Is God "Merely" Psychological?

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Satura, Aug 19, 2011.

  1. Incorporeal

    Incorporeal Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
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    From the perspective of the Christians (75.6 % of the US Population) Atheism fits into the classic symptoms of Delusional disorder. Atheism also fits Paranoia. That is a fact.
  2. Anarcho-Technocrat

    Anarcho-Technocrat New Member

    Jul 16, 2009
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    Interestingly enough I came across this during some of my research in language and semantics. There is something called Natural Semantic Metalanguage which is a language irreducible of meaning through language. It is composed of Semantic Primes which are universal words in all languages that do not require any other words in that language to explain or define. They are inherently psychologically or genetically encoded in all human beings. Strangely enough you can sufficiently define "God" using about 20% of all the 30 or so Semantic Primes. Furthermore, no other idea, concept, ideology, belief, or opinion that I can think of can be sufficiently described using the Semantic Primes.
  3. smileyface

    smileyface Banned

    Jul 14, 2011
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    The important thing to note is that what I believe can be proved by the laws of nature which I discussed. There are theories that would take us back farther. What you believe goes totally against the the natural laws. There is no proof either. What you believe is myth or legend what I believe is based in the visible provable world.
    I have a basis of truth that is reliable in daily life you have an empty cup of hope and myth. To believe in what one sees is not delusional. To believe in phantoms is. To hear voice over a radio ipod TV is reality. To hear the voice of some mystic something in your head is delusional. To see images transmitted by beams and waves that can be proven is far different than visions that just pop into someones head which is delusional.
    To argue that religion somehow is smarter than the provable facts that lie before you everyday is childish and foolish.
    The fact is you can prove nothing of what you believe. Not one shred can you prove. I can prove what I believe and look toward theory which I do not believe I wait on the evidence. You have no evidence except a book that proves zero and in itself is proof of nothing.
  4. Incorporeal

    Incorporeal Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
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    Yes You talked about the laws of nature, and you said that they were written on all that we see. You still have not demonstrated that claim to be a FACT. So, till then, you are not qualified to speak any further on those 'laws of nature' which are supposedly written on all that we see.
  5. saintmichaeldefendthem

    saintmichaeldefendthem New Member Past Donor

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Ok, brainiac. You want to break that down for the rest of us?
  6. smileyface

    smileyface Banned

    Jul 14, 2011
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    You do nit see that the facts I pointed out are all true. Let me see you point to one fact about god that you can prove that does not come from the farcical bible that is meaningless of proof of anything.

    If you have no provable fact pointing directly to the activity of said god you no longer have a leg to stand on in any debate on the topic. Your inability to show evidence to such a being shows that this said being only exists in the minds of those who suffer from Delusional Disorder. No evidence. You would therefore be unqualified to speak on god. Show me something anything can this god tell you the card I am holding up at this moment? Can he heal my cold instantaneously? Can this god unlock the door to my room? Let's see something this being can supposedly do anything yet there is no evidence that this super being has ever done anything.
  7. Incorporeal

    Incorporeal Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
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    You do not see the fact that you are operating from one philosophy that is diametrically opposed to the philosophy that is found in the Bible. You might as well be trying to remove a brain tumor with tools made of concrete. It is for that reason, that you also cannot disprove the existence of God. You are using the wrong tools and wrong procedures.

    As was pointed out by another member on this forum. If you want to talk science, then take your conversation to a science forum. Unless of course you are calling science a religion. Until then, don't expect what you are not going to find using concrete tools. In dealing with religion from a scientific perspective, you might as well still be back in the stone age trying to start that first fire rubbing sticks together.

    Does science have any PROOF? Proof of anything? Show it to me.

    Please read the above... you might not like it.
  8. smileyface

    smileyface Banned

    Jul 14, 2011
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    I do enjoy our debates as we keep it civil. That's a good thing.

    1. You have avoided addressing in any fashion the delusional qualities of belief in god.
    2. You have never addressed why the belief in god is different than any other reprogrammable cult indoctrination/
    3. You have yet to show one proof of god.
    a) What card am i holding up
    b) I still have my cold
    c) My doors still locked
    4. Beyond the idea of proof you have yet to show any evidence in any way as to the reality of said god.

    I do not need science to tell me that nature acts as nature does. Go to your freezer and take out an ice cube of water and drop it in a glass of tap water. The cube will float. It does that. It does not sink it melts and like the rest is water. It will not change to wine. You can pray until you turn colors and it will not turn to wine. I can cook ten fish and when everyone has eaten I will not have more fish left over than I started with. It will not happen. The magic stated in the bible defies nature yet you believe. The things I have stated such as ice floating and trees growing up and no rain at -50 degrees are natural events. There is a proof to all of those examples.
    I think it's time you start addressing the points I have made instead of skirting the issues. You have made zero points as to proof of a god outside the delusions of the believers.
  9. axialturban

    axialturban Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2011
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    God, and spirituality, could be psychological but if it is then the brain has potential which is vastly superior to what the conscious mind uses.
  10. saintmichaeldefendthem

    saintmichaeldefendthem New Member Past Donor

    Jul 5, 2011
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    This is such an important point and one I've made often. Faith can lead a person to truth, but science can never lead a person to truth. Science produces facts, not truth, and those facts are restless, always subject to challenge and revision. Pluto was a planet, now it isn't a planet, for example. Facts are not concrete, they aren't timeless, and they can only provide a fleeting facsimile of truth. Moreover, science is limited to the instruments it employs and to the human senses which can never reveal the entire realm of reality around us.

    Being that sciences is so limited, it's rather sad that anyone would make a religion out of it, building their house on impermanent sands that slip away with the storms. To put ones faith in science is to voluntarily limit oneself to the material world, and at that, even a dim understanding of that world. To be a materialist is to voluntarily bind the wares of the human soul, those invisible devices by which we can reach out and connect to a reality outside of our 5 senses. It is to say, "I have 2 arms, but I will only ever use one of them," or "I have eyes, but hearing is enough for me, so I'll wear a blindfold." Creation is an arrow that points to the Creator, but when someone looks no further than creation, they miss its intent and purpose, to lead us to the source of all life and all truth.

    How much the materialist misses out!
  11. Incorporeal

    Incorporeal Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
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    1: They are only delusional from the vantage of your blind-folders.
    2: They are not the cult programming. If they were cult programming, the government would surely shut them down in order to protect the welfare of the people.
    3: Would you like Ecclesiastical proof? There is no scientific proof of anything.
    4: Genesis 1:1 through Revelation 22:21

    Sorry fellow, you lose.
  12. Panzerkampfwagen

    Panzerkampfwagen New Member

    Dec 16, 2010
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    No, I read fiction novels.
  13. Incorporeal

    Incorporeal Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
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    I can believe that any day of the week.
  14. rstones199

    rstones199 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2009
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    This is comical! I guess because Pluto is not longer considered a planet, that someone the universe gives a crap what we consider a planet or that Pluto some how changes!

    The above is the a-typical narrow mindedness of the theist. Why is it that the theist cannot grasp one simple thought: Science changes only because human understanding of something changes. Its comical when they say stupid things like, Evolution is only a theory, its subject to revision. They act like if the human understanding of Evolution changes, that Evolution itself changes, or that Evolution itself is not good.

    If the theist wants to live in a fantasy world, simply because they cannot handle the real world, so be it. But please, quit being so ignorant.
  15. smileyface

    smileyface Banned

    Jul 14, 2011
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    I have lost nothing. You have failed to prove anything. You fail to answer anything and you keep repeating things about science and I only have use that word when telling you I have never mentioned science.
    1. They are delusions.
    2. It is cult programming and the same techniques.
    3. There is no proof of god in anything.
    4. The bible is meaningless as proof of anything. It is a useless waste of reading time. I read it and I know that for fact. It is twaddle to confuse a childlike mind that accepts no responsibility for it's life and needs a crutch because that child is an emotional cripple.
  16. Incorporeal

    Incorporeal Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
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    In fact you do lose. You lose all credibility. Three times now I have requested what specific evidence of Gods existence you desire to be given, and three times you have failed to provide that information. You have subsequently won the honor of being placed on the permanent ignore list because you have no integrity.
  17. saintmichaeldefendthem

    saintmichaeldefendthem New Member Past Donor

    Jul 5, 2011
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    They really are more likeable once they're ignored.
  18. dixiehunter

    dixiehunter Banned

    Jun 29, 2010
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    Those that believe God is merely psychological, are the same ding-dongs that believe Mickey Mouse divorced Miney, and today lives with Peter Pan.

    And the Tooth Fairy is their friend.

    What's scary.....Is too know that 20% of those liberal believers are amongs us in society.
  19. Incorporeal

    Incorporeal Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
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    I cannot argue that point with you, but it is going to take me a little bit of time to adjust my behavior in that regard.
  20. smileyface

    smileyface Banned

    Jul 14, 2011
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    Three times I have told you that I have never mentioned science or science findings. You have placed me on ignore because you can't win a debate with me. You have not had a leg to stand on since we started. You have no answers and zero proof. Like I said earlier all you have is an empty cup.
  21. smileyface

    smileyface Banned

    Jul 14, 2011
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    And we know how to spell Minnie as well. LOL
  22. Incorporeal

    Incorporeal Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
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    There is no debate with anyone who will not acknowledge questions and information. You have lost.
  23. smileyface

    smileyface Banned

    Jul 14, 2011
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    You certainly have a thing about winning and losing. It is a shame. The fact is that I never once mentioned anything science based and you want me to provide that information.
    I can see in nature how things work and they way that they have always and will always work. If you can't see these things I am truly sorry for you.
    I have been asking you from the very start of this debate for any shred of evidence in the real world that god exists. You have yet to provide anything. I have even given you an easy out. I still have a card on my desk that certainly a god so powerful as yours could reveal to you. I still have the card on my desk and you have avoid that question for two days now.
    Just have your god tell you the card. That's all you need do.

    You are absolutely incapable of any evidence that what you believe is true. There is none. When I read your bible I read these tales of wonders beyond the realm of nature. Yet I don't see these happening in reality. I can read about them in your book. But there is nothing in the real world that comes even close to those things mentioned.
    Elisha called down fire to prove god to the pagans and god as it tells me in the book send down fire to consume everything that Elisha asked for and more. Yet I can only read those things. There is no proof no evidence that this occurred or or does occur.
    Enoch and Elijah were just beamed up alive to heaven. I see no evidence. Jesus supposedly raised Lazarus from the dead. Prove that.
    Jesus walked on water it says. Prove that. Show me it was done beyond a fairy tale. Jesus changed water into wine. Do it show me that you have a god at all beyond stories.
    I do not deny that the bibles fantastic stories are overlaid on history but that form of writing goes on even now. Show me that these lapses in the natural order really did happen and by gods hand.
    You can do none of these things. Your god is nonsense as he can't even tell me the card I have selected.
    Yet you are asking information of me that I have never even spoken about. I suggest you find some proof of what you believe or just continue in your childish ways believe the unimaginable as all children do.
  24. dixiehunter

    dixiehunter Banned

    Jun 29, 2010
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    Case proven....God help us all.
  25. Satura

    Satura New Member

    Aug 18, 2011
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    I would have to agree that the Bible is not the most credible historical record. Those who believe that it is are, I think, not giving due heed to the fact that it was not written by post-Renaissance Anglo-Saxons who have no sense of a distinction between Truth and Fact. The Ancient Greeks, Native American cultures, African tribal societies, etc. all "invented" meaningful stories that explained the natural world, even though many of these stories don't stand a snowball's chance in hell of being taken seriously after serious (or even casual) modern scientific scrutiny. Although the bible is monotheistic instead of pagan, I understand a large portion of it as mythological. The old stories are extremely important to me and, obviously, to Christian culture as a whole, and I don't need anybody to "prove" that a (Jewish!) Hebrew man named Emmanuel literally turned water into wine, or raised his friend from the dead. It's the story that counts: a story of unprecedented personal sacrifice that we can and should all learn from.

    For anybody who may be confused as to the difference between Truth and Fact:

    Consider the story of the Good Samaritan. It was a parable. It didn't actually happen. Therefore, it is not Factual. But is it True that anyone and everyone is our neighbor regardless of whether or not they are a social rival, and that we should treat all of our neighbors with charity? Yes. True, but not Factual.

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