information space in order to ensure its security seems relevant to the international situation.

    Sources of threats to the information security of the Russian Federation include:
    • activities of foreign political, economic, military, intelligence and information structures directed against the interests of the Russian Federation in the information sphere;
    • the desire of a number of countries to dominate and infringe on Russia's interests in the global information space, to oust it from the external and internal information markets;
    • aggravation of international competition for the possession of information technologies and resources;
    The information security doctrine of the Russian Federation is a system of official views on ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation in the information sphere.
    In this Doctrine, the information sphere is understood as a set of information, objects of informatization, information systems, web-sites, communication networks, information technologies, subjects whose activities are related to the formation and processing of information, the development and use of these technologies, provision information security, as well as a set of mechanisms for regulating the relevant public relations.
    An analysis of the documents and speeches of officials allows one to conclude that Russia is in favor of the demilitarization of the information space, since an arms race in the information sphere is capable of undermining the existing agreements on disarmament and international security.
    According to the Fundamentals of State Policy in the Field of International Information Security for the Period until 2025, Russia sets the goal of state policy in the field of international information security to promote the establishment of an international legal regime aimed at creating conditions for the formation of an international information security system; The achievement of this goal, among other things, will be facilitated by the creation of conditions that reduce the risk of using information and communication technologies to carry out hostile actions and acts of aggression aimed at discrediting sovereignty, violating the territorial integrity of states and posing a threat to international peace, security and strategic stability.
    The Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation states that Russia will seek to develop, under the aegis of the UN, rules of conduct in the field of ensuring international information security.

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